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cannot be taken into account in respect to Political Economy; that

the people have become rich; and become poor; under every form of

government; that the only important point is; that its

administration should be good。'

    We are far from desiring to maintain the absolute

preferableness of any one form of government compared with others。

One need only cast a glance at the Southern States of America; to

be convinced that democratic forms of government among people who

are not ripe for them can become the cause of decided

retrogression。 in public prosperity。 One need only look at Russia;

to perceive that people who are yet in a low degree of civilisation

are capable of making most remarkable progress in their national

well…being under an absolute monarchy。 But that in no way proves

that people have become rich; i。e。 have attained the highest degree

of economical well…being; under all forms of government。 History

rather teaches us that such a degree of public well…being; namely;

a flourishing state of manufactures and commerce; has been attained

in those countries only whose political constitution (whether it

bear the name of democratic or aristocratic republic; or limited

monarchy) has secured to their inhabitants a high degree of

personal liberty and of security of property whose administration

has guaranteed to them a high degree of activity and power

successfully to strive for the attainment of their common objects;

and of steady continuity in those endeavours。 For in a state of

highly advanced civilisation; it is not so important that the

administration should be good for a certain period; but that it

should be continuously and conformably good; that the next

administration should not destroy the good work of the former one;

that a thirty years' administration of Colbert should not be

followed by a Revocation of the Edict of Nantes; that for

successive centuries one should follow one and the same system; and

strive after one and the same object。 Only under those political

constitutions in which the national interests are represented (and

not under an absolute Government; under which the State

administration is necessarily always modified according to the

individual will of the ruler) can such a steadiness and consistency

of administration be secured; as Antonio Serra rightly observes。 On

the other hand; there are undoubtedly certain grades of

civilisation in which the administration by absolute power may

prove far more favourable to the economical and mental progress of

the nation (and generally is so) than that of a limited monarchy。

We refer to periods of slavery and serfdom; of barbarism and

superstition; of national disunity; and of caste privileges。 For;

under such circumstances; the constitution tends to secure not only

the interests of the nation; but also the continuance of the

prevailing evils; whereas it is the interest and the nature of

absolute government to destroy the latter; and it is also possible

that an absolute ruler may arise of distinguished power and

sagacity; who may cause the nation to make advances for centuries;

and secure to its nationality existence and progress for all future


    It is consequently only a conditional commonplace truth on the

faith of which J。 B。 Say would exclude politics from his doctrine。

In every case it is the chief desideratum that the administration

should be good; but the efficiency of the administration depends on

the form of government; and that form of government is clearly the

best which most promotes the moral and material welfare and the

future progress of any given nation。 Nations have made some

progress un der all forms of government。 But a high degree of

economical development has only been attained in those nations

whose form of government has been such as to secure to them a high

degree of freedom and power; of steadiness of laws and of policy;

and efficient institutions。

    Antonio Serra sees the nature of things as it actually exists;

and not through the spectacles of previous systems; or of some one

principle which he is determined to advocate and carry out。 He

draws a comparison between the condition of the various States of

Italy; and perceives that the greatest degree of wealth is to be

found where there is extensive commerce; that extensive commerce

exists where there is a well…developed manufacturing power; but

that the latter is to be found where there is municipal freedom。

    The opinions of beccaria are pervaded by the false doctrines of

the physiocratic school。 That author indeed either discovered; or

derived from Aristotle; the principle of the division of labour;

either before; or contemporaneously with; Adam Smith; he; however;

carries it farther than Adam Smith; inasmuch as he not only applies

it to the division of the work in a single manufactory; but shows

that the public welfare is promoted by the division of occupation

among the members of the community。 At the same time he does not

hesitate; with the physiocrats; to assert that manufactures are


    The views of the great philosophical jurist; Filangieri; are

about the narrowest of all。 Imbued with false cosmopolitanism; he

considers that England; by her protective policy; has merely given

a premium to contraband trade; and weakened her own commerce。

    Verri; as a practical statesman; could not err so widely as

that。 He admits the necessity of protection to native industry

against foreign competition; but did not or could not see that such

a policy is conditional on the greatness and unity of the



1。 During a journey in Germany which the author undertook while

this work was in the press; he learned for the first time that

Doctors Von Ranke and Gervinus have criticised Macchiavelli's

Prince from the same point of view as himself。

2。 Everything that Macchiavelli has written; whether before or

after the publication of the Prince; indicates that he was

revolving in his mind plans of this kind。 How otherwise can it be

explained; why he; a civilian; a man of letters; an ambassador and

State official; who had never borne arms; should have occupied

himself so much in studying the art of war; and that he should have

been able to write a work upon it which excited the wonder of the

most distinguished soldiers of his time?

3。 Frederick the Great in his Anti…Macchiavel treats of the Prince

as simply a scientific treatise on the rights and duties of princes

generally。 Here it is remarkable that he; while contradicting

Macchiavelli chapter by chapter; never mentions the last or

twenty…sixth chapter; which bears the heading; 'A Summons to free

Italy from the Foreigners;' and instead of it inserts a chapter

which is not contained in Macchiavelli's work with the heading; 'On

the different kinds of Negotiations; and On the just Reasons for a

Declaration of War。'

4。 First published in the work; Pensieri intorno allo scopo di

Nicolo Macchiavelli nel libro 'Il Principe。' Milano; 1810。

Chapter 29

The Industrial System (Falsely Termed by the School 'The Mercantile


    At the period when great nationalities arose; owing to the

union of entire peoples brought about by hereditary monarchy and by

the centralisation of public power; commerce and navigation; and

hence wealth and naval power; existed for the most part (as we have

before shown) in republics of cities; or in leagues of such

republics。 The more; however; that the institutions of these great

nationalities became developed; the more evident became the

necessity of establishing on their own territories these main

sources of power and of wealth。

    Under the conviction that they could only take root and

flourish under municipal liberty; the royal power favoured

municipal freedom and the establishment of guilds; both which it

regarded as counterpoises against the feudal aristocracy; who were

continually striving for independence; and always hostile to

national unity。 But this expedient appeared insufficient; for one

reason; because the total of the advantages which individuals

enjoyed in the free cities and republics was much greater than the

total of those advantages which the monarchical governments were

able to offer; or chose to offer; in their own municipal cities; in

the second place; because it is very difficult; indeed impossible;

for a country which has always been principally engaged in

agriculture; successfully to displace in free competition those

countries which for centuries have acquired supremacy in

manufactures; commerce; and navigation; lastly; because in the

great monarchies the feudal institutions acted as hindrances to the

development of their internal agriculture; and consequently to the

growth of their internal manufactures。 Hence; the nature of things

led the great monarchies to adopt such political measures as tended

to restrict the importation of foreign manufactured goods; and

foreign commerce and navigation; and to favour the progress of

their own manufactures; and their own commerce and navigation。

    Instead of raising revenue as they had previously done by

duties on the raw materials which they exported; they were

henceforth principally levied on the imported manufactured goods。

The bene
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