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henceforth principally levied on the imported manufactured goods。

The benefits offered by the latter policy stimulated the merchants;

seamen; and manufacturers of more highly civilised cities and

countries to immigrate with their capital into the great

monarchies; and stimulated the spirit of enterprise of the subjects

of the latter。 The growth of the national industry was followed by

the growth of the national freedom。 The feudal aristocracy found it

necessary in their own interest to make concessions to the

industrial and commercial population; as well as to those engaged

in agriculture; hence resulted progress in agriculture as well as

in native industry and native commerce; which had a reciprocally

favourable influence on those two other factors of national wealth。

We have shown how England; in consequence of this system; and

favoured by the Reformation; made forward progress from century to

century in the development of her productive power; freedom; and

might。 We have stated how in France this system was followed for

some time with success; but how it came to grief there; because the

institutions of feudalism; of the priesthood; and of the absolute

monarchy; had not yet been reformed。 We have also shown how the

Polish nationality succumbed; because the elective system of

monarchy did not possess influence and steadiness enough to bring

into existence powerful municipal institutions; and to reform the

feudal aristocracy。 As a result of this policy; there was created

in the place of the commercial and manufacturing city; and of the

agricultural province which chiefly existed outside the political

influence of that city; the agricultural…manufacturing…commercial

State; a nation complete in itself; an harmonious and compact

whole; in which; on the one hand; the formerly prevailing

differences between monarchy; feudal aristocracy; and citizenhood

gave place to one harmonious accord; and; on the other hand; the

closest union and reciprocally beneficial action took place between

agriculture; manufactures; and commerce。 This was an immeasurably

more perfect commonwealth than the previously existing one; because

the manufacturing power; which in the municipal republic had been

confined to a narrow range; now could extend itself over a wider

sphere; because now all existing resources were placed at its

disposition; because the division of labour and the confederation

of the productive powers in the different branches of manufactures;

as well as in agriculture; were made effectual in an infinitely

greater degree; because the numerous classes of agriculturists

became politically and commercially united with the manufacturers

and merchants; and hence perpetual concord was maintained between

them; the reciprocal action between manufacturing and commercial

power was perpetuated and secured for ever; and finally; the

agriculturists were made partakers of all the advantages of

civilisation arising from manufactures and commerce。 The

agricultural…manufacturing…commercial State is like a city which

spreads over a whole kingdom; or a country district raised up to be

a city。 In the same proportion in which material production was

promoted by this union; the mental powers must necessarily have

been developed; the political institutions perfected; the State

revenues; the national military power; and the population;

increased。 Hence we see at this day; that nation which first of all

perfectly developed the agricultural; manufacturing; and commercial

State; standing in these respects at the head of all other nations。

    The Industrial System was not defined in writing; nor was it a

theory devised by authors; it was simply acted upon in practice;

until the time of Stewart; who deduced it for the most part from

the actual English practice; just as Antonio Serra deduced his

system from a consideration of the circumstances of Venice。

Stewart's treatise; however; cannot be considered a scientific

work。 The greater part of it is devoted to money; banking; the

paper circulation  commercial crises  the balance of trade; and

the doctrine of population:  discussions from which even in our

day much may be learned; but which are carried on in a very

illogical and unintelligible way; and in which one and the same

idea is ten times repeated。 The other branches of political economy

are either superficially treated; or passed over altogether。

Neither the productive powers; nor the elements of price; are

thoroughly discussed。 Everywhere the author appears to have in view

only the experiences and circumstances of England。 In a word; his

book possesses all the merits and demerits of the practice of

England; and of that of Colbert。 The merits of the Industrial

System as compared with later ones; are:

    1。 That it clearly recognises the value of native manufactures

and their influence on native agriculture; commerce; and

navigation; and on the civilisation and power of the nation; and

expresses itself unreservedly to that effect。

    2。 That it indicates what is in general the right means whereby

a nation which is qualified for establishing a manufacturing power;

may attain a national industry。(1*)

    3。 That it is based on the idea of 'the nation;' and regarding

the nations as individual entities; everywhere takes into account

the national interests and national conditions。

    On the other hand; this system is chargeable with the following

chief faults:

    1。 That it does not generally recognise the fundamental

principle of the industrial development of the nation and the

conditions under which it can be brought into operation。

    2。 That it consequently would mislead peoples who live in a

climate unsuited for manufacturing; and small and uncivilised

states and peoples; into the adoption of the protective system。

    3。 That it always seeks to apply protection to agriculture; and

especially to the production of raw materials  to the injury of

agriculture  whereas agricultural industry is sufficiently

protected against foreign competition by the nature of things。

    4。 That it seeks to favour manufactures unjustly by imposing

restrictions on the export of raw materials; to the detriment of


    5。 That it does not teach the nation which has already attained

manufacturing and commercial supremacy to preserve her own

manufacturers and merchants from indolence; by permitting free

competition in her own markets。

    6。 That in the exclusive pursuit of the political object; it

ignores the cosmopolitical relations of all nations; the objects of

the whole human race; and hence would mislead governments into a

prohibitory system; where a protective one would amply suffice; or

imposing duties which are practically prohibitory; when moderate

protective duties would better answer the purpose。


    7。 That chiefly owing to his utterly ignoring the principle of

cosmopolitanism; it does not recognise the future union of all

nations; the establishment of perpetual peace; and of universal

freedom of trade; as the goal towards which all nations have to

strive; and more and more to approach。

    The subsequent schools have; however; falsely reproached this

system for considering the precious metals as the sole constituents

of wealth; whereas they are merely merchandise like all other

articles of value; and that hence it would follow that we ought to

sell as much as possible to other nations and to buy from them as

little as possible。

    As respects the former objection; it cannot be truly alleged of

either Colbert's administration or of that of the English since

George I。 that they have attached an unreasonable degree of

importance to the importation of the precious metals。

    To raise their own native manufactures; their own navigation;

their foreign trade; was the aim of their commercial policy; which

indeed was chargeable with many mistakes; but which on the whole

produced important results。 We have observed that since the Methuen

Treaty (1703) the English have annually exported great quantities

of the precious metals to the East Indies; without considering

these exports as prejudicial。

    The Ministers of George I when they prohibited (in 1721) the

importation of the cotton and silk fabrics of India did not assign

as a reason for that measure that a nation ought to sell as much as

possible to the foreigner; and buy as little as possible from him;

that absurd idea was grafted on to the industrial system by a

subsequent school; what they asserted was; that it is evident that

a nation can only attain to wealth and power by the export of its

own manufactured goods; and by the import from abroad of raw

materials and the necessaries of life。 England has followed this

maxim of State policy to the present day; and by following it has

become rich and mighty; this maxim is the only true one for a

nation which has been long civilised; and which has already brought

its own agriculture to a high degree of development。


1。 Stewart says (book 1。 chapter xxix。): 'In order to promote

industry; a nation must act as well as permit; and protect。 Could

ever the woollen manufacture have been introduced into France from

the consideration of the great advantage which England had drawn

from it。 if the king had not undertaken the
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