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was confirmed in this idea by Quesnay; Turgot; and the other

coryphaei of the physiocratic school; whose acquaintance he had

made in a visit to France in the year 1765。

    Smith evidently considered the idea of freedom of trade as an

intellectual discovery which would constitute the foundation of his

literary fame。 How natural; therefore; it was that he should

endeavour in his work to put aside and to refute everything that

stood in the way of that idea; that he should consider himself as

the professed advocate of absolute freedom of trade; and that he

thought and wrote in that spirit。

    How could it be expected; that with such preconceived opinions;

Smith should judge of men and of things; of history and statistics;

of political measures and of their authors; in any other light than

as they confirmed or contradicted his fundamental principle?

    In the passage above quoted from Dugald Stewart; Adam Smith's

whole system is comprised as in a nutshell。 The power of the State

can and ought to do nothing; except to allow justice to be

administered; to impose as little taxation as possible。 Statesmen

who attempt to found a manufacturing power; to promote navigation;

to extend foreign trade; to protect it by naval power; and to found

or to acquire colonies; are in his opinion project makers who only

hinder the progress of the community。 For him no nation exists; but

merely a community; i。e。 a number of individuals dwelling together。

These individuals know best for themselves what branches of

occupation are most to their advantage; and they can best select

for themselves the means which promote their prosperity。

    This entire nullification of nationality and of State power;

this exaltation of individualism to the position of author of all

effective power; could be made plausible only by making the main

object of investigation to be not the power which effects; but the

thing effected; namely; material wealth; or rather the value in

exchange which the thing effected possesses。 Materialism must come

to the aid of individualism; in order to conceal what an enormous

amount of power accrues to individuals from nationality; from

national unity; and from the national confederation of the

productive powers。 A bare theory of values must be made to pass

current as national economy; because individuals alone produce

values; and the State; incapable of creating values; must limit its

operations to calling into activity; protecting; and promoting the

productive powers of individuals。 In this combination; the

quintessence of political economy may be stated as follows; viz。:

Wealth consists in the possession of objects of exchangeable value;

objects of exchangeable value are produced by the labour of

individuals in combination with the powers of nature and with

capital。 By the division of labour; the productiveness of the

labour is increased; capital is accumulated by savings; by

production exceeding consumption。 The greater the total amount of

capital; so much the greater is the division of labour; and hence

the capacity to produce。 Private interest is the most effectual

stimulus to labour and to economy。 Therefore the highest wisdom of

statecraft consists in placing no obstacle in the way of private

industry; and in caring only for the good administration of

justice。 And hence also it is folly to induce the subjects of a

State; by means of State legislative measures; to produce for them

selves anything which they can buy cheaper from abroad。 A system so

consistent as this is; which sets forth the elements of wealth;

which so clearly explains the process of its production; and

apparently so completely exposes the errors of the previous

schools; could not fail; in default of any other; to meet with

acceptance。 The mistake has been simply; that this system at bottom

is nothing else than a system of the private economy of all the

individual persons in a country; or of the individuals of the whole

human race; as that economy would develop and shape itself; under

a state of things in which there were no distinct nations;

nationalities; or national interests  no distinctive political

constitutions or degrees of civilisation  no wars or national

animosities; that it is nothing more than a theory of values; a

mere shopkeeper's or individual merchant's theory  not a

scientific doctrine; showing how the productive powers of an entire

nation can be called into existence; increased; maintained; and

preserved  for the special benefit of its civilisation; welfare;

might; continuance; and independence。

    This system regards everything from the shopkeeper's point of

view。 The value of anything is wealth; according to it; so its sole

object is to gain values。 The establishment of powers of

production; it leaves to chance; to nature; or to the providence of

God (whichever you please); only the State must have nothing at all

to do with it; nor must politics venture to meddle with the

business of accumulating exchangeable values。 It is resolved to buy

wherever it can find the cheapest articles  that the home

manufactories are ruined by their importation; matters not to it。

If foreign nations give a bounty on the export of their

manufactured goods; so much the better; it can buy them so much the

cheaper。 In its view no class is productive save those who actually

produce things valuable in exchange。 It well recognises how the

division of labour promotes the success of a business in detail;

but it has no perception of the effect of the division of labour as

affecting a whole nation。 It knows that only by individual economy

can it increase its capital; and that only in proportion to the

increase in its capital can it extend its individual trades; but it

sets no value on the increase of the productive power; which

results from the establishment of native manufactories; or on the

foreign trade and national power which arise out of that increase。

What may become of the entire nation in the future; is to it a

matter of perfect indifference; so long as private individuals can

gain wealth。 It takes notice merely of the rent yielded by land;

but pays no regard to the value of landed property; it does not

perceive that the greatest part of the wealth of a nation consists

in the value of its land and its fixed property。 For the influence

of foreign trade on the value and price of landed property; and for

the fluctuations and calamities thence arising; it cares not a

straw。 In short; this system is the strictest and most consistent

'mercantile system;' and it is incomprehensible how that term could

have been applied to the system of Colbert; the main tendency of

which is towards an 'industrial system' …i。e。 a system which has

solely in view the founding of a national industry  a national

commerce  without regarding the temporary gains or losses of

values in exchange。

    Notwithstanding; we would by no means deny the great merits of

Adam Smith。 He was the first who successfully applied the

analytical method to political economy。 By means of that method and

an unusual degree of sagacity; he threw light on the most important

branches of the science; which were previously almost wholly

obscure。 Before Adam Smith only a practice existed; his works

rendered it possible to constitute a science of political economy;

and he has contributed a greater amount of materials for that

object than all his predecessors or successors。

    But that very peculiarity of his mind by which; in analysing

the various constituent parts of political economy; he rendered

such important service; was the cause why he did not take a

comprehensive view of the community in its entirety; that he was

unable to combine individual interests in one harmonious whole;

that he would not consider the nation in preference to mere

individuals; that out of mere anxiety for the freedom of action of

the individual producers; he lost sight of the interests of the

entire nation。 He who so clearly perceived the benefits of the

division of labour in a single manufactory; did not perceive that

the same principle is applicable with equal force to entire

provinces and nations。

    With this opinion; that which Dugald Stewart says of him

exactly agrees。 Smith could judge individual traits of character

with extraordinary acuteness; but if an opinion was needed as to

the entire character of a man or of a book; one could not be

sufficiently astonished at the narrowness and obliquity of his

views。 Nay; he was incapable of forming a correct estimate of the

character of those with whom he had lived for many years in the

most intimate friendship。 'The portrait;' says his biographer; 'was

ever full of life and expression; and had a strong resemblance to

the original if one compared it with the original from a certain

point of view; but it never gave a true and perfect representation

according to all its dimensions and circumstances。'

Chapter 32

The System of Values of Exchange (Continued)  Jean Baptiste Say

and his School

    This author on the whole has merely endeavoured to systematise;

to elucidate; and to popularise; the materials which Adam Smith had

gathered together after an irregular fashion。 In that he has

perfectly succeeded; inasmuch as he possessed in a high degree the

gift of systematisation a
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