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‘She was very frightened of her cruel husband,but she sus… pected that he was responsible for Sir Charles’ death.She knew about the hound,and when Selden died she guessed that the hound had killed him.She knew her husband had the hound at their house on the night Sir Henry came to dinner.They argued about the hound that evening,and as they argued Stapleton told her about Mrs Lyons.Any love she had for her husband disappeared at that moment.He knew that she want… ed to help Sir Henry,so he beat her and tied her up.

‘He probably hoped that when he inherited the Baskerville lands,she would love him again.He certainly thought that she would keep silent if she became Lady Baskerville.But I think he was wrong.He had been too cruel to her.She could not for… give him or love him again,nor,I think,allow him to enjoy the results of his crime.

‘Of course,he could not frighten Sir Henry in the same way as Sir Charles.Sir Henry was a young and healthy man.So he kept the hound hungry.He knew that the animal would either kill Sir Henry or would hurt him so badly that it would be easy to complete the murder.’

I had one last question for Holmes.‘But Stapleton was living so close to Baskerville Hall and using a false name.It looked very strange.How would he explain that to the police,if after Sir Henry's death he then inherited the Baskerville lands and fortune?’

‘I don't know how he planned to explain the false name and why he was living at Pen House,’said Holmes.‘I can only say that he was a very clever man.I am sure he had thought of an answer to the problem.

‘But that's enough work for the evening,Watson.I have two tickets for the theatre.If we get ready now,we shall have time to stop at my favourite restaurant for some dinner on the way.’


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