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that Plato meant this law peculiarly to that commonwealth which he

had imagined; and to no other; is evident。  Why was he not else a

lawgiver to himself; but a transgressor; and to be expelled by his

own magistrates; both for the wanton epigrams and dialogues which

he made; and his perpetual reading of Sophron Mimus and

Aristophanes; books of grossest infamy; and also for commending the

latter of them; though he were the malicious libeller of his chief

friends; to be read by the tyrant Dionysius; who had little need of

such trash to spend his time on?  But that he knew this licensing

of poems had reference and dependence to many other provisos there

set down in his fancied republic; which in this world could have no

place: and so neither he himself; nor any magistrate or city; ever

imitated that course; which; taken apart from those other

collateral injunctions; must needs be vain and fruitless。  For if

they fell upon one kind of strictness; unless their care were equal

to regulate all other things of like aptness to corrupt the mind;

that single endeavour they knew would be but a fond labour; to shut

and fortify one gate against corruption; and be necessitated to

leave others round about wide open。

If we think to regulate printing; thereby to rectify manners; we

must regulate all recreation and pastimes; all that is delightful

to man。  No music must be heard; no song be set or sung; but what

is grave and Doric。  There must be licensing dancers; that no

gesture; motion; or deportment be taught our youth but what by

their allowance shall be thought honest; for such Plato was

provided of。  It will ask more than the work of twenty licensers to

examine all the lutes; the violins; and the guitars in every house;

they must not be suffered to prattle as they do; but must be

licensed what they may say。  And who shall silence all the airs and

madrigals that whisper softness in chambers?  The windows also; and

the balconies must be thought on; there are shrewd books; with

dangerous frontispieces; set to sale; who shall prohibit them;

shall twenty licensers?  The villages also must have their visitors

to inquire what lectures the bagpipe and the rebeck reads; even to

the ballatry and the gamut of every municipal fiddler; for these

are the countryman's Arcadias; and his Monte Mayors。

Next; what more national corruption; for which England hears ill

abroad; than household gluttony: who shall be the rectors of our

daily rioting?  And what shall be done to inhibit the multitudes

that frequent those houses where drunkenness is sold and harboured? 

Our garments also should be referred to the licensing of some more

sober workmasters to see them cut into a less wanton garb。  Who

shall regulate all the mixed conversation of our youth; male and

female together; as is the fashion of this country?  Who shall

still appoint what shall be discoursed; what presumed; and no

further?  Lastly; who shall forbid and separate all idle resort;

all evil company?  These things will be; and must be; but how they

shall be least hurtful; how least enticing; herein consists the

grave and governing wisdom of a state。

To sequester out of the world into Atlantic and Utopian polities;

which never can be drawn into use; will not mend our condition; but

to ordain wisely as in this world of evil; in the midst whereof God

hath placed us unavoidably。  Nor is it Plato's licensing of books

will do this; which necessarily pulls along with it so many other

kinds of licensing; as will make us all both ridiculous and weary;

and yet frustrate; but those unwritten; or at least unconstraining;

laws of virtuous education; religious and civil nurture; which

Plato there mentions as the bonds and ligaments of the

commonwealth; the pillars and the sustainers of every written

statute; these they be which will bear chief sway in such matters

as these; when all licensing will be easily eluded。  Impunity and

remissness; for certain; are the bane of a commonwealth; but here

the great art lies; to discern in what the law is to bid restraint

and punishment; and in what things persuasion only is to work。

If every action; which is good or evil in man at ripe years; were

to be under pittance and prescription and compulsion; what were

virtue but a name; what praise could be then due to well…doing;

what gramercy to be sober; just; or continent?  Many there be that

complain of divine Providence for suffering Adam to transgress;

foolish tongues!  When God gave him reason; he gave him freedom to

choose; for reason is but choosing; he had been else a mere

artificial Adam; such an Adam as he is in the motions。  We

ourselves esteem not of that obedience; or love; or gift; which is

of force: God therefore left him free; set before him a provoking

object; ever almost in his eyes; herein consisted his merit; herein

the right of his reward; the praise of his abstinence。  Wherefore

did he create passions within us; pleasures round about us; but

that these rightly tempered are the very ingredients of virtue?

They are not skilful considerers of human things; who imagine to

remove sin by removing the matter of sin; for; besides that it is

a huge heap increasing under the very act of diminishing; though

some part of it may for a time be withdrawn from some persons; it

cannot from all; in such a universal thing as books are; and when

this is done; yet the sin remains entire。  Though ye take from a

covetous man all his treasure; he has yet one jewel left; ye cannot

bereave him of his covetousness。  Banish all objects of lust; shut

up all youth into the severest discipline that can be exercised in

any hermitage; ye cannot make them chaste; that came not hither so;

such great care and wisdom is required to the right managing of

this point。  Suppose we could expel sin by this means; look how

much we thus expel of sin; so much we expel of virtue: for the

matter of them both is the same; remove that; and ye remove them

both alike。

This justifies the high providence of God; who; though he command

us temperance; justice; continence; yet pours out before us; even

to a profuseness; all desirable things; and gives us minds that can

wander beyond all limit and satiety。  Why should we then affect a

rigour contrary to the manner of God and of nature; by abridging or

scanting those means; which books freely permitted are; both to the

trial of virtue and the exercise of truth?  It would be better

done; to learn that the law must needs be frivolous; which goes to

restrain things; uncertainly and yet equally working to good and to

evil。  And were I the chooser; a dream of well…doing should be

preferred before many times as much the forcible hindrance of evil…

doing。  For God sure esteems the growth and completing of one

virtuous person more than the restraint of ten vicious。

And albeit whatever thing we hear or see; sitting; walking;

travelling; or conversing; may be fitly called our book; and is of

the same effect that writings are; yet grant the thing to be

prohibited were only books; it appears that this Order hitherto is

far insufficient to the end which it intends。  Do we not see; not

once or oftener; but weekly; that continued court…libel against the

Parliament and City; printed; as the wet sheets can witness; and

dispersed among us; for all that licensing can do?  Yet this is the

prime service a man would think; wherein this Order should give

proof of itself。  If it were executed; you'll say。  But certain; if

execution be remiss or blindfold now; and in this particular; what

will it be hereafter and in other books?  If then the Order shall

not be vain and frustrate; behold a new labour; Lords and Commons;

ye must repeal and proscribe all scandalous and unlicensed books

already printed and divulged; after ye have drawn them up into a

list; that all may know which are condemned; and which not; and

ordain that no foreign books be delivered out of custody; till they

have been read over。  This office will require the whole time of

not a few overseers; and those no vulgar men。  There be also books

which are partly useful and excellent; partly culpable and

pernicious; this work will ask as many more officials; to make

expurgations and expunctions; that the commonwealth of learning be

not damnified。  In fine; when the multitude of books increase upon

their hands; ye must be fain to catalogue all those printers who

are found frequently offending; and forbid the importation of their

whole suspected typography。  In a word; that this your Order may be

exact and not deficient; ye must reform it perfectly according to

the model of Trent and Seville; which I know ye abhor to do。

Yet though ye should condescend to this; which God forbid; the

Order still would be but fruitless and defective to that end

whereto ye meant it。  If to prevent sects and schisms; who is so

unread or so uncatechized in story; that hath not heard of many

sects refusing books as a hindrance; and preserving their doctrine

unmixed for many ages; only by unwritten traditions?  The Christian

faith; for that was once a schism; is not unknown to have spread

all over Asia; ere any Gospel or Epistle was seen in writing。  If

the amendment of manners be aimed at; look into Italy and Spain;

whether those places be one scruple the better; the honester; the

wiser; the chaster; since all the inquisitional rigour that hath

been executed upon books。

Another reason; whereby to make it plain that this Order will

miss the end it seeks; consider by the quality which ought to be in

every licenser。  It cannot be denied but that he who is made judge

to sit upon the birth or death of books; whether they may be wafted

into this world or not; had need to be a man above the common

measure; both studious; learned; and judicious; there may be else

no mean mistakes in the censure of what is passable or not; which

is also no mean
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