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no mean mistakes in the censure of what is passable or not; which

is also no mean injury。  If he be of such worth as behooves him;

there cannot be a more tedious and unpleasing journey…work; a

greater loss of time levied upon his head; than to be made the

perpetual reader of unchosen books and pamphlets; ofttimes huge

volumes。  There is no book that is acceptable unless at certain

seasons; but to be enjoined the reading of that at all times; and

in a hand scarce legible; whereof three pages would not down at any

time in the fairest print; is an imposition which I cannot believe

how he that values time and his own studies; or is but of a

sensible nostril; should be able to endure。  In this one thing I

crave leave of the present licensers to be pardoned for so

thinking; who doubtless took this office up; looking on it through

their obedience to the Parliament; whose command perhaps made all

things seem easy and unlaborious to them; but that this short trial

hath wearied them out already; their own expressions and excuses to

them who make so many journeys to solicit their licence are

testimony enough。  Seeing therefore those who now possess the

employment by all evident signs wish themselves well rid of it; and

that no man of worth; none that is not a plain unthrift of his own

hours; is ever likely to succeed them; except he mean to put

himself to the salary of a press corrector; we may easily foresee

what kind of licensers we are to expect hereafter; either ignorant;

imperious; and remiss; or basely pecuniary。  This is what I had to

show; wherein this Order cannot conduce to that end whereof it

bears the intention。

I lastly proceed from the no good it can do; to the manifest hurt

it causes; in being first the greatest discouragement and affront

that can be offered to learning; and to learned men。

It was the complaint and lamentation of prelates; upon every

least breath of a motion to remove pluralities; and distribute more

equally Church revenues; that then all learning would be for ever

dashed and discouraged。  But as for that opinion; I never found

cause to think that the tenth part of learning stood or fell with

the clergy: nor could I ever but hold it for a sordid and unworthy

speech of any churchman who had a competency left him。  If

therefore ye be loath to dishearten utterly and discontent; not the

mercenary crew of false pretenders to learning; but the free and

ingenuous sort of such as evidently were born to study; and love

learning for itself; not for lucre or any other end but the service

of God and of truth; and perhaps that lasting fame and perpetuity

of praise which God and good men have consented shall be the reward

of those whose published labours advance the good of mankind; then

know that; so far to distrust the judgment and the honesty of one

who hath but a common repute in learning; and never yet offended;

as not to count him fit to print his mind without a tutor and

examiner; lest he should drop a schism; or something of corruption;

is the greatest displeasure and indignity to a free and knowing

spirit that can be put upon him。

What advantage is it to be a man; over it is to be a boy at

school; if we have only escaped the ferula to come under the fescue

of an Imprimatur; if serious and elaborate writings; as if they

were no more than the theme of a grammar…lad under his pedagogue;

must not be uttered without the cursory eyes of a temporizing and

extemporizing licenser?  He who is not trusted with his own

actions; his drift not being known to be evil; and standing to the

hazard of law and penalty; has no great argument to think himself

reputed in the Commonwealth wherein he was born for other than a

fool or a foreigner。  When a man writes to the world; he summons up

all his reason and deliberation to assist him; he searches;

meditates; is industrious; and likely consults and confers with his

judicious friends; after all which done he takes himself to be

informed in what he writes; as well as any that writ before him。 

If; in this the most consummate act of his fidelity and ripeness;

no years; no industry; no former proof of his abilities can bring

him to that state of maturity; as not to be still mistrusted and

suspected; unless he carry all his considerate diligence; all his

midnight watchings and expense of Palladian oil; to the hasty view

of an unleisured licenser; perhaps much his younger; perhaps his

inferior in judgment; perhaps one who never knew the labour of

bookwriting; and if he be not repulsed or slighted; must appear in

print like a puny with his guardian; and his censor's hand on the

back of his title to be his bail and surety that he is no idiot or

seducer; it cannot be but a dishonour and derogation to the author;

to the book; to the privilege and dignity of learning。

And what if the author shall be one so copious of fancy; as to

have many things well worth the adding come into his mind after

licensing; while the book is yet under the press; which not seldom

happens to the best and diligentest writers; and that perhaps a

dozen times in one book?  The printer dares not go beyond his

licensed copy; so often then must the author trudge to his leave…

giver; that those his new insertions may be viewed; and many a

jaunt will be made; ere that licenser; for it must be the same man;

can either be found; or found at leisure; meanwhile either the

press must stand still; which is no small damage; or the author

lose his accuratest thoughts; and send the book forth worse than he

had made it; which to a diligent writer is the greatest melancholy

and vexation that can befall。

And how can a man teach with authority; which is the life of

teaching; how can he be a doctor in his book as he ought to be; or

else had better be silent; whenas all he teaches; all he delivers;

is but under the tuition; under the correction of his patriarchal

licenser to blot or alter what precisely accords not with the

hidebound humour which he calls his judgment?  When every acute

reader; upon the first sight of a pedantic licence; will be ready

with these like words to ding the book a quoit's distance from him:

I hate a pupil teacher; I endure not an instructor that comes to me

under the wardship of an overseeing fist。  I know nothing of the

licenser; but that I have his own hand here for his arrogance; who

shall warrant me his judgment?  The State; sir; replies the

stationer; but has a quick return: The State shall be my governors;

but not my critics; they may be mistaken in the choice of a

licenser; as easily as this licenser may be mistaken in an author;

this is some common stuff; and he might add from Sir Francis Bacon;


For though a licenser should happen to be judicious more than

ordinary; which will be a great jeopardy of the next succession;

yet his very office and his commission enjoins him to let pass

nothing but what is vulgarly received already。

Nay; which is more lamentable; if the work of any deceased

author; though never so famous in his lifetime and even to this

day; come to their hands for licence to be printed; or reprinted;

if there be found in his book one sentence of a venturous edge;

uttered in the height of zeal (and who knows whether it might not

be the dictate of a divine spirit?) yet not suiting with every low

decrepit humour of their own; though it were Knox himself; the

reformer of a kingdom; that spake it; they will not pardon him

their dash: the sense of that great man shall to all posterity be

lost; for the fearfulness or the presumptuous rashness of a

perfunctory licenser。  And to what an author this violence hath

been lately done; and in what book of greatest consequence to be

faithfully published; I could now instance; but shall forbear till

a more convenient season。

Yet if these things be not resented seriously and timely by them

who have the remedy in their power; but that such iron…moulds as

these shall have authority to gnaw out the choicest periods of

exquisitest books; and to commit such a treacherous fraud against

the orphan remainders of worthiest men after death; the more sorrow

will belong to that hapless race of men; whose misfortune it is to

have understanding。  Henceforth let no man care to learn; or care

to be more than worldly…wise; for certainly in higher matters to be

ignorant and slothful; to be a common steadfast dunce; will be the

only pleasant life; and only in request。

And it is a particular disesteem of every knowing person alive;

and most injurious to the written labours and monuments of the

dead; so to me it seems an undervaluing and vilifying of the whole

nation。  I cannot set so light by all the invention; the art; the

wit; the grave and solid judgment which is in England; as that it

can be comprehended in any twenty capacities how good soever; much

less that it should not pass except their superintendence be over

it; except it be sifted and strained with their strainers; that it

should be uncurrent without their manual stamp。  Truth and

understanding are not such wares as to be monopolized and traded in

by tickets and statutes and standards。  We must not think to make

a staple commodity of all the knowledge in the land; to mark and

licence it like our broadcloth and our woolpacks。  What is it but

a servitude like that imposed by the Philistines; not to be allowed

the sharpening of our own axes and coulters; but we must repair

from all quarters to twenty licensing forges?  Had anyone written

and divulged erroneous things and scandalous to honest life;

misusing and forfeiting the esteem had of his reason among men; if

after conviction this only censure were adjudged him that he should

never henceforth write but what were first examined by an appointed

officer; whose hand should be annexed to pass his credit for him

that now he might be safely 
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