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officer; whose hand should be annexed to pass his credit for him

that now he might be safely read; it could not be apprehended less

than a disgraceful punishment。  Whence to include the whole nation;

and those that never yet thus offended; under such a diffident and

suspectful prohibition; may plainly be understood what a

disparagement it is。  So much the more; whenas debtors and

delinquents may walk abroad without a keeper; but unoffensive books

must not stir forth without a visible jailer in their title。

Nor is it to the common people less than a reproach; for if we be

so jealous over them; as that we dare not trust them with an

English pamphlet; what do we but censure them for a giddy; vicious;

and ungrounded people; in such a sick and weak state of faith and

discretion; as to be able to take nothing down but through the pipe

of a licenser?  That this is care or love of them; we cannot

pretend; whenas; in those popish places where the laity are most

hated and despised; the same strictness is used over them。  Wisdom

we cannot call it; because it stops but one breach of licence; nor

that neither: whenas those corruptions; which it seeks to prevent;

break in faster at other doors which cannot be shut。

And in conclusion it reflects to the disrepute of our ministers

also; of whose labours we should hope better; and of the

proficiency which their flock reaps by them; than that after all

this light of the Gospel which is; and is to be; and all this

continual preaching; they should still be frequented with such an

unprincipled; unedified and laic rabble; as that the whiff of every

new pamphlet should stagger them out of their catechism and

Christian walking。  This may have much reason to discourage the

ministers when such a low conceit is had of all their exhortations;

and the benefiting of their hearers; as that they are not thought

fit to be turned loose to three sheets of paper without a licenser;

that all the sermons; all the lectures preached; printed; vented in

such numbers; and such volumes; as have now well nigh made all

other books unsaleable; should not be armour enough against one

single Enchiridion; without the castle of St。 Angelo of an


And lest some should persuade ye; Lords and Commons; that these

arguments of learned men's discouragement at this your Order are

mere flourishes; and not real; I could recount what I have seen and

heard in other countries; where this kind of inquisition

tyrannizes; when I have sat among their learned men; for that

honour I had; and been counted happy to be born in such a place of

philosophic freedom; as they supposed England was; while themselves

did nothing but bemoan the servile condition into which learning

amongst them was brought; that this was it which had damped the

glory of Italian wits; that nothing had been there written now

these many years but flattery and fustian。  There it was that I

found and visited the famous Galileo; grown old; a prisoner to the

Inquisition; for thinking in astronomy otherwise than the

Franciscan and Dominican licensers thought。  And though I knew that

England then was groaning loudest under the prelatical yoke;

nevertheless I took it as a pledge of future happiness; that other

nations were so persuaded of her liberty。  Yet was it beyond my

hope that those worthies were then breathing in her air; who should

be her leaders to such a deliverance; as shall never be forgotten

by any revolution of time that this world hath to finish。  When

that was once begun; it was as little in my fear that what words of

complaint I heard among learned men of other parts uttered against

the Inquisition; the same I should hear by as learned men at home;

uttered in time of Parliament against an order of licensing; and

that so generally that; when I had disclosed myself a companion of

their discontent; I might say; if without envy; that he whom an

honest quaestorship had endeared to the Sicilians was not more by

them importuned against Verres; than the favourable opinion which

I had among many who honour ye; and are known and respected by ye;

loaded me with entreaties and persuasions; that I would not despair

to lay together that which just reason should bring into my mind;

toward the removal of an undeserved thraldom upon learning。  That

this is not therefore the disburdening of a particular fancy; but

the common grievance of all those who had prepared their minds and

studies above the vulgar pitch to advance truth in others; and from

others to entertain it; thus much may satisfy。

And in their name I shall for neither friend nor foe conceal what

the general murmur is; that if it come to inquisitioning again and

licensing; and that we are so timorous of ourselves; and so

suspicious of all men; as to fear each book and the shaking of

every leaf; before we know what the contents are; if some who but

of late were little better than silenced from preaching shall come

now to silence us from reading; except what they please; it cannot

be guessed what is intended by some but a second tyranny over

learning: and will soon put it out of controversy; that bishops and

presbyters are the same to us; both name and thing。  That those

evils of prelaty; which before from five or six and twenty sees

were distributively charged upon the whole people; will now light

wholly upon learning; is not obscure to us: whenas now the pastor

of a small unlearned parish on the sudden shall be exalted

archbishop over a large diocese of books; and yet not remove; but

keep his other cure too; a mystical pluralist。  He who but of late

cried down the sole ordination of every novice Bachelor of Art; and

denied sole jurisdiction over the simplest parishioner; shall now

at home in his private chair assume both these over worthiest and

excellentest books and ablest authors that write them。

This is not; ye Covenants and Protestations that we have made!

this is not to put down prelaty; this is but to chop an episcopacy;

this is but to translate the Palace Metropolitan from one kind of

dominion into another; this is but an old canonical sleight of

commuting our penance。  To startle thus betimes at a mere

unlicensed pamphlet will after a while be afraid of every

conventicle; and a while after will make a conventicle of every

Christian meeting。  But I am certain that a State governed by the

rules of justice and fortitude; or a Church built and founded upon

the rock of faith and true knowledge; cannot be so pusillanimous。 

While things are yet not constituted in religion; that freedom of

writing should be restrained by a discipline imitated from the

prelates and learnt by them from the Inquisition; to shut us up all

again into the breast of a licenser; must needs give cause of doubt

and discouragement to all learned and religious men。

Who cannot but discern the fineness of this politic drift; and

who are the contrivers; that while bishops were to be baited down;

then all presses might be open; it was the people's birthright and

privilege in time of Parliament; it was the breaking forth of

light。  But now; the bishops abrogated and voided out of the

Church; as if our Reformation sought no more but to make room for

others into their seats under another name; the episcopal arts

begin to bud again; the cruse of truth must run no more oil;

liberty of printing must be enthralled again under a prelatical

commission of twenty; the privilege of the people nullified; and;

which is worse; the freedom of learning must groan again; and to

her old fetters: all this the Parliament yet sitting。  Although

their own late arguments and defences against the prelates might

remember them; that this obstructing violence meets for the most

part with an event utterly opposite to the end which it drives at:

instead of suppressing sects and schisms; it raises them and

invests them with a reputation。   The punishing of wits enhances

their authority; saith the Viscount St。 Albans;  and a forbidden

writing is thought to be a certain spark of truth that flies up in

the faces of them who seek to tread it out。  This Order;

therefore; may prove a nursing…mother to sects; but I shall easily

show how it will be a step…dame to Truth: and first by disenabling

us to the maintenance of what is known already。

Well knows he who uses to consider; that our faith and knowledge

thrives by exercise; as well as our limbs and complexion。  Truth is

compared in Scripture to a streaming fountain; if her waters flow

not in a perpetual progression; they sicken into a muddy pool of

conformity and tradition。  A man may be a heretic in the truth; and

if he believe things only because his pastor says so; or the

Assembly so determines; without knowing other reason; though his

belief be true; yet the very truth he holds becomes his heresy。

There is not any burden that some would gladlier post off to

another than the charge and care of their religion。  There bewho

knows not that there be?of Protestants and professors who live

and die in as arrant an implicit faith as any lay Papist of

Loretto。  A wealthy man; addicted to his pleasure and to his

profits; finds religion to be a traffic so entangled; and of so

many piddling accounts; that of all mysteries he cannot skill to

keep a stock going upon that trade。  What should he do? fain he

would have the name to be religious; fain he would bear up with his

neighbours in that。  What does he therefore; but resolves to give

over toiling; and to find himself out some factor; to whose care

and credit he may commit the whole managing of his religious

affairs; some divine of note and estimation that must be。  To him

he adheres; resigns the whole warehouse of his religion; with all

the locks and keys; into his custody; and indeed makes the very

person of that man his religion; esteems his associating with him

a sufficient evidence and commendatory of his own piety。
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