letters to dead authors-第17部分
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ly with the dogs that are having their day; you can throw a bone or a crust to the dog that has had his; and has been taught that it is over and ended。 Yourself not unlearned in shame; in jealousy; in endurance of the wanton pride of men (how could the poor player and the husband of Celimene be untaught in that experience?); you never sided quite heartily; as other comedians have done; with young prosperity and rank and power。
I am not the first who has dared to approach you in the Shades; for just after your own death the author of 〃Les Dialogues des Morts〃 gave you Paracelsus as a companion; and the author of 〃Le Jugement de Pluton〃 made the 〃mighty warder〃 decide that 〃Moliere should not talk philosophy。〃 These writers; like most of us; feel that; after all; the comedies of the Contemplateur; of the translator of Lucretius; are a philosophy of life in themselves; and that in them we read the lessons of human experience writ small and clear。
What comedian but Moliere has combined with such depthswith the indignation of Alceste; the self…deception of Tartufe; the blasphemy of Don Juansuch wildness of irresponsible mirth; such humour; such wit! Even now; when more than two hundred years have sped by; when so much water has flowed under the bridges and has borne away so many trifles of contemporary mirth (cetera fluminis ritu feruntur); even now we never laugh so well as when Mascarille and Vadius and M。 Jourdain tread the boards in the Maison de Moliere。 Since those mobile dark brows of yours ceased to make men laugh; since your voice denounced the 〃demoniac〃 manner of contemporary tragedians; I take leave to think that no player has been more worthy to wear the canons of Mascarille or the gown of Vadius than M。 Coquelin of the Comedie Francaise。 In him you have a successor to your Mascarille so perfect; that the ghosts of playgoers of your date might cry; could they see him; that Moliere had come again。 But; with all respect to the efforts of the fair; I doubt if Mdlle。 Barthet; or Mdme。 Croizette herself; would reconcile the town to the loss of the fair De Brie; and Madeleine; and the first; the true Celimene; Armande。 Yet had you ever so merry a soubrette as Mdme。 Samary; so exquisite a Nicole?
Denounced; persecuted; and buried hugger…mugger two hundred years ago; you are now not over…praised; but more worshipped; with more servility and ostentation; studied with more prying curiosity than you may approve。 Are not the Molieristes a body who carry adoration to fanaticism? Any scrap of your handwriting (so few are these); any anecdote even remotely touching on your life; any fact that may prove your house was numbered 15 not 22; is eagerly seized and discussed by your too minute historians。 Concerning your private life; these men often speak more like malicious enemies than friends; repeating the fabulous scandals of Le Boulanger; and trying vainly to support them by grubbing in dusty parish registers。 It is most necessary to defend you from your friendsfrom such friends as the veteran and inveterate M。 Arsene Houssaye; or the industrious but puzzle…headed M。 Loiseleur。 Truly they seek the living among the dead; and the immortal Moliere among the sweepings of attorneys' offices。 As I regard them (for I have tarried in their tents) and as I behold their trivialitiesthe exercises of men who neglect Moliere's works to gossip about Moliere's great…grand…mother's second…best bedI sometimes wish that Moliere were here to write on his devotees a new comedy; 〃Les Molieristes。〃 How fortunate were they; Monsieur; who lived and worked with you; who saw you day by day; who were attached; as Lagrange tells us; by the kindest loyalty to the best and most honourable of men; the most open…handed in friendship; in charity the most delicate; of the heartiest sympathy! Ah; that for one day I could behold you; writing in the study; rehearsing on the stage; musing in the lace…seller's shop; strolling through the Palais; turning over the new books at Billaine's; dusting your ruffles among the old volumes on the sunny stalls。 Would that; through the ages; we could hear you after supper; merry with Boileau; and with Racine;not yet a traitor;laughing over Chapelain; combining to gird at him in an epigram; or mocking at Cotin; or talking your favourite philosophy; mindful of Descartes。 Surely of all the wits none was ever so good a man; none ever made life so rich with humour and friendship。
LETTERTo Robert Burns
Sir;Among men of Genius; and especially among Poets; there are some to whom we turn with a peculiar and unfeigned affection; there are others whom we admire rather than love。 By some we are won with our will; by others conquered against our desire。 It has been your peculiar fortune to capture the hearts of a whole peoplea people not usually prone to praise; but devoted with a personal and patriotic loyalty to you and to your reputation。 In you every Scot who IS a Scot sees; admires; and compliments Himself; his ideal selfindependent; fond of whisky; fonder of the lassies; you are the true representative of him and of his nation。 Next year will be the hundredth since the press of Kilmarnock brought to light its solitary masterpiece; your Poems; and next year; therefore; methinks; the revenue will receive a welcome accession from the abundance of whisky drunk in your honour。 It is a cruel thing for any of your countrymen to feel that; where all the rest love; he can only admire; where all the rest are idolators; he may not bend the knee; but stands apart and beats upon his breast; observing; not adoringa critic。 Yet to some of uspetty souls; perhaps; and enviousthat loud indiscriminating praise of 〃Robbie Burns〃 (for so they style you in their Change…house familiarity) has long been ungrateful; and; among the treasures of your songs; we venture to select and even to reject。 So it must be! We cannot all love Haggis; nor 〃painch; tripe; and thairm;〃 and all those rural dainties which you celebrate as 〃warm…reekin; rich!〃 〃Rather too rich;〃 as the Young Lady said on an occasion recorded by Sam Weller。
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware That jaups in luggies; But; if ye wish her gratefu' prayer; Gie her a Haggis!
You HAVE given her a Haggis; with a vengeance; and her 〃gratefu' prayer〃 is yours for ever。 But if even an eternity of partridge may pall on the epicure; so of Haggis too; as of all earthly delights; cometh satiety at last。 And yet what a glorious Haggis it isthe more emphatically rustic and even Fescennine part of your verse! We have had many a rural bard since Theocritus 〃watched the visionary flocks;〃 but you are the only one of them all who has spoken the sincere Doric。 Yours is the talk of the byre and the plough…tail; yours is that large utterance of the early hinds。 Even Theocritus minces matters; save where Lacon and Comatas quite out…do the swains of Ayrshire。 〃But thee; Theocritus; wha matches?〃 you ask; and yourself out…match him in this wide rude region; trodden only by the rural Muse。 〃THY rural loves are nature's sel';〃 and the wooer of Jean Armour speaks more like a true shepherd than the elegant Daphnis of the 〃Oaristys。〃
Indeed it is with this that moral critics of your life reproach you; forgetting; perhaps; that in your amours you were but as other Scotch ploughmen and shepherds of the past and present。 Ettrick may still; with Afghanistan; offer matter for idylls; as Mr。 Carlyle (your antithesis; and the complement of the Scotch character) supposed; but the morals of Ettrick are those of rural Sicily in old days; or of Mossgiel in your days。 Over these matters the Kirk; with all her power; and the Free Kirk too; have had absolutely no influence whatever。 To leave so delicate a topic; you were but as other swains; or; as 〃that Birkie ca'd a lord;〃 Lord Byron; only you combined (in certain of your letters) a libertine theory with your practice; you poured out in song your audacious raptures; your half… hearted repentance; your shame and your scorn。 You spoke the truth about rural lives and loves。 We may like it or dislike it but we cannot deny the verity。
Was it not as unhappy a thing; Sir; for you; as it was fortunate for Letters and for Scotland; that you were born at the meeting of two ages and of two worldsprecisely in the moment when bookish literature was beginning to reach the people; and when Society was first learning to admit the low…born to her Minor Mysteries? Before you how many singers not less truly poets than yourselfthough less versatile not less passionate; though less sensuous not less simple… …had been born and had died in poor men's cottages! There abides not even the shadow of a name of the old Scotch song…smiths; of the old ballad…makers。 The authors of 〃Clerk Saunders;〃 of 〃The Wife of Usher's Well;〃 of 〃Fair Annie;〃 and 〃Sir Patrick Spens;〃 and 〃The Bonny Hind;〃 are as unknown to us as Homer; whom in their directness and force they resemble。 They never; perhaps; gave their poems to writing; certainly they never gave them to the press。 On the lips and in the hearts of the people they have their lives; and the singers; after a life obscure and untroubled by society or by fame; are forgotten。 〃The Iniquity of Oblivion blindly scattereth his Poppy。〃
Had you been born some years earlier you would have been even as these unnamed Immortals; leaving great verses to a little clan verses retained only by Memory。 You would have been but the minstrel of your native valley: the wider world would not have known you; nor you the world。 Great thoughts of independence and revolt would never have burned in you; indignation would not have vexed you。 Society would not have given and denied her caresses。 You would have been happy。 Your songs would have lingered in all 〃the circle of the summer hills;〃 and your scorn; your satire; your narrative verse; would have been unwritten or unknown。 To the world what a loss! and what a gain to you! We should have possessed but a few of your lyrics; as
When o'er the hill the eastern star Tells bughtin…time is near; my jo; And owsen frae the furrowed field; Return sae dowf and wearie O!
How noble that is; how natural; how unconsciously Greek! You found; oddly; in good Mrs。 Barbauld; the merits of
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