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julius caesar(裘力斯·凯撒)-第15部分

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       OCTAVIUS。 What man is that? MESSALA。 My master's man。 Strato; 

where is thy master? STRATO。 Free from the bondage you are in; Messala: 

The   conquerors   can   but   make   a   fire   of   him;   For   Brutus   only   overcame 

himself; And no man else hath honor by his death。 LUCILIUS。 So Brutus 

should   be   found。   I   thank   thee;   Brutus;   That   thou   hast   proved   Lucilius' 

saying   true。   OCTAVIUS。   All   that   served   Brutus;   I   will   entertain   them。 

Fellow; wilt thou bestow thy time with me? STRATO。 Ay; if Messala will 

prefer   me   to   you。   OCTAVIUS。   Do   so;   good   Messala。   MESSALA。   How 

died my master; Strato? STRATO。 I held the sword; and he did run on it。 

MESSALA。   Octavius;   then   take   him   to   follow   thee   That   did   the   latest 

service to my master。 ANTONY。 This was the noblest Roman of them all。 

All   the   conspirators;   save   only   he;   Did   that   they   did   in   envy   of   great 

Caesar;   He   only;   in   a   general   honest   thought And   common   good   to   all; 

made one of them。 His life was gentle; and the elements So mix'd in him 

that Nature might stand up And say to all the world; 〃This was a man!〃 

OCTAVIUS。 According to his virtue let   us use him With all respect   and 

rites   of   burial。   Within   my   tent   his   bones   tonight   shall   lie;   Most   like   a 

soldier; ordered honorably。 So call the field to rest; and let's away; To part 

the glories of this happy day。 Exeunt。 

       THE END 


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