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questionable amusements and worthy substitutes-第13部分

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The normal young person who does not dissipate is bursting with

life。  The natural child is activity embodied。  The healthful old person

craves exercise。  Life; activity; exercise; each must have some method

of spending itself。  Some normal method; some right method; some

attractive method must be chosen。  By normal method we mean that

which calls into use the varied faculties and powers of the entire

being; body; mind; and heart。  By right method we mean that which

does not crush out a part of one's being; while another part is being

developed。  By attractive method in the use of life; activity; exercise;

we mean that which appeals to one's peculiar desires; tastes; and

circumstances; so long as these are normal and right。  Some chosen

profession; trade; or work is the rightful heritage of every person。

Each man; woman; and child should know when he gets up of a

morning; what his work is for that day。  Consciously; or unconsciously;

he should have some outline of work; some end in view; some goal

toward which he is stretching himself。  Dr。 J。 M。 Buckley asks:  〃Have

you a purpose and a plan?〃  And answers; 〃Life is worth nothing till

then。〃  The child is in the hands of his parent; his teacher; his guardian。

These must answer to Destiny for his beginning and growth。  〃Satan

finds something for idle hands to do。〃  Hence the necessity of

vigilance on the part of those who hold the young。  But 〃all work and

no play; makes Jack a dull boy。〃  This rule is good whether 〃Jack〃 be

a puny girl; a feeble grandfather; a hustling; responsible father; a busy

mother; or even a mischievous lad。  Every person who rises each

morning; dresses himself and goes about his work as if he knew what

he were about; who has some useful work to do; and does it; sooner

or later; needs rest。  True; night comes and one may rest。  And sweet

is the rest of sleep; a third of one's life is passed in this way。  Sancho

Panza has it right when he says:

〃Now blessing light on him that first invented sleep!  It covers a man

all over; thoughts and all; like a cloak; it is meat for the hungry; drink

for the thirsty; heat for the cold; and cold for the hot。〃  But one craves

a recreation; a rest which work nor sleep can give。  Man has a social

nature; a longing to mingle with his acquaintances and friends。  Let

one be shut in with work; or sickness; or weather; for whole days at a

time; and see how hungry he gets to see some one。  A recreation at a

social gathering literally makes a new being out of him。  He is

recreated。  It is this form of recreation that we consider here; social



Social recreation is a necessity in a well…ordered life。  As with many

other common blessings we forget its benefits。  Nor are these benefits

so evident until we see the blighting result in the life of the one who;

for any reason whatsoever; has become a social recluse。  We have

known a few persons who have once been in society; but who have

allowed themselves to remain away from all sorts of gatherings; for

a number of years。  In every case; the result has been openly

noticeable。  They have become boorish in manners; unsympathetic

in nature; and suspicious in spirit。  Thus they have grown out of

harmony with the ideas and ways of those about them; have come

to take distorted and erroneous views of affairs and of men。  Man is

a composite being。  Many factors enter into his make…up。  He lives

not only in the physical and intellectual; in the religious and social;

in a local and limited sense; but his life expands until it touches and

molds many other characters and communities besides his own。  In

all of these spheres of his influence and work on needs to be sobered

down; corrected; stimulated。  In no other way is this better accomplished

than through one's very contact with his fellows in the religious

gathering; among his workmen; in the political meeting; at the assembly;

in the social gathering whenever and wherever persons may see one

another and talk over common interests。


In a specific sense; by social recreation; we mean those pastimes and

pleasures which all persons; except the social recluse; enjoy as they

meet to spend an afternoon or an evening together。  Now; how may

we get the largest amount of pleasure; of rest; of recreation from such

gatherings?  How may we best benefit ourselves; inspire one another;

and in it all; honor God?  It is no small task to accomplish these three

ends in all things; in one's life。  We have agreed that some social

practices are positively bad。  And we have tried to show why the

〃tobacco club;〃 the 〃social glass;〃 the 〃card…party;〃 the 〃dancing…party;〃

and the play…house reveries should be avoided。  We have left these

forms of so…called 〃questionable amusements〃 out of our practice and

let our of our lives。  To what may we turn?  Where may we go?  We

turn to the social gathering。


No social gathering can successfully run itself。  See what forethought

and expenditure are given to make successful the 〃smoking…club;〃 the

〃wine…social;〃 the 〃card and dancing parties;〃 and the 〃theater。〃  Not

one of these institutions thrive without thought and cost in their

management。  Put the same thought and expense into the gathering

for social recreation; and you will find all of the merits of the

questionable institution and none of its demerits。  No company has

larger capabilities than the mixed company at the social gathering。

Nor may any purpose be more perfectly served than the purpose of

true social recreation。  Here we find those skilled in music; versed

in literature; adept at conversation; we find the practical joker; the

proficient at games; and last; but not least; those 〃born to serve〃

tables。  This variety of genius; of wit; of skill; of willingness to

serve; is laid at the altar of pleasure for the worthy purpose of making

new again the weary body; the languishing spirit; the lonely heart。

Let the right management and stimulus be given to this resourceful

company; and the hours will pass as moments; the surest sign of a

good time。



No social recreation is complete without dining。  And yet the least

important part of this meal should be the taking of food。  It is a

serious fault with the modern social that too much attention is given

to the variety and quantity of food; and not enough to merriment in

taking it。  To be successful; the social company should gather as

early as possible; the first hour…and…a…half should be given to greetings

and to social levity of the brightest and wittiest sort。  If one has an

ache or a pain; a care or a loss; let it be forgotten now。  It is weakness

and folly continually to be under any burden。  Here every one should

take a genuine release from seriousness and earnestness in weighty

and responsible affairs。  Let all; except the serving committee for

this evening; take part in this strictly social hour…and…a…half。  When

the late…comers have arrived and have been introduced; and the people

have moved about and met one another; almost before the company

are aware of it they are invited by the serving committee to dine。

Usually all may not be served at once。  Now that the company has

been thinned out; the older persons having gone to the tables; short;

spirited games should be introduced in which every person not at

luncheon; should be given a place and a part。  At this juncture it is

not best to introduce sitting…games; such as checkers; authors; caroms;

or flinch; for the contestants might be called to take refreshments at

a critical moment in the contest。  With a little attention to it; appropriate

games may be introduced here that need not interfere with luncheon。

Fully half an hour should be spent at each set of tables; where at the

close of the meal; some humorous subject or subjects should be

introduced and responded to be those best fitted for such a task。

Almost any person can say something bright as well as sensible; if he

will give a little attention to it beforehand。  While the second and third

tables are being served; let those retiring contest at games of skill;

converse; or take up other appropriate entertainment directed by the

everywhere present entertainment committee。  By this time half…past

ten or eleven o'clock; some who are old; or who have pressing duties

on the next day may want to retire。  If the serving committee have been

skillful in adjusting the time spent at each table to the number of

tables; etc。; by eleven o'clock the serving shall have been completed。

Now; the young in spirit; whether old or young; expect; and should have

an hour at the newest; liveliest; and most recreative games。  No part of

the evening entertainment should be allowed to drag。  To insure this a

frequent change of social games is needed。


As late hours tend to produce irregularity in sleep; in meals; and in

work; and since the object of the social is recreation; the company

should retire about midnight。  Oftentimes people stay and stay at

such a gathering; until the hostess; the entertaining committee; and

the people themselves are worn out。  And yet; who is at fault?  This

is a critical point in the modern popular social。  How shall the company

disband in due season?  In his 〃Autocrat of the Breakfast Table;〃

Oliver Wendell Holmes gives a suggestion on this point for the

private visitor; who does not know how to go。  Says Holmes:  〃Do

n't you know how hard it is for some people to get out of a room

when their visit is really over?  They want to be off; and you want

to have them off; but they do n't know how to manage it。  One would

think they had been built in your parlor or study and were waiting to

be launched。  I have contrived
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