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questionable amusements and worthy substitutes-第14部分

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think they had been built in your parlor or study and were waiting to

be launched。  I have contrived a sort of ceremonial inclined plane for

such visitors; which being lubricated with certain smooth phrases; I

back them down; metaphorically speaking; stern…foremost; into their

'native element;' the great ocean of outdoors。〃  There are social companies

as hard to get rid of as this。  They want to go; and every one wants them

to go; but just how to make the start; no one seems to know。  Dr。 Holmes

and his 〃inclined plane〃 may have been successful with the private caller;

but who will be the 〃contriver of a ceremonial;〃 one sufficient to land the

social company into its 〃native element; the great ocean of outdoors?〃

No; this most delicate of the problems involved in a successful modern

social must be left to a tactful hint from the entertainment committee;

and to the wise choice of a few recognized leaders in the company。


Special committees should have charge of the serving and of the

entertainment。  As far as possible these should vary with each

successive social。  It is an erroneous notion; prevalent in nearly

every community; that only 〃certain ones〃 can do this or that; the

consequence is that these 〃certain ones〃 do all the work; are deprived

of the true rest and relief which the social is meant to give; while

others who should take their turn; grow unappreciative; and weak in

their serving and entertaining ability。


As it is conducted to…day; the average social is a failure。  Late at

arriving; want of introductions; lack of arranged entertainment; late

hours;all go to weaken and to dull the average young person in

place of to cultivate his wits; his special genius at music; reading;

and conversation; and to recreate him in body; mind; and spirit。  To

make a success of the social gathering some one must keep in mind

the personal convenience and happiness of every person present。

When this is done and the social gathering becomes notable for the

real pleasure that it gives; then we shall be able to drive out the

〃questionable amusements;〃 because we have taken nothing from

the person; and have given him new life and interest。




Each person is connected with every other person by some bond of

attachment。  It may be by the steel bond of brotherhood; by the

silvern chain of religious fellowship; by the golden band of conjugal

affection; by the flaxen cord of parental or filial love; or by the silken

tie of friendship。  One or more of these bonds of attachment may

encircle each person; and each bond has its varying strength; and is

capable of endless lengthening and contracting。  Brotherhood is a

general term; and as it is used here; comprises the fellow…feeling that

one human being has for another; this is universal brotherhood。

Brotherhood comprises the fellow…feeling that attracts persons of the

same race; nation; or community; this is racial; national; or community

brotherhood; also; it comprises the fellow…feeling that exists between

persons of the same avocation; calling; or work; this is the brotherhood

of profession; it comprises the fellow…feeling that joins persons of the

same order or party; this is the brotherhood of order; it comprises the

fellow…feeling that joins brothers and sisters of the same home; this is

the brotherhood of family。  Religious fellowship includes that spiritual

intercourse which is held between persons of the same religious faith

and practice。  Conjugal affection comprises that feeling of mind and

heart which unites husband and wife。  Filial and parental love exists

between parent and child。  While friendship comprises that soul union

which exists between persons because of similar desires; tastes; and

sentiments。  Each of these bonds of attachment has its characteristic

mark; its essential feature。  The essential feature of universal brotherhood

is common origin; present struggle; and future hope; the essential feature

of racial; national; or community brotherhood is patriotism; the essential

feature of brotherhood of the order is mutual helpfulness; the essential

feature in brotherhood of the profession is common pursuit; in brotherhood

of the family; common parentage; in conjugal affection; attraction for

opposite sex; in parental and filial love; love of offspring and love of

parent; while in friendship the essential feature is harmony of natures。


No human relationship can be more beautiful; nor more abiding than

true friendship。  It is a spiritual thing; a communion of souls; virtuously

exercised。  How one is impressed and pleased to see another horse just

like his own; to see another dog exactly resembling his own; to meet a

person who speaks; looks; and acts like some one he has known。  It is

a surprise; mingled with mystery and delight。  But with what increased

surprise and delight does one meet with a 〃person after his own heart。〃

All men have recognized the strength and beauty of right self…love。

The second great law of Christ's kingdom is declared in terms of true

self…love。  〃Love thy neighbor as thyself。〃  Every one loves himself;

because one's self is the truest and best of other lives filtered through

his own soul。  When one finds in another that which perfectly answers

to his own soul…likings and longings; he has found another self; he has

found a friend。  Friendship is the communion of such souls; although

they may be absent from one another。  The highest friendship may grow

more perfectly when friends are separated; then it is unmixed with the

alloy of imperfect thought and action。  Then it is nourished by the past;

for only the past buries all faults; it is encouraged by the future; for

only the future veils the awkwardness and shortcomings of the present。

The character of friendship is determined by the character of friends。

Negative personalities wanting in taste; conviction; and virtue produce

only a negative friendship。  Intense personalities produce intense

friendships; noble personalities; noble friendships; and spiritual

personalities; spiritual friendship。  In the true; spiritual sense; before

one can become a friend; he must become an individual。  He must

stand for something in thought and purpose。  If this is not true;

friendship becomes a flimsy affair。  For souls to commune with one

another there must be harmony; unity; agreement of desires; sentiments;

and tastes。  Not the harmony of indifference; nor a forced agreement; but

a beautiful and natural response of soul to soul。  Such equipment for

friendship finds its basis only in individual character。  Character is

conduct become habitual。  If one spurns reason; and follows his impulse

and passion; he becomes unreliable; and does not know the issues of

his own heart and life。  Who knows what such an one will do next?  To

make it soar well or sail well; friendship must have ballast。  This ballast

is worthy; individual character。  It would be more exact to say there can

be no true friendship without individual character。  Although many

elements constitute the character of the true friend; yet two elements are

essentialsincerity and tenderness。  Sincerity is the soul of every virtue;

while true words; simple manners; and right actions make up the body。

If the soul of virtue is present one does not always demand the presence

of the body; but if the body of virtue is absent; one had better take a

search after the soul。  If sincerity is unquestioned; words; manners;

actions have great liberty; but if words; manners and actions are

lacking in straight…forwardness; it is time to question sincerity。  This

is true in all human affairs involving motive and conduct。  Especially

is it true in friendship。  Sincerity knows its own。  By a glance it

penetrates the very heart of its true friend; and leaves translucent and

transparent its own。  Sincerity gives steadfastness and constancy to

friendship。  Insincerity mars and breaks friendship。  Who has not

seen a soul spring into life through the love of a radiant friendship;

and then following a series of hollow pretenses; insincerities; that

friendship fails; and the beautiful creature stifles and dies。  As one

tells us; 〃such a death is frightful; it is the asphyxia of the soul!〃  Then;

tenderness is an essential element in the character of a friend。  Says

Emerson:  〃Notwithstanding all the selfishness that chills like east

winds the world; the whole human family is bathed with an element

of love; like a fine ether。〃  With Emerson; we believe that every

person carries about with him a certain circle of sympathy within

which he; and at least one friend; may temper and sweeten life。  Much

of the kindness of the world is simply breathed; and yet what an aroma

of good cheer it sheds in grateful lives。  Tenderness possesses a

sensitiveness of sympathy to an extreme degree。  It shrinks from the

sight of suffering。  It treats others with 〃gentleness; delicacy; thought…

fulness; and care。  It enters into feelings; anticipates wants; supplies the

smallest pleasure; and studies every comfort。〃  Says one:  〃It belongs

to natures; refined as well as loving; and possesses that consideration of

which finer dispositions only are capable。〃  Tenderness is a heart

quality。  It is the luxury of a pure and intense friendship。  It tempers one's

entire nature; making his whole being sympathetic with grace and favor。

It is manifest in the relaxing feature; in the penetrating glance; in the

mellowing voice; in the engracing manners; and in the complete

obliteration of time and distance; while with one's friend。  We recall the

friendly visits spend with our friend; Lawrence W。 Rowell; during his

medical course in Rush College; Chicago; while we were in attendance

at the Northwestern University; in Evanston; Illinois。  Rowell was

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