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questionable amusements and worthy substitutes-第5部分

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no more; and said; 'You ought to be prosecuted for violating the

midnight closing law。'  At this the saloonkeeper and policemen rushed

upon me and put me into the street; and one of the policemen; grasping

my arm like a vice; hissed in my ear; 'I'll get you a thirty days' sentence

in the workhouse; and then we'll see what you think about suing people。'

He called a patrol wagon; pushed me in; and drove to jail; and; Judge;

you know the rest。  All day yesterday I was locked up; my children at

home alone; with no fire; no food; no mother。〃  The judge dismissed

the woman; but the saloonkeeper; the perjured policemen; nor the

corrupt judge were ever prosecuted for their unlawfulness。  The whole

affair was dropped because the saloon power in Cincinnati reigns

supreme。  〃This case is a matter of record in the Cincinnati courts。〃

It is a disgraceful fact that the liquor…traffic rules in politics to…day。  A

saloonkeeper in Richmond; Virginia; overheard some one talking of

reform in municipal politics; when he scornfully said:  〃Any bar…room

in Richmond is a bigger man in politics than all the Churches in Richmond

put together。〃


How may we openly oppose this drink evil?

The Churches need not expect a widespread revival of religion until

professing Christians do their duty with respect to the saloon。  Mothers

and fathers need not expect their sons to remain sober while the saloon

opens to them day and night。  Wives need not expect their husbands to

remain devoted and loyal until the saloon is abolished。  What is our

duty?  How shall we oppose the evil?  How do the American people

deal with evils when they deal with them at all?  When Great Britain

went a little too far in 〃taxation without representation;〃 what course

did the American Colonies adopt in remedying the evil?  Their chief

men said; 〃These Colonies are; and of right ought to be; free and

independent States。〃  The popular voice of the people decided it。

When the British Government unduly impressed American seamen;

how was the difficulty settled?  The representatives of the people;

their lawmakers; declared war against the opposing nation; and

forced her to cease her oppression。  The popular vote decided it。  When

Negro slavery darkened the entire sky of our country; and caused our

leading men to realize that we could not long exist half…slave and

half…free; how was the dark cloud dispelled?  The representatives of

our people; the lawmakers of the land; in letters of blood wrote the

immortal Thirteenth Amendment to the American Constitution:

〃Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude; except as a punishment

for crime; whereof the person shall have been duly convicted; shall

exist within the United States; or any place subject to their jurisdiction。〃

When we wanted to increase our territory in 1803; and in 1845; and in

1867; how did we go about it?  The representatives of the people; the

lawmakers of the land; voted to make the purchases; and they were

made。  When a Territory is organized; or a State comes into the Union;

what is done?  The representatives of the people; the lawmakers of the

land; vote upon it; and it is done。  When treaties are to be made with

foreign countries; when immigration of foreigners is to be regulated;

when money is to be borrowed or coined; when post…offices and

post…roads are to be established; when counterfeiting is to be punished;

and public abuses are to be reformed; whose business is it?  The

Constitution of the United States says the representatives of the people;

the lawmakers of the land; have this power。  When will the drink evil

cease in our country?  When our representatives in Congress; or

lawmakers; stand for the abolition of the American saloon; and vote

it out of existence; then; and not until then; will drunkenness cease。

When will we have representatives in Congress; lawmakers who will

stand for the abolition of the saloon; and who will vote it out of

existence?  Not until you and I have select them; and place them there

with our vote。  To expect Christian temperance in our country from

any other source is absolute folly。

The abolition of drunkenness by local option is selfish; unpractical;

and unscriptural。  You vote the liquor…traffic out of your town; we

vote it in ours。  Remember every saloon exists only by vote of the

people。  Your young people come over to our town for drink。  We have

the curse of God upon us。  〃Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor

drink。〃  (Hab。 Ii; 15。)  It is unpractical; for so long as intoxicants are

made they will be sold。  It is selfish; for to vote against the saloon in

your town election; and to vote for it in your State or National election;

is to drive the mad…dog on past your door to the door of your neighbor;

when you might have killed him。

The abolition of drunkenness by regulating the traffic through license

is the most gigantic delusion that Satan ever worked upon an intelligent

people。  It is a well…known truth that 〃limitation is the secret of power。〃

The best way to provoke an early marriage between devoted lovers is

bitterly to oppose them。  The stream whose water spreads over its low

banks is without depth and current and power。  But confine the waters

between high; narrow banks; the bed of the stream is deepened; and

its mighty current supports animal life and turns the wheels of mill

and factory。  The regulation of the liquor…traffic by license makes it

a financial and political power second to none in America to…day。  To

vote for any party or man who advocates liquor license; is to give a

loyal support to the American saloon。

To expect the abolition of drunkenness solely through processes of

education is to preach one thing and to practice another。  It is to

perpetuate an evil that costs two hundred and fifty thousand precious

lives every year。  It is to leave to the next generation a work that God

expects us to do here and now。  Dr。 Banks relates an incident

witnessed by Major Hilton on the coast of Scotland。  〃Just at the break

of day the people of a little hamlet on the coast were awakened by the

boom of a cannon over the stormy waves。  They knew what it meant;

for frequently they had heard before the same signal of distress。  Some

poor souls were out beyond the breakers perishing on a wrecked vessel;

and in their last extremity calling wildly for help。  The people hastened

from their houses to the shore。  Out there in the distance was a dismantled

vessel pounding itself to pieces。  Perishing fellow…beings were clinging

to the rigging; and every now and then some one was swept off into the

sea by the furious waves。  The life…saving crew was soon gathered。  〃Man

the life…boat!〃 cried the man。  〃Where is Hardy?〃  But the foreman of

the crew was not there; and the danger was imminent。  Aid must be

immediate; or all would be lost。  The next in command sprang into the

frail boat; followed by the rest; all taking their lives in their hands in the

hope of saving others。  O; how those on the shore watched their brave

loved ones as they dashed on; now over; now almost under the waves!

They reached the wreck。  Like angels of deliverance they filled their

craft with almost dying menmen lost but for them。  Back again they

toiled; pulling for the shore; bearing their precious freight。  The first man

to help them land was Hardy; whose words rang above the roar of the

breakers:  〃Are you all here?  Did you save them all?〃  With saddened

faces the reply came:  〃All but one。  He couldn't help himself at all。

We had all we could carry。  We couldn't save the last one。〃  〃Man the

life…boat again!〃 shouted Hardy。  〃I will go。  What! leave one there to die

alone?  A fellow…creature there; and we on shore?  Man the life…boat

now!  We'll save him yet。〃  But who is this aged woman with worn

garments and disheveled hair; with agonized entreaty falling upon her

knees beside this brave; strong man?  It is his mother!  〃O; my son!

your father was drowned in a storm like this。  Your brother Will left

me eight years ago; and I have never seen his face since the day he

sailed。  No doubt he; too; has found a watery grave。  And now you will

be lost; and I am old and poor。  O; stay with me!〃  〃Mother;〃 cried the

man; 〃where one is in peril; there is my place。  If I am lost; God surely

will care for you。〃  The plea of earnest faith prevailed。  With a 〃God

bless you; my boy!〃 she released him; and speeded him on his way。

Once more they watched and prayed and waitedthose on the shore

while every muscle was strained toward the fast…sinking ship by those

in the life…saving boat。  At last it reached the vessel。  The clinging

figure was lifted and helped to its place。  Back came the boat。  How

eagerly they looked and called in encouragement; and cheered as it

came nearer!  〃Did you get him?〃 was the cry from the shore。  Lifting

his hands to his mouth to trumpet the words on in advance of their

landing; Hardy called back above the roar of the storm; 〃Tell mother

it is brother Will!〃

My friend; simply talking and praying will not save our loved ones

from drunkards' graves。  We must man the life…boat of municipal; State;

and National reform; and vote for principle and Christian temperance

until we save the last man。  He may be 〃brother Will。〃




GAMBLING has become a moral plague of modern society。  In one

form or another it has entered the rank and file of every department

of lifein private parlor over cards; in hotel drawing…room over

election reports; in college athletic grounds over brains and brawn; in

the counting…room over the price of stocks; in the racing tournament

over jockeying and speed; in the Board of Trade hall over future prices

of the necessaries of life; in the den of iniquity at dice; in the drinking

saloon at the slot…machine; in the people's fair at the wheel of fortune
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