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 road before me。

I had never seen him before; but I should have liked to walk by him and to have held his handonly; he would not have known why。

Alassio; Italy。


I saw a woman sleeping。  In her sleep she dreamt Life stood before her; and held in each hand a giftin the one Love; in the other Freedom。  And she said to the woman; 〃Choose!〃

And the woman waited long:  and she said; 〃Freedom!〃

And Life said; 〃Thou hast well chosen。  If thou hadst said; 'Love;' I would have given thee that thou didst ask for; and I would have gone from thee; and returned to thee no more。  Now; the day will come when I shall return。 In that day I shall bear both gifts in one hand。〃

I heard the woman laugh in her sleep。



There was an artist once; and he painted a picture。  Other artists had colours richer and rarer; and painted more notable pictures。  He painted his with one colour; there was a wonderful red glow on it; and the people went up and down; saying; 〃We like the picture; we like the glow。〃

The other artists came and said; 〃Where does he get his colour from?〃  They asked him; and he smiled and said; 〃I cannot tell you〃; and worked on with his head bent low。

And one went to the far East and bought costly pigments; and made a rare colour and painted; but after a time the picture faded。  Another read in the old books; and made a colour rich and rare; but when he had put it on the picture it was dead。

But the artist painted on。  Always the work got redder and redder; and the artist grew whiter and whiter。  At last one day they found him dead before his picture; and they took him up to bury him。  The other men looked about in all the pots and crucibles; but they found nothing they had not。

And when they undressed him to put his grave…clothes on him; they found above his left breast the mark of a woundit was an old; old wound; that must have been there all his life; for the edges were old and hardened; but Death; who seals all things; had drawn the edges together; and closed it up。

And they buried him。  And still the people went about saying; 〃Where did he find his colour from?〃

And it came to pass that after a while the artist was forgottenbut the work lived。

St。 Leonards…on…Sea。


I thought I stood in Heaven before God's throne; and God asked me what I had come for。  I said I had come to arraign my brother; Man。

God said; 〃What has he done?〃

I said; 〃He has taken my sister; Woman; and has stricken her; and wounded her; and thrust her out into the streets; she lies there prostrate。  His hands are red with blood。  I am here to arraign him; that the kingdom be taken from him; because he is not worthy; and given unto me。  My hands are pure。〃

I showed them。

God said; 〃Thy hands are pure。Lift up thy robe。〃

I raised it; my feet were red; blood…red; as if I had trodden in wine。

God said; 〃How is this?〃

I said; 〃Dear Lord; the streets on earth are full of mire。  If I should walk straight on in them my outer robe might be bespotted; you see how white it is!  Therefore I pick my way。〃

God said; 〃On what?〃

I was silent; and I let my robe fall。  I wrapped my mantle about my head。  I went out softly。  I was afraid that the angels would see me。


Once more I stood at the gate of Heaven; I and another。  We held fast by one another; we were very tired。  We looked up at the great gates; the angels opened them; and we went in。  The mud was on our garments。  We walked across the marble floor; and up to the great throne。  Then the angels divided us。  Her; they set upon the top step; but me; upon the bottom; for; they said; 〃Last time this woman came here she left red foot… marks on the floor; we had to wash them out with our tears。  Let her not go up。〃

Then she; with whom I came; looked back; and stretched out her hand to me; and I went and stood beside her。  And the angels; they; the shining ones who never sinned and never suffered; walked by us to and fro and up and down; I think we should have felt a little lonely there if it had not been for one another; the angels were so bright。

God asked me what I had come for; and I drew my sister forward a little that he might see her。

God said; 〃How is it you are here together today?〃

I said; 〃She was upon the ground in the street; and they passed over her; I lay down by her; and she put her arms around my neck; and so I lifted her; and we two rose together。〃

God said; 〃Whom are you now come to accuse before me?〃

I said; 〃We are come to accuse no man。〃

And God bent; and said; 〃My childrenwhat is it that ye seek?〃

And she beside me drew my hand that I should speak for both。

I said; 〃We have come to ask that thou shouldst speak to Man; our brother; and give us a message for him that he might understand; and that he might〃

God said; 〃Go; take the message down to him!〃

I said; 〃But what is the message?〃

God said; 〃Upon your hearts it is written; take it down to him。〃

And we turned to go; the angels went with us to the door。  They looked at us。

And one said〃Ai! but their dresses are beautiful!〃

And the other said; 〃I thought it was mire when they came in; but see; it is all golden!〃

But another said; 〃Hush; it is the light from their faces!〃

And we went down to him。

Alassio; Italy。


In the dark one night I lay upon my bed。  I heard the policeman's feet beat on the pavement; I heard the wheels of carriages roll home from houses of entertainment; I heard a woman's laugh below my windowand then I fell asleep。  And in the dark I dreamt a dream。  I dreamt God took my soul to Hell。

Hell was a fair place; the water of the lake was blue。

I said to God; 〃I like this place。〃

God said; 〃Ay; dost thou!〃

Birds sang; turf came to the water…edge; and trees grew from it。  Away off among the trees I saw beautiful women walking。  Their clothes were of many delicate colours and clung to them; and they were tall and graceful and had yellow hair。  Their robes trailed over the grass。  They glided in and out among the trees; and over their heads hung yellow fruit like large pears of melted gold。

I said; 〃It is very fair; I would go up and taste the〃

God said; 〃Wait。〃

And after a while I noticed a very fair woman pass:  she looked this way and that; and drew down a branch; and it seemed she kissed the fruit upon it softly; and went on her way; and her dress made no rustle as she passed over the grass。  And when I saw her no more; from among the stems came another woman fair as she had been; in a delicate tinted robe; she looked this way and that。  When she saw no one there she drew down the fruit; and when she had looked over it to find a place; she put her mouth to it softly; and went away。  And I saw other and other women come; making no noise; and they glided away also over the grass。

And I said to God; 〃What are they doing?〃

God said; 〃They are poisoning。〃

And I said; 〃How?〃

God said; 〃They touch it with their lips; when they have made a tiny wound in it with their fore…teeth they set in it that which is under their tongues:  they close it with their lipthat no man may see the place; and pass on。〃

I said to God; 〃Why do they do it?〃

God said; 〃That another may not eat。〃

I said to God; 〃But if they poison all then none dare eat; what do they gain?〃

God said; 〃Nothing。〃

I said; 〃Are they not afraid they themselves may bite where another has bitten?〃

God said; 〃They are afraid。  In Hell all men fear。〃

He called me further。  And the water of the lake seemed less blue。

Then; to the right among the trees were men working。  And I said to God; 〃I should like to go and work with them。  Hell must be a very fruitful place; the grass is so green。〃

God said; 〃Nothing grows in the garden they are making。〃

We stood looking; and I saw them working among the bushes; digging holes; but in them they set nothing; and when they had covered them with sticks and earth each went a way off and sat behind the bushes watching; and I noticed that as each walked he set his foot down carefully looking where he trod。  I said to God; 〃What are they doing?〃

God said; 〃Making pitfalls into which their fellows may sink。〃

I said to God; 〃Why do they do it?〃

God said; 〃Because each thinks that when his brother falls he will rise。〃

I said to God; 〃How will he rise?〃

God said; 〃He will not rise。〃

And I saw their eyes gleam from behind the bushes。

I said to God; 〃Are these men sane?〃

God said; 〃They are not sane; there is no sane man in Hell。〃

And he told me to come further。

And I looked where I trod。

And we came where Hell opened into a plain; and a great house stood there。 Marble pillars upheld the roof; and white marble steps let up to it。  The wind of heaven blew through it。  Only at the back hung a thick curtain。  Fair men and women there feasted at long tables。  They danced; and I saw the robes of women flutter in the air and heard the laugh of strong men。  What they feasted with was wine; they drew it from large jars which stood somewhat in the background; and I saw the wine sparkle as they drew it。

And I said to God; 〃I should like to go up and drink。〃  And God said; 〃Wait。〃  And I saw men coming in to the Banquet House; they came in from the back and lifted the corner of the curtain at the sides and crept in quickly; and they let the curtain fall behind them; they bore great jars they could hardly carry。  And the men and women crowded round them; and the new…comers opened their jars and gave them of the wine to drink; and I saw that the women drank even more greedily than the men。  And when others had well drunken they set the jars among the old ones beside the wall; and took their places at the table。  And I saw that some of the jars were very old and mildewed and dusty; but others had still drops of new must on them and shone from the furnace。

And I said to God; 〃What is that?〃  For amid the sound of the singing; and over the dancing of feet; and over the laughing across the wine…cups I heard a cry。

And God said; 〃Stand a way off。〃

And he took me where I saw both sides of the curtain。  Behind the house was the 
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