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first epilogue-第11部分

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  Only the really heartless; the stupid ones of that household; and

the little children failed to understand this and avoided her。



  When Pierre and his wife entered the drawing room the countess was

in one of her customary states in which she needed the mental exertion

of playing patience; and so… though by force of habit she greeted

him with the words she always used when Pierre or her son returned

after an absence: 〃High time; my dear; high time! We were all weary of

waiting for you。 Well; thank God!〃 and received her presents with

another customary remark: 〃It's not the gift that's precious; my dear;

but that you give it to me; an old woman。。。〃… yet it was evident

that she was not pleased by Pierre's arrival at that moment when it

diverted her attention from the unfinished game。

  She finished her game of patience and only then examined the

presents。 They consisted of a box for cards; of splendid

workmanship; a bright…blue Sevres tea cup with shepherdesses

depicted on it and with a lid; and a gold snuffbox with the count's

portrait on the lid which Pierre had had done by a miniaturist in

Petersburg。 The countess had long wished for such a box; but as she

did not want to cry just then she glanced indifferently at the

portrait and gave her attention chiefly to the box for cards。

  〃Thank you; my dear; you have cheered me up;〃 said she as she always

did。 〃But best of all you have brought yourself back… for I never

saw anything like it; you ought to give your wife a scolding! What are

we to do with her? She is like a mad woman when you are away。

Doesn't see anything; doesn't remember anything;〃 she went on;

repeating her usual phrases。 〃Look; Anna Timofeevna;〃 she added to her

companion; 〃see what a box for cards my son has brought us!〃

  Belova admired the presents and was delighted with her dress


  Though Pierre; Natasha; Nicholas; Countess Mary; and Denisov had

much to talk about that they could not discuss before the old

countess… not that anything was hidden from her; but because she had

dropped so far behindhand in many things that had they begun to

converse in her presence they would have had to answer inopportune

questions and to repeat what they had already told her many times:

that so…and…so was dead and so…and…so was married; which she would

again be unable to remember… yet they sat at tea round the samovar

in the drawing room from habit; and Pierre answered the countess'

questions as to whether Prince Vasili had aged and whether Countess

Mary Alexeevna had sent greetings and still thought of them; and other

matters that interested no one and to which she herself was


  Conversation of this kind; interesting to no one yet unavoidable;

continued all through teatime。 All the grown…up members of the

family were assembled near the round tea table at which Sonya presided

beside the samovar。 The children with their tutors and governesses had

had tea and their voices were audible from the next room。 At tea all

sat in their accustomed places: Nicholas beside the stove at a small

table where his tea was handed to him; Milka; the old gray borzoi

bitch (daughter of the first Milka); with a quite gray face and

large black eyes that seemed more prominent than ever; lay on the

armchair beside him; Denisov; whose curly hair; mustache; and whiskers

had turned half gray; sat beside countess Mary with his general's

tunic unbuttoned; Pierre sat between his wife and the old countess。 He

spoke of what he knew might interest the old lady and that she could

understand。 He told her of external social events and of the people

who had formed the circle of her contemporaries and had once been a

real; living; and distinct group; but who were now for the most part

scattered about the world and like herself were garnering the last

ears of the harvests they had sown in earlier years。 But to the old

countess those contemporaries of hers seemed to be the only serious

and real society。 Natasha saw by Pierre's animation that his visit had

been interesting and that he had much to tell them but dare not say it

before the old countess。 Denisov; not being a member of the family;

did not understand Pierre's caution and being; as a malcontent; much

interested in what was occurring in Petersburg; kept urging Pierre

to tell them about what had happened in the Semenovsk regiment; then

about Arakcheev; and then about the Bible Society。 Once or twice

Pierre was carried away and began to speak of these things; but

Nicholas and Natasha always brought him back to the health of Prince

Ivan and Countess Mary Alexeevna。

  〃Well; and all this idiocy… Gossner and Tatawinova?〃 Denisov

asked。 〃Is that weally still going on?〃

  〃Going on?〃 Pierre exclaimed。 〃Why more than ever! The Bible Society

is the whole government now!〃

   〃What is that; mon cher ami?〃 asked the countess; who had

finished her tea and evidently needed a pretext for being angry

after her meal。 〃What are you saying about the government? I don't


  〃Well; you know; Maman;〃 Nicholas interposed; knowing how to

translate things into his mother's language; 〃Prince Alexander

Golitsyn has founded a society and in consequence has great influence;

they say。〃

  〃Arakcheev and Golitsyn;〃 incautiously remarked Pierre; 〃are now the

whole government! And what a government! They see treason everywhere

and are afraid of everything。〃

  〃Well; and how is Prince Alexander to blame? He is a most

estimable man。 I used to meet him at Mary Antonovna's;〃 said the

countess in an offended tone; and still more offended that they all

remained silent; she went on: 〃Nowadays everyone finds fault。 A Gospel

Society! Well; and what harm is there in that?〃 and she rose

(everybody else got up too) and with a severe expression sailed back

to her table in the sitting room。

  The melancholy silence that followed was broken by the sounds of the

children's voices and laughter from the next room。 Evidently some

jolly excitement was going on there。

  〃Finished; finished!〃 little Natasha's gleeful yell rose above

them all。

  Pierre exchanged glances with Countess Mary and Nicholas (Natasha he

never lost sight of) and smiled happily。

  〃That's delightful music!〃 said he。

  〃It means that Anna Makarovna has finished her stocking;〃 said

Countess Mary。

  〃Oh; I'll go and see;〃 said Pierre; jumping up。 〃You know;〃 he

added; stopping at the door; 〃why I'm especially fond of that music?

It is always the first thing that tells me all is well。 When I was

driving here today; the nearer I got to the house the more anxious I

grew。 As I entered the anteroom I heard Andrusha's peals of laughter

and that meant that all was well。〃

  〃I know! I know that feeling;〃 said Nicholas。 〃But I mustn't go

there… those stockings are to be a surprise for me。〃

  Pierre went to the children; and the shouting and laughter grew

still louder。

  〃Come; Anna Makarovna;〃 Pierre's voice was heard saying; 〃come

here into the middle of the room and at the word of command; 'One;

two;' and when I say 'three'。。。 You stand here; and you in my arms…

well now! One; two!。。。〃 said Pierre; and a silence followed:

〃three!〃 and a rapturously breathless cry of children's voices

filled the room。 〃Two; two!〃 they shouted。

  This meant two stockings; which by a secret process known only to

herself Anna Makarovna used to knit at the same time on the same

needles; and which; when they were ready; she always triumphantly

drew; one out of the other; in the children's presence。



  Soon after this the children came in to say good night。 They

kissed everyone; the tutors and governesses made their bows; and

they went out。 Only young Nicholas and his tutor remained。 Dessalles

whispered to the boy to come downstairs。

  〃No; Monsieur Dessalles; I will ask my aunt to let me stay;〃 replied

Nicholas Bolkonski also in a whisper。

  〃Ma tante; please let me stay;〃 said he; going up to his aunt。

  His face expressed entreaty; agitation; and ecstasy。 Countess Mary

glanced at him and turned to Pierre。

  〃When you are here he can't tear himself away;〃 she said。

  〃I will bring him to you directly; Monsieur Dessalles。 Good

night!〃 said Pierre; giving his hand to the Swiss tutor; and he turned

to young Nicholas with a smile。 〃You and I haven't seen anything of

one another yet。。。 How like he is growing; Mary!〃 he added; addressing

Countess Mary。

  〃Like my father?〃 asked the boy; flushing crimson and looking up

at Pierre with bright; ecstatic eyes。

  Pierre nodded; and went on with what he had been saying when the

children had interrupted。 Countess Mary sat down doing woolwork;

Natasha did not take her eyes off her husband。 Nicholas and Denisov

rose; asked for their pipes; smoked; went to fetch more tea from

Sonya… who sat weary but resolute at the samovar… and questioned

Pierre。 The curly…headed; delicate boy sat with shining eyes unnoticed

in a corner; starting every now and then and muttering something to

himself; and evidently experiencing a new and powerful emotion as he

turned his curly head; with his thin neck exposed by his turn…down

collar; toward the place where Pierre sat。

  The conversation turned on the contemporary gossip about those in

power; in which most people see the chief interest of home politics。

Denisov; dissatisfied with the government on account of his own

disappointments in the service; heard with pleasure of the things done

in Petersburg which seemed to him stupid; and made forcible and

sharp comments on what Pierre told them。

  〃One used to have to be a German… now one must dance with Tatawinova

and Madame Kwudener; and wead Ecka'tshausen and the bwethwen。 Oh; they

should let that fine fellow Bonaparte lose… he'd knock all this

nonsense out of them! Fancy giving the command of the Semenov wegiment

to a fellow like that Schwa'tz!〃 he crie
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