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first epilogue-第15部分

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Mucius Scaevola burned his hand。 Why should not the same sort of thing

happen to me? I know they want me to learn。 And I will learn。 But

someday I shall have finished learning; and then I will do

something。 I only pray God that something may happen to me such as

happened to Plutarch's men; and I will act as they did。 I will do

better。 Everyone shall know me; love me; and be delighted with me!〃

And suddenly his bosom heaved with sobs and he began to cry。

  〃Are you ill?〃 he heard Dessalles' voice asking。

  〃No;〃 answered Nicholas; and lay back on his pillow。

  〃He is good and kind and I am fond of him!〃 he thought of Dessalles。

〃But Uncle Pierre! Oh; what a wonderful man he is! And my father?

Oh; Father; Father! Yes; I will do something with which even he

would be satisfied。。。。〃

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