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the problem of thor bridge-第5部分

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  〃If you will find the facts; perhaps others may find the


  〃With regard; then; to my presence at Thor Bridge that night; I

received a note from Mrs。 Gibson in the morning。 It lay on the table

of the schoolroom; and it may have been left there by her own hand。 It

implored me to see her there after dinner; said she had something

important to say to me; and asked me to leave an answer on the sundial

in the garden; as she desired no one to be in our confidence; I saw no

reason for such secrecy; but I did as she asked; accepting the

appointment。 She asked me to destroy her note and I burned it in the

schoolroom grate。 She was very much afraid of her husband; who treated

her with a harshness for which I frequently reproached him; and I

could only imagine that she acted in this way Because she did not wish

him to know of our interview。〃

  〃Yet she kept your reply very carefully?〃

  〃Yes。 I was surprised to hear that she had it in her hand when she


  〃Well; what happened then?〃

 〃I went down as I had promised。 When I reached the bridge she was

waiting for me。 Never did I realize till that moment how this poor

creature hated me。 She was like a mad woman… indeed; I think she was a

mad woman; subtly mad with the deep power of deception which insane

people may have。 How else could she have met me with unconcern every

day and yet had so raging a hatred of me in her heart? I will not

say what she said。 She poured her whole wild fury out in burning and

horrible words。 I did not even answer… I could not。 It was dreadful to

see her。 I put my hands to my ears and rushed away。 When I left her

she was standing; still shrieking out her curses at me; in the mouth

of the bridge。〃

  〃Where she was afterwards found?〃

  〃Within a few yards from the spot。〃

  〃And yet; presuming that she met her death shortly after you left

her; you heard no shot?〃

  〃No; I heard nothing。 But; indeed; Mr。 Holmes; I was so agitated and

horrified by this terrible outbreak that I rushed to get back to the

peace of my own room; and I was incapable of noticing anything which


  〃You say that you returned to your room。 Did you leave it again

before next morning。

  〃Yes; when the alarm came that the poor creature had met her death I

ran out with the others。〃

  〃Did you see Mr。 Gibson?〃

  〃Yes; he had just returned from the bridge when I saw him。 He had

sent for the doctor and the police。〃

  〃Did he seem to you much perturbed?〃

  〃Mr。 Gibson is a very strong; self…contained man。 I do not think

that he would ever show his emotions on the surface。 But I; who knew

him so well; could see that he was deeply concerned。〃

  〃Then we come to the all…important point。 This pistol that was found

in your room。 Had you ever seen it before?〃

  〃Never; I swear it。〃

  〃When was it found?〃

  〃Next morning; when the police made their search。〃

  〃Among your clothes?〃

  〃Yes; on the floor of my wardrobe under my dresses。〃

  〃You could not guess how long it had been there?〃

  〃It had not been there the morning before。〃

  〃How do you know?〃

  〃Because I tidied out the wardrobe。〃

  〃That is final。 Then someone came into your room and placed the

pistol there in order to inculpate you。〃

  〃It must have been so。〃

  〃And when?〃

  〃It could only have been at meal…time; or else at the hours when I

would be in the schoolroom with the children。〃

  〃As you were when you got the note?〃

  〃Yes; from that time onward for the whole morning。〃

  〃Thank you; Miss Dunbar。 Is there any other point which could help

me in the investigation?〃

  〃I can think of none。〃

  〃There was some sign of violence on the stonework of the bridge… a

perfectly fresh chip just opposite the body。 Could you suggest any

possible explanation of that?〃

  〃Surely it must be a mere coincidence。〃

  〃Curious; Miss Dunbar; very curious。 Why should it appear at the

very time of the tragedy; and why at the very place?〃

  〃But what could have caused it? Only great violence could have

such an effect。〃

  Holmes did not answer。 His pale; eager face had suddenly assumed

that tense; far…away expression which I had learned to associate

with the supreme manifestations of his genius。 So evident was the

crisis in his mind that none of us dared to speak; and we sat;

barrister; prisoner; and myself; watching him in a concentrated and

absorbed silence。 Suddenly he sprang from his chair; vibrating with

nervous energy and the pressing need for action。

  〃Come; Watson; come!〃 he cried。

  〃What is it; Mr。 Holmes?〃

  〃Never mind; my dear lady。 You will hear from me; Mr。 Cummings。 With

the help of the god of justice I will give you a case which will

make England ring。 You will get news by to…morrow; Miss Dunbar; and

meanwhile take my assurance that the clouds are lifting and that I

have every hope that the light of truth is breaking through。〃

  It was not a long journey from Winchester to Thor Place; but it

was long to me in my impatience; while for Holmes it was evident

that it seemed endless; for; in his nervous restlessness; he could not

sit still; but paced the carriage or drummed with his long;

sensitive fingers upon the cushions beside him。 Suddenly; however;

as we neared our destination he seated himself opposite to me… we

had a first…class carriage to ourselves… and laying a hand upon each

of my knees he looked into my eyes with the peculiarly mischievous

gaze which was characteristic of his more imp…like moods。

  〃Watson;〃 said he; 〃I have some recollection that you go armed

upon these excursions of ours。〃

  It was as well for him that I did so; for he took little care for

his own safety when his mind was once absorbed by a problem; so that

more than once my revolver had been a good friend in need。 I

reminded him of the fact。

  〃Yes; yes; I am a little absent…minded in such matters。 But have you

your revolver on you?〃

  I produced it from my hip…pocket; a short; handy; but very

serviceable little weapon。 He undid the catch; shook out the

cartridges; and examined it with care。

  〃It's heavy… remarkably heavy;〃 said he。

  〃Yes; it is a solid bit of work。〃

  He mused over it for a minute。

  〃Do you know; Watson;〃 said he; 〃I believe your revolver is going to

have a very intimate connection with the mystery which we are


  〃My dear Holmes; you are joking。〃

  〃No; Watson; I am very serious。 There is a test before us。 If the

test comes off all will be clear。 And the test will depend upon the

conduct of this little weapon。 One cartridge out。 Now we will

replace the other five and put on the safetycatch。 So! That

increases the weight and makes it a better reproduction。〃

  I had no glimmer of what was in his mind; nor did he enlighten me;

but sat lost in thought until we pulled up in the little Hampshire

station; We secured a ramshackle trap; and in a quarter of all hour

were at the house of our confidential friend; the sergeant。

  〃A clue; Mr。 Holmes? What is it?〃

  〃It all depends upon the behaviour of Dr。 Watson's revolver;〃 said

my friend。 Here it is。 Now; officer; can you give me ten yards of


  The village shop provided a ball of stout twine。

  〃I think that this is all we will need;〃 said Holmes。 〃Now; if you

please; we will get off on what I hope is the last stage of our


  The sun was setting and turning the rolling Hampshire moor into a

wonderful autumnal panorama。 The sergeant; with many critical and

incredulous glances; which showed his deep doubts of the sanity of

my companion; lurched along beside us。 As we approached the scene of

the crime I could see that my friend under all his habitual coolness

was in truth deeply agitated。

  〃Yes;〃 he said in answer to my remark; 〃you have seen me miss my

mark before; Watson。 I have all instinct for such things; and yet it

has sometimes played me false。 It seemed a certainty when first it

flashed across my mind in the cell at Winchester; but one drawback

of an active mind is that one can always conceive alternative

explanations which would make our scent a false one。 And yet… and yet…

Well; Watson; we can but try〃

  As he walked he had firmly tied one end of the string to the

handle of the revolver。 We had now reached the scene of the tragedy。

With great care he marked out under the guidance of the policeman

the exact spot where the body had been stretched。 He then hunted among

the heather and the ferns until he found a considerable stone。 This he

secured to the other end of his line of string; and he hung it over

the parapet of the bridge so that it swung clear above the water。 He

then stood on the fatal spot; some distance from the edge of the

bridge; with my revolver in his hand; the string being taut between

the weapon and the heavy stone on the farther side。

  〃Now for it!〃 he cried。

  At the words he raised the pistol to his head; and then let go his

grip。 In an instant it had been whisked away by the weight of the

stone; had struck with a sharp crack against the parapet; and had

vanished over the side into the water。 It had hardly gone before

Holmes was kneeling beside tile stonework; and a joyous cry showed

that he had found what he expected。

  〃Was there ever a more exact demonstration?〃 he cried。 〃See; Watson;

your revolver has solved the problem!〃 As he spoke he pointed to a

second chip of the exact size and shape of the first which had

appeared on the under edge of the stone balustrade。

  〃We'll stay at the inn to…night;〃 he continued as he rose and

faced the astonished sergeant。 〃You will; of course; get a

grappling…hook and you will easily restore my friend's revolver。 You

will also find beside it the revolver; string and weight with which

this vindictive woman attempted to disguise her own crime and to

fasten a charge of murder upon an innocent victim。 You can let Mr。

Gibson know that I will see him in the morning; when steps can be

taken for Miss Dunbar's vindication。〃

  Late that evening; is we sat together smoking our pipes in the

village inn; Holmes gave me a brief review of what had 
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