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themselves and cause mischief for humans。

'1'  O…jochu (〃honorable damsel〃); a polite form of address used in

speaking to a young lady whom one does not know。

(2)  An apparition with a smooth; totally featureless face; called a

〃nopperabo;〃 is a stock part of the Japanese pantheon of ghosts and demons。

'2'  Soba is a preparation of buckwheat; somewhat resembling vermicelli。

(3)  An exclamation of annoyed alarm。

(4)  Well!


'1'  The period of Eikyo lasted from 1429 to 1441。

'2'  The upper robe of a Buddhist priest is thus called。

(1)  Present…day Yamanashi Prefecture。

(2)  A term for itinerant priests。

'3'  A sort of little fireplace; contrived in the floor of a room; is thus

described。 The ro is usually a square shallow cavity; lined with metal and

half…filled with ashes; in which charcoal is lighted。

(3)  Direct translation of 〃suzumushi;〃 a kind of cricket with a

distinctive chirp like a tiny bell; whence the name。

(4)  Now a rokuro…kubi is ordinarily conceived as a goblin whose neck

stretches out to great lengths; but which nevertheless always remains

attached to its body。

(5)  A Chinese collection of stories on the supernatural。

'4'  A present made to friends or to the household on returning from a

journey is thus called。 Ordinarily; of course; the miyage consists of

something produced in the locality to which the journey has been made: this

is the point of Kwairyo's jest。

(6)  Present…day Nagano Prefecture。


(1)  On the present…day map; Tamba corresponds roughly to the central area

of Kyoto Prefecture and part of Hyogo Prefecture。

'1'  The Hour of the Rat (Ne…no…Koku); according to the old Japanese method

of reckoning time; was the first hour。 It corresponded to the time between

our midnight and two o'clock in the morning; for the ancient Japanese hours

were each equal to two modern hours。

'2'  Kaimyo; the posthumous Buddhist name; or religious name; given to the

dead。 Strictly speaking; the meaning of the work is sila…name。 (See my

paper entitled; 〃The Literature of the Dead〃 in Exotics and



(1)  An ancient province whose boundaries took in most of present…day

Tokyo; and parts of Saitama and Kanagawa prefectures。

'1'  That is to say; with a floor…surface of about six feet square。

'2'  This name; signifying 〃Snow;〃 is not uncommon。 On the subject of

Japanese female names; see my paper in the volume entitled Shadowings。

(2)  Also spelled Edo; the former name of Tokyo。


(1)  An ancient province corresponding to the northern part of present…day

Ishikawa Prefecture。

(2)  An ancient province corresponding to the eastern part of present…day

Fukui Prefecture。

'1'  The name signifies 〃Green Willow;〃  though rarely met with; it is

still in use。

'2'  The poem may be read in two ways; several of the phrases having a

double meaning。 But the art of its construction would need considerable

space to explain; and could scarcely interest the Western reader。 The

meaning which Tomotada desired to convey might be thus expressed: 〃While

journeying to visit my mother; I met with a being lovely as a flower; and

for the sake of that lovely person; I am passing the day here。。。 Fair one;

wherefore that dawn…like blush before the hour of dawn?  can it mean that

you love me?〃

'3'  Another reading is possible; but this one gives the signification of

the answer intended。

'4'  So the Japanese story…teller would have us believe; although the

verses seem commonplace in translation。 I have tried to give only their

general meaning: an effective literal translation would require some



(1)  Present…day Ehime Prefecture。


(1)  Present…day Nara Prefecture。

'1'  This name 〃Tokoyo〃 is indefinite。 According to circumstances it may

signify any unknown country; or that undiscovered country from whose

bourn no traveler returns; or that Fairyland of far…eastern fable; the

Realm of Horai。 The term 〃Kokuo〃 means the ruler of a country; therefore

a king。 The original phrase; Tokoyo no Kokuo; might be rendered here as

〃the Ruler of Horai;〃 or 〃the King of Fairyland。〃

'2'  The last phrase; according to old custom; had to be uttered by both

attendants at the same time。 All these ceremonial observances can still be

studied on the Japanese stage。

'3'  This was the name given to the estrade; or dais; upon which a feudal

prince or ruler sat in state。 The term literally signifies 〃great seat。〃


(1)  Kana: the Japanese phonetic alphabet。

(2)  〃So…and…so〃: appellation used by Hearn in place of the real name。

(3)  A section of Tokyo。

'1'  A square piece of cotton…goods; or other woven material; used as a

wrapper in which to carry small packages。

(4)  Ten yen is nothing now; but was a formidable sum then。



(1)  Haiku。

'1'  〃The modest nymph beheld her God; and blushed。〃 (Or; in a more

familiar rendering: 〃The modest water saw its God; and blushed。〃) In this

line the double value of the word nympha  used by classical poets both in

the meaning of fountain and in that of the divinity of a fountain; or

spring  reminds one of that graceful playing with words which Japanese

poets practice。

'2'  More usually written nugi…kakeru; which means either 〃to take off and

hang up;〃 or 〃to begin to take off;〃  as in the above poem。 More loosely;

but more effectively; the verses might thus be rendered: 〃Like a woman

slipping off her haori  that is the appearance of a butterfly。〃 One must

have seen the Japanese garment described; to appreciate the comparison。 The

haori is a silk upper…dress; a kind of sleeved cloak; worn by both

sexes; but the poem suggests a woman's haori; which is usually of richer

color or material。 The sleeves are wide; and the lining is usually of

brightly…colored silk; often beautifully variegated。 In taking off the

haori; the brilliant lining is displayed; and at such an instant the

fluttering splendor might well be likened to the appearance of a butterfly

in motion。

'3'  The bird…catcher's pole is smeared with bird…lime; and the verses

suggest that the insect is preventing the man from using his pole; by

persistently getting in the way of it; as the birds might take warning

from seeing the butterfly limed。 Jama suru means 〃to hinder〃 or 〃prevent。〃

'4'  Even while it is resting; the wings of the butterfly may be seen to

quiver at moments; as if the creature were dreaming of flight。

'5'  A little poem by Basho; greatest of all Japanese composers of hokku。

The verses are intended to suggest the joyous feeling of spring…time。

'6'  Literally; 〃a windless day;〃 but two negatives in Japanese poetry do

not necessarily imply an affirmative; as in English。 The meaning is; that

although there is no wind; the fluttering motion of the butterflies

suggests; to the eyes at least; that a strong breeze is playing。

'7'  Alluding to the Buddhist proverb: Rakkwa eda ni kaerazu; ha…kyo

futatabi terasazu (〃The fallen flower returns not to the branch; the broken

mirror never again reflects。〃) So says the proverb  yet it seemed to me

that I saw a fallen flower return to the branch。。。 No: it was only a


'8'  Alluding probably to the light fluttering motion of falling cherry…petals。

'9'  That is to say; the grace of their motion makes one think of the grace

of young girls; daintily costumed; in robes with long fluttering sleeves。。。

And old Japanese proverb declares that even a devil is pretty at eighteen:

Oni mo jiu…hachi azami no hana: 〃Even a devil at eighteen;


'10'  Or perhaps the verses might be more effectively rendered thus: 〃Happy

together; do you say? Yes  if we should be reborn as field…butterflies in

some future life: then we might accord!〃 This poem was composed by the

celebrated poet Issa; on the occasion of divorcing his wife。

'11'  Or; Tare no tama?  'Digitizer's note: Hearn's note calls attention to

an alternative reading of the ideogram for 〃spirit〃 or 〃soul。〃'

'12'  Literally; 〃Butterfly…pursing heart I wish to have always;'  i。e。;

I would that I might always be able to find pleasure in simple things; like

a happy child。

'13'  An old popular error; probably imported from China。

'14'  A name suggested by the resemblance of the larva's artificial

covering to the mino; or straw…raincoat; worn by Japanese peasants。 I am

not sure whether the dictionary rendering; 〃basket…worm;〃 is quite

correct; but the larva commonly called minomushi does really construct

for itself something much like the covering of the basket…worm。

(2)  A very large; white radish。  〃Daikon〃 literally means 〃big root。〃

'15'  Pyrus spectabilis。

'16'  An evil spirit。

(3)  A common female name。


(1)  Meiji: The period in which Hearn wrote this book。 It lasted from 1868

to 1912; and was a time when Japan plunged head…first into Western…style

modernization。 By the 〃fashions and the changes and the disintegrations of

Meiji〃 Hearn is lamenting that this process of modernization was destroying

some of the good things in traditional Japanese culture。


(1)  Cicadas。

'1'  An interesting fact in this connection is that the Japanese word for

ant; ari; is represented by an ideograph formed of the character for

〃insect〃 combined with the character signifying 〃moral rectitude;〃

〃propriety〃 (giri)。 So the Chinese character actually means 〃The


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