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help laughing。 Sure that he had been bewitched; they now seized him; and

pulled him up on his feet; and by main force hurried him back to the

temple; where he was immediately relieved of his wet clothes; by order of

the priest。 Then the priest insisted upon a full explanation of his

friend's astonishing behavior。

Hoichi long hesitated to speak。 But at last; finding that his conduct had

really alarmed and angered the good priest; he decided to abandon his

reserve; and he related everything that had happened from the time of first

visit of the samurai。

The priest said:

〃Hoichi; my poor friend; you are now in great danger! How unfortunate that

you did not tell me all this before! Your wonderful skill in music has

indeed brought you into strange trouble。 By this time you must be aware

that you have not been visiting any house whatever; but have been passing

your nights in the cemetery; among the tombs of the Heike;  and it was

before the memorial…tomb of Antoku Tenno that our people to…night found

you; sitting in the rain。 All that you have been imagining was illusion 

except the calling of the dead。 By once obeying them; you have put yourself

in their power。 If you obey them again; after what has already occurred;

they will tear you in pieces。 But they would have destroyed you; sooner or

later; in any event。。。 Now I shall not be able to remain with you to…night:

I am called away to perform another service。 But; before I go; it will be

necessary to protect your body by writing holy texts upon it。〃

Before sundown the priest and his acolyte stripped Hoichi: then; with

their writing…brushes; they traced upon his breast and back; head and face

and neck; limbs and hands and feet; even upon the soles of his feet; and

upon all parts of his body; the text of the holy sutra called

Hannya…Shin…Kyo。 '7' When this had been done; the priest instructed Hoichi;


〃To…night; as soon as I go away; you must seat yourself on the verandah;

and wait。 You will be called。 But; whatever may happen; do not answer; and

do not move。 Say nothing and sit still  as if meditating。 If you stir; or

make any noise; you will be torn asunder。 Do not get frightened; and do not

think of calling for help  because no help could save you。 If you do

exactly as I tell you; the danger will pass; and you will have nothing more

to fear。〃

After dark the priest and the acolyte went away; and Hoichi seated himself

on the verandah; according to the instructions given him。 He laid his biwa

on the planking beside him; and; assuming the attitude of meditation;

remained quite still; taking care not to cough; or to breathe audibly。

For hours he stayed thus。

Then; from the roadway; he heard the steps coming。 They passed the gate;

crossed the garden; approached the verandah; stopped  directly in front

of him。

〃Hoichi!〃 the deep voice called。 But the blind man held his breath; and

sat motionless。

〃Hoichi!〃 grimly called the voice a second time。 Then a third time 



Hoichi remained as still as a stone; and the voice grumbled:

〃No answer!  that won't do!。。。 Must see where the fellow is。〃。。。

There was a noise of heavy feet mounting upon the verandah。 The feet

approached deliberately; halted beside him。 Then; for long minutes;

during which Hoichi felt his whole body shake to the beating of his

heart; there was dead silence。

At last the gruff voice muttered close to him:

〃Here is the biwa; but of the biwa…player I see  only two ears!。。。 So

that explains why he did not answer: he had no mouth to answer with 

there is nothing left of him but his ears。。。 Now to my lord those ears I

will take  in proof that the august commands have been obeyed; so far as

was possible〃。。。

At that instant Hoichi felt his ears gripped by fingers of iron; and torn

off! Great as the pain was; he gave no cry。 The heavy footfalls receded

along the verandah; descended into the garden; passed out to the

roadway; ceased。 From either side of his head; the blind man felt a thick

warm trickling; but he dared not lift his hands。。。

Before sunrise the priest came back。 He hastened at once to the verandah

in the rear; stepped and slipped upon something clammy; and uttered a cry

of horror;  for he say; by the light of his lantern; that the clamminess

was blood。 But he perceived Hoichi sitting there; in the attitude of

meditation  with the blood still oozing from his wounds。

〃My poor Hoichi!〃 cried the startled priest; 〃what is this?。。。 You have

been hurt?

At the sound of his friend's voice; the blind man felt safe。 He burst out

sobbing; and tearfully told his adventure of the night。

〃Poor; poor Hoichi!〃 the priest exclaimed; 〃all my fault!  my very

grievous fault!。。。 Everywhere upon your body the holy texts had been

written  except upon your ears! I trusted my acolyte to do that part of

the work; and it was very; very wrong of me not to have made sure that he

had done it!。。。 Well; the matter cannot now be helped;  we can only try

to heal your hurts as soon as possible。。。 Cheer up; friend!  the danger

is now well over。 You will never again be troubled by those visitors。〃

With the aid of a good doctor; Hoichi soon recovered from his injuries。

The story of his strange adventure spread far and wide; and soon made him

famous。 Many noble persons went to Akamagaseki to hear him recite; and

large presents of money were given to him; so that he became a wealthy

man。。。 But from the time of his adventure; he was known only by the

appellation of Mimi…nashi…Hoichi: 〃Hoichi…the…Earless。〃


There was a falconer and hunter; named Sonjo; who lived in the district

called Tamura…no…Go; of the province of Mutsu。 One day he went out hunting;

and could not find any game。 But on his way home; at a place called

Akanuma; he perceived a pair of oshidori '1' (mandarin…ducks); swimming

together in a river that he was about to cross。 to kill oshidori is not

good; but Sonjo happened to be very hungry; and he shot at the pair。 His

arrow pierced the male: the female escaped into the rushes of the further

shore; and disappeared。 Sonjo took the dead bird home; and cooked it。

That night he dreamed a dreary dream。 It seemed to him that a beautiful

woman came into his room; and stood by his pillow; and began to weep。 So

bitterly did she weep that Sonjo felt as if his heart were being torn out

while he listened。 And the woman cried to him: 〃Why; oh! why did you kill

him?  of what wrong was he guilty?。。。 At Akanuma we were so happy

together; and you killed him!。。。 What harm did he ever do you? Do you

even know what you have done?  oh! do you know what a cruel; what a

wicked thing you have done?。。。 Me too you have killed; for I will not

live without my husband!。。。 Only to tell you this I came。〃。。。 Then again

she wept aloud; so bitterly that the voice of her crying pierced into the

marrow of the listener's bones;  and she sobbed out the words of this


     Hi kurureba

Sasoeshi mono wo 

     Akanuma no

Makomo no kure no

Hitori…ne zo uki!

(〃At the coming of twilight I invited him to return with me ! Now to

sleep alone in the shadow of the rushes of Akanuma  ah! what misery

unspeakable!〃) '2'

And after having uttered these verses she exclaimed: 〃Ah; you do not know

 you cannot know what you have done! But to…morrow; when you go to

Akanuma; you will see; you will see。。。〃 So saying; and weeping very

piteously; she went away。

When Sonjo awoke in the morning; this dream remained so vivid in his mind

that he was greatly troubled。 He remembered the words: 〃But to…morrow;

when you go to Akanuma; you will see; you will see。〃 And he resolved to

go there at once; that he might learn whether his dream was anything more

than a dream。

So he went to Akanuma; and there; when he came to the river…bank; he saw

the female oshidori swimming alone。 In the same moment the bird perceived

Sonjo; but; instead of trying to escape; she swam straight towards him;

looking at him the while in a strange fixed way。 Then; with her beak; she

suddenly tore open her own body; and died before the hunter's eyes。。。

Sonjo shaved his head; and became a priest。


A long time ago; in the town of Niigata; in the province of Echizen; there

lived a man called Nagao Chosei。

Nagao was the son of a physician; and was educated for his father's

profession。 At an early age he had been betrothed to a girl called O…Tei;

the daughter of one of his father's friends; and both families had agreed

that the wedding should take place as soon as Nagao had finished his

studies。 But the health of O…Tei proved to be weak; and in her fifteenth

year she was attacked by a fatal consumption。 When she became aware that

she must die; she sent for Nagao to bid him farewell。

As he knelt at her bedside; she said to him:

〃Nagao…Sama; (1) my betrothed; we were promised to each other from the

time of our childhood; and we were to have been married at the end of this

year。 But now I am goingto die;  the gods know what is best for us。 If I

were able to live for some years longer; I could only continue to be a

cause of trouble and grief for others。 With this frail body; I could not be

a good wife; and therefore even to wish to live; for your sake; would be a

very selfish wish。 I am quite resigned to die; and I want you to promise

that you will not grieve。。。 Besides; I want to tell you that I think we

shall meet again。〃。。。

〃Indeed we shall meet again;〃 Nagao answered earnestly。 〃And in that Pure

Land (2) there will be no pain of separation。〃

〃Nay; nay!〃 she responded softly; 〃I meant not the Pure Land。 I believe

that we are destined to meet
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