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lyrical poems-第19部分

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t for the place above; To gird my loins about With charity throughout; And so to travel hence With feet of innocence; These done; I'll only cry; 'God; mercy!' and so die。



Night hath no wings to him that cannot sleep; And Time seems then not for to fly; but creep; Slowly her chariot drives; as if that she Had broke her wheel; or crack'd her axletree。 Just so it is with me; who list'ning; pray The winds to blow the tedious night away; That I might see the cheerful peeping day。 Sick is my heart; O Saviour!  do Thou please To make my bed soft in my sicknesses; Lighten my candle; so that I beneath Sleep not for ever in the vaults of death; Let me thy voice betimes i' th' morning hear; Call; and I'll come; say Thou the when and where: Draw me but first; and after Thee I'll run; And make no one stop till my race be done。



O years!  and age!  farewell: Behold I go; Where I do know Infinity to dwell。

And these mine eyes shall see All times; how they Are lost i' th' sea Of vast eternity:

Where never moon shall sway The stars; but she; And night; shall be Drown'd in one endless day。



In this world; the Isle of Dreams; While we sit by sorrow's streams; Tears and terrors are our themes; Reciting:

But when once from hence we fly; More and more approaching nigh Unto young eternity; Uniting

In that whiter Island; where Things are evermore sincere: Candour here; and lustre there; Delighting:

There no monstrous fancies shall Out of hell an horror call; To create; or cause at all Affrighting。

There; in calm and cooling sleep; We our eyes shall never steep; But eternal watch shall keep; Attending

Pleasures such as shall pursue Me immortalized; and you; And fresh joys; as never too Have ending。

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