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brother jacob-第6部分

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as men are wont to do when they intimate that they have become a

little too wise to be instructed about a world which has long been

flat and stale to them。

For some time he was quite general in his attentions to the fair

sex; combining the gallantries of a lady's man with a severity of

criticism on the person and manners of absent belles; which tended

rather to stimulate in the feminine breast the desire to conquer the

approval of so fastidious a judge。  Nothing short of the very best

in the department of female charms and virtues could suffice to

kindle the ardour of Mr。 Edward Freely; who had become familiar with

the most luxuriant and dazzling beauty in the West Indies。  It may

seem incredible that a confectioner should have ideas and

conversation so much resembling those to be met with in a higher

walk of life; but it must be remembered that he had not merely

travelled; he had also bow…legs and a sallow; small…featured visage;

so that nature herself had stamped him for a fastidious connoisseur

of the fair sex。

At last; however; it seemed clear that Cupid had found a sharper

arrow than usual; and that Mr。 Freely's heart was pierced。  It was

the general talk among the young people at Grimworth。  But was it

really love; and not rather ambition?  Miss Fullilove; the timber…

merchant's daughter; was quite sure that if SHE were Miss Penny

Palfrey; she would be cautious; it was not a good sign when men

looked so much above themselves for a wife。  For it was no less a

person than Miss Penelope Palfrey; second daughter of the Mr。

Palfrey who farmed his own land; that had attracted Mr。 Freely's

peculiar regard; and conquered his fastidiousness; and no wonder;

for the Ideal; as exhibited in the finest waxwork; was perhaps never

so closely approached by the Real as in the person of the pretty

Penelope。  Her yellowish flaxen hair did not curl naturally; I

admit; but its bright crisp ringlets were such smooth; perfect

miniature tubes; that you would have longed to pass your little

finger through them; and feel their soft elasticity。  She wore them

in a crop; for in those days; when society was in a healthier state;

young ladies wore crops long after they were twenty; and Penelope

was not yet nineteen。  Like the waxen ideal; she had round blue

eyes; and round nostrils in her little nose; and teeth such as the

ideal would be seen to have; if it ever showed them。  Altogether;

she was a small; round thing; as neat as a pink and white double

daisy; and as guileless; for I hope it does not argue guile in a

pretty damsel of nineteen; to think that she should like to have a

beau and be 〃engaged;〃 when her elder sister had already been in

that position a year and a half。  To be sure; there was young Towers

always coming to the house; but Penny felt convinced he only came to

see her brother; for he never had anything to say to her; and never

offered her his arm; and was as awkward and silent as possible。

It is not unlikely that Mr。 Freely had early been smitten by Penny's

charms; as brought under his observation at church; but he had to

make his way in society a little before he could come into nearer

contact with them; and even after he was well received in Grimworth

families; it was a long while before he could converse with Penny

otherwise than in an incidental meeting at Mr。 Luff's。  It was not

so easy to get invited to Long Meadows; the residence of the

Palfreys; for though Mr。 Palfrey had been losing money of late

years; not being able quite to recover his feet after the terrible

murrain which forced him to borrow; his family were far from

considering themselves on the same level even as the old…established

tradespeople with whom they visited。  The greatest people; even

kings and queens; must visit with somebody; and the equals of the

great are scarce。  They were especially scarce at Grimworth; which;

as I have before observed; was a low parish; mentioned with the most

scornful brevity in gazetteers。  Even the great people there were

far behind those of their own standing in other parts of this realm。

Mr。 Palfrey's farmyard doors had the paint all worn off them; and

the front garden walks had long been merged in a general weediness。

Still; his father had been called Squire Palfrey; and had been

respected by the last Grimworth generation as a man who could afford

to drink too much in his own house。

Pretty Penny was not blind to the fact that Mr。 Freely admired her;

and she felt sure that it was he who had sent her a beautiful

valentine; but her sister seemed to think so lightly of him (all

young ladies think lightly of the gentlemen to whom they are not

engaged); that Penny never dared mention him; and trembled and

blushed whenever they met him; thinking of the valentine; which was

very strong in its expressions; and which she felt guilty of knowing

by heart。  A man who had been to the Indies; and knew the sea so

well; seemed to her a sort of public character; almost like Robinson

Crusoe or Captain Cook; and Penny had always wished her husband to

be a remarkable personage; likely to be put in Mangnall's Questions;

with which register of the immortals she had become acquainted

during her one year at a boarding…school。  Only it seemed strange

that a remarkable man should be a confectioner and pastry…cook; and

this anomaly quite disturbed Penny's dreams。  Her brothers; she

knew; laughed at men who couldn't sit on horseback well; and called

them tailors; but her brothers were very rough; and were quite

without that power of anecdote which made Mr。 Freely such a

delightful companion。  He was a very good man; she thought; for she

had heard him say at Mr。 Luff's; one day; that he always wished to

do his duty in whatever state of life he might be placed; and he

knew a great deal of poetry; for one day he had repeated a verse of

a song。  She wondered if he had made the words of the valentine!it

ended in this way:…

〃Without thee; it is pain to live;

But with thee; it were sweet to die。〃

Poor Mr。 Freely! her father would very likely objectshe felt sure

he would; for he always called Mr。 Freely 〃that sugar…plum fellow。〃

Oh; it was very cruel; when true love was crossed in that way; and

all because Mr。 Freely was a confectioner:  well; Penny would be

true to him; for all that; and since his being a confectioner gave

her an opportunity of showing her faithfulness; she was glad of it。

Edward Freely was a pretty name; much better than John Towers。

Young Towers had offered her a rose out of his button…hole the other

day; blushing very much; but she refused it; and thought with

delight how much Mr。 Freely would be comforted if he knew her

firmness of mind。

Poor little Penny! the days were so very long among the daisies on a

grazing farm; and thought is so activehow was it possible that the

inward drama should not get the start of the outward?  I have known

young ladies; much better educated; and with an outward world

diversified by instructive lectures; to say nothing of literature

and highly…developed fancy…work; who have spun a cocoon of visionary

joys and sorrows for themselves; just as Penny did。  Her elder

sister Letitia; who had a prouder style of beauty; and a more

worldly ambition; was engaged to a wool…factor; who came all the way

from Cattelton to see her; and everybody knows that a wool…factor

takes a very high rank; sometimes driving a double…bodied gig。

Letty's notions got higher every day; and Penny never dared to speak

of her cherished griefs to her lofty sisternever dared to propose

that they should call at Mr。 Freely's to buy liquorice; though she

had prepared for such an incident by mentioning a slight sore

throat。  So she had to pass the shop on the other side of the

market…place; and reflect; with a suppressed sigh; that behind those

pink and white jars somebody was thinking of her tenderly;

unconscious of the small space that divided her from him。

And it was quite true that; when business permitted; Mr。 Freely

thought a great deal of Penny。  He thought her prettiness comparable

to the loveliest things in confectionery; he judged her to be of

submissive temperlikely to wait upon him as well as if she had

been a negress; and to be silently terrified when his liver made him

irritable; and he considered the Palfrey family quite the best in

the parish; possessing marriageable daughters。  On the whole; he

thought her worthy to become Mrs。 Edward Freely; and all the more

so; because it would probably require some ingenuity to win her。

Mr。 Palfrey was capable of horse…whipping a too rash pretender to

his daughter's hand; and; moreover; he had three tall sons:  it was

clear that a suitor would be at a disadvantage with such a family;

unless travel and natural acumen had given him a countervailing

power of contrivance。  And the first idea that occurred to him in

the matter was; that Mr。 Palfrey would object less if he knew that

the Freelys were a much higher family than his own。  It had been

foolish modesty in him hitherto to conceal the fact that a branch of

the Freelys held a manor in Yorkshire; and to shut up the portrait

of his great uncle the admiral; instead of hanging it up where a

family portrait should be hungover the mantelpiece in the parlour。

Admiral Freely; K。C。B。; once placed in this conspicuous position;

was seen to have had one arm only; and one eyein these points

resembling the heroic Nelsonwhile a certain pallid insignificance

of feature confirmed the relationship between himself and his grand…


Next; Mr。 Freely was seized with an irrepressible ambition to posses

Mrs。 Palfrey's receipt for brawn; hers being pronounced on all hands

to be superior to his ownas he informed her in a very flattering

letter carried by his errand…boy。  Now Mrs。 Palfrey; like other

geniuses; wrought by instinct rather than by rule; and possessed no

receiptsindeed; d
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