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brother jacob-第7部分

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geniuses; wrought by instinct rather than by rule; and possessed no

receiptsindeed; despised all people who used them; observing that

people who pickled by book; must pickle by weights and measures; and

such nonsense; as for herself; her weights and measures were the tip

of her finger and the tip of her tongue; and if you went nearer;

why; of course; for dry goods like flour and spice; you went by

handfuls and pinches; and for wet; there was a middle…sized jug

quite the best thing whether for much or little; because you might

know how much a teacupful was if you'd got any use of your senses;

and you might be sure it would take five middle…sized jugs to make a

gallon。  Knowledge of this kind is like Titian's colouring;

difficult to communicate; and as Mrs。 Palfrey; once remarkably

handsome; had now become rather stout and asthmatical; and scarcely

ever left home; her oral teaching could hardly be given anywhere

except at Long Meadows。  Even a matron is not insusceptible to

flattery; and the prospect of a visitor whose great object would be

to listen to her conversation; was not without its charms to Mrs。

Palfrey。  Since there was no receipt to be sent in reply to Mr。

Freely's humble request; she called on her more docile daughter;

Penny; to write a note; telling him that her mother would be glad to

see him and talk with him on brawn; any day that he could call at

Long Meadows。  Penny obeyed with a trembling hand; thinking how

wonderfully things came about in this world。

In this way; Mr。 Freely got himself introduced into the home of the

Palfreys; and notwithstanding a tendency in the male part of the

family to jeer at him a little as 〃peaky〃 and bow…legged; he

presently established his position as an accepted and frequent

guest。  Young Towers looked at him with increasing disgust when they

met at the house on a Sunday; and secretly longed to try his ferret

upon him; as a piece of vermin which that valuable animal would be

likely to tackle with unhesitating vigour。  Butso blind sometimes

are parentsneither Mr。 nor Mrs。 Palfrey suspected that Penny would

have anything to say to a tradesman of questionable rank whose

youthful bloom was much withered。  Young Towers; they thought; had

an eye to her; and THAT was likely enough to be a match some day;

but Penny was a child at present。  And all the while Penny was

imagining the circumstances under which Mr。 Freely would make her an

offer:  perhaps down by the row of damson…trees; when they were in

the garden before tea; perhaps by letterin which case; how would

the letter begin?  〃Dearest Penelope?〃 or 〃My dear Miss Penelope?〃

or straight off; without dear anything; as seemed the most natural

when people were embarrassed?  But; however he might make the offer;

she would not accept it without her father's consent:  she would

always be true to Mr。 Freely; but she would not disobey her father。

For Penny was a good girl; though some of her female friends were

afterwards of opinion that it spoke ill for her not to have felt an

instinctive repugnance to Mr。 Freely。

But he was cautious; and wished to be quite sure of the ground he

trod on。  His views on marriage were not entirely sentimental; but

were as duly mingled with considerations of what would be

advantageous to a man in his position; as if he had had a very large

amount of money spent on his education。  He was not a man to fall in

love in the wrong place; and so; he applied himself quite as much to

conciliate the favour of the parents; as to secure the attachment of

Penny。  Mrs。 Palfrey had not been inaccessible to flattery; and her

husband; being also of mortal mould; would not; it might be hoped;

be proof against rumthat very fine Jamaica rumof which Mr。

Freely expected always to have a supply sent him from Jamaica。  It

was not easy to get Mr。 Palfrey into the parlour behind the shop;

where a mild back…street light fell on the features of the heroic

admiral; but by getting hold of him rather late one evening as he

was about to return home from Grimworth; the aspiring lover

succeeded in persuading him to sup on some collared beef which;

after Mrs。 Palfrey's brawn; he would find the very best of cold


From that hour Mr。 Freely felt sure of success:  being in privacy

with an estimable man old enough to be his father; and being rather

lonely in the world; it was natural he should unbosom himself a

little on subjects which he could not speak of in a mixed circle

especially concerning his expectations from his uncle in Jamaica;

who had no children; and loved his nephew Edward better than any one

else in the world; though he had been so hurt at his leaving

Jamaica; that he had threatened to cut him off with a shilling。

However; he had since written to state his full forgiveness; and

though he was an eccentric old gentleman and could not bear to give

away money during his life; Mr。 Edward Freely could show Mr。 Palfrey

the letter which declared; plainly enough; who would be the

affectionate uncle's heir。  Mr。 Palfrey actually saw the letter; and

could not help admiring the spirit of the nephew who declared that

such brilliant hopes as these made no difference to his conduct; he

should work at his humble business and make his modest fortune at it

all the same。  If the Jamaica estate was to come to himwell and

good。  It was nothing very surprising for one of the Freely family

to have an estate left him; considering the lands that family had

possessed in time gone bynay; still possessed in the

Northumberland branch。  Would not Mr。 Palfrey take another glass of

rum? and also look at the last year's balance of the accounts?  Mr。

Freely was a man who cared to possess personal virtues; and did not

pique himself on his family; though some men would。

We know how easily the great Leviathan may be led; when once there

is a hook in his nose or a bridle in his jaws。  Mr。 Palfrey was a

large man; but; like Leviathan's; his bulk went against him when

once he had taken a turning。  He was not a mercurial man; who easily

changed his point of view。  Enough。  Before two months were over; he

had given his consent to Mr。 Freely's marriage with his daughter

Penny; and having hit on a formula by which he could justify it;

fenced off all doubts and objections; his own included。  The formula

was this:  〃I'm not a man to put my head up an entry before I know

where it leads。〃

Little Penny was very proud and fluttering; but hardly so happy as

she expected to be in an engagement。  She wondered if young Towers

cared much about it; for he had not been to the house lately; and

her sister and brothers were rather inclined to sneer than to

sympathize。  Grimworth rang with the news。  All men extolled Mr。

Freely's good fortune; while the women; with the tender solicitude

characteristic of the sex; wished the marriage might turn out well。

While affairs were at this triumphant juncture; Mr。 Freely one

morning observed that a stone…carver who had been breakfasting in

the eating…room had left a newspaper behind。  It was the X…shire

Gazette; and X…shire being a county not unknown to Mr。 Freely; he

felt some curiosity to glance over it; and especially over the

advertisements。  A slight flush came over his face as he read。  It

was produced by the following announcement:… 〃If David Faux; son of

Jonathan Faux; late of Gilsbrook; will apply at the office of Mr。

Strutt; attorney; of Rodham; he will hear of something to his


〃Father's dead!〃 exclaimed Mr。 Freely; involuntarily。  〃Can he have

left me a legacy?〃


Perhaps it was a result quite different from your expectations; that

Mr。 David Faux should have returned from the West Indies only a few

years after his arrival there; and have set up in his old business;

like any plain man who has never travelled。  But these cases do

occur in life。  Since; as we know; men change their skies and see

new constellations without changing their souls; it will follow

sometimes that they don't change their business under those novel


Certainly; this result was contrary to David's own expectations。  He

had looked forward; you are aware; to a brilliant career among 〃the

blacks〃; but; either because they had already seen too many white

men; or for some other reason; they did not at once recognize him as

a superior order of human being; besides; there were no princesses

among them。  Nobody in Jamaica was anxious to maintain David for the

mere pleasure of his society; and those hidden merits of a man which

are so well known to himself were as little recognized there as they

notoriously are in the effete society of the Old World。  So that in

the dark hints that David threw out at the Oyster Club about that

life of Sultanic self…indulgence spent by him in the luxurious

Indies; I really think he was doing himself a wrong; I believe he

worked for his bread; and; in fact; took to cooking as; after all;

the only department in which he could offer skilled labour。  He had

formed several ingenious plans by which he meant to circumvent

people of large fortune and small faculty; but then he never met

with exactly the right circumstances。  David's devices for getting

rich without work had apparently no direct relation with the world

outside him; as his confectionery receipts had。  It is possible to

pass a great many bad half pennies and bad half…crowns; but I

believe there has no instance been known of passing a halfpenny or a

half…crown as a sovereign。  A sharper can drive a brisk trade in

this world:  it is undeniable that there may be a fine career for

him; if he will dare consequences; but David was too timid to be a

sharper; or venture in any way among the mantraps of the law。  He

dared rob nobody but his mother。  And so he had to fall back on the

genuine value there was in himto be content to pass as a good

halfpenny; or; to spea
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