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the two noble kinsmen-第15部分

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And then wee'l sleepe together。


Take her offer。


Yes; marry; will we。


But you shall not hurt me。


I will not; sweete。


If you doe; Love; ile cry。  'Florish。  Exeunt'

Scaena 3。  (A Place near the Lists。)

'Enter Theseus; Hipolita; Emilia; Perithous: and some Attendants;

 (T。 Tucke: Curtis。)'


Ile no step further。


Will you loose this sight?


I had rather see a wren hawke at a fly

Then this decision; ev'ry blow that falls

Threats a brave life; each stroake laments

The place whereon it fals; and sounds more like

A Bell then blade: I will stay here;

It is enough my hearing shall be punishd

With what shall happengainst the which there is

No deaffing; but to hearenot taint mine eye

With dread sights; it may shun。


Sir; my good Lord;

Your Sister will no further。


Oh; she must。

She shall see deeds of honour in their kinde;

Which sometime show well; pencild。  Nature now

Shall make and act the Story; the beleife

Both seald with eye and eare; you must be present;

You are the victours meede; the price; and garlond

To crowne the Questions title。


Pardon me;

If I were there; I'ld winke。


You must be there;

This Tryall is as t'wer i'th night; and you

The onely star to shine。


I am extinct;

There is but envy in that light; which showes

The one the other: darkenes; which ever was

The dam of horrour; who do's stand accurst

Of many mortall Millions; may even now;

By casting her blacke mantle over both;

That neither coulde finde other; get her selfe

Some part of a good name; and many a murther

Set off wherto she's guilty。


You must goe。


In faith; I will not。


Why; the knights must kindle

Their valour at your eye: know; of this war

You are the Treasure; and must needes be by

To give the Service pay。


Sir; pardon me;

The tytle of a kingdome may be tride

Out of it selfe。


Well; well; then; at your pleasure;

Those that remaine with you could wish their office

To any of their Enemies。


Farewell; Sister;

I am like to know your husband fore your selfe

By some small start of time: he whom the gods

Doe of the two know best; I pray them he

Be made your Lot。

'Exeunt Theseus; Hipolita; Perithous; &c。'


Arcite is gently visagd; yet his eye

Is like an Engyn bent; or a sharpe weapon

In a soft sheath; mercy and manly courage

Are bedfellowes in his visage。  Palamon

Has a most menacing aspect: his brow

Is grav'd; and seemes to bury what it frownes on;

Yet sometime tis not so; but alters to

The quallity of his thoughts; long time his eye

Will dwell upon his object。  Mellencholly

Becomes him nobly; So do's Arcites mirth;

But Palamons sadnes is a kinde of mirth;

So mingled; as if mirth did make him sad;

And sadnes; merry; those darker humours that

Sticke misbecomingly on others; on them

Live in faire dwelling。  'Cornets。  Trompets sound as to a


Harke; how yon spurs to spirit doe incite

The Princes to their proofe! Arcite may win me;

And yet may Palamon wound Arcite to

The spoyling of his figure。  O; what pitty

Enough for such a chance; if I were by;

I might doe hurt; for they would glance their eies

Toward my Seat; and in that motion might

Omit a ward; or forfeit an offence

Which crav'd that very time: it is much better

I am not there; oh better never borne

Then minister to such harme。  'Cornets。  A great cry and noice within;

 crying 'a Palamon'。'  What is the chance?

'Enter Servant。'


The Crie's 'a Palamon'。


Then he has won!  Twas ever likely;

He lookd all grace and successe; and he is

Doubtlesse the prim'st of men: I pre'thee; run

And tell me how it goes。  'Showt; and Cornets: Crying; 'a



Still Palamon。


Run and enquire。  Poore Servant; thou hast lost;

Vpon my right side still I wore thy picture;

Palamons on the left: why so; I know not;

I had no end in't else; chance would have it so。

On the sinister side the heart lyes; Palamon

Had the best boding chance。  'Another cry; and showt within; and

 Cornets。'  This burst of clamour

Is sure th'end o'th Combat。

'Enter Servant。'


They saide that Palamon had Arcites body

Within an inch o'th Pyramid; that the cry

Was generall 'a Palamon': But; anon;

Th'Assistants made a brave redemption; and

The two bold Tytlers; at this instant are

Hand to hand at it。


Were they metamorphisd

Both into one! oh why? there were no woman

Worth so composd a Man: their single share;

Their noblenes peculier to them; gives

The prejudice of disparity; values shortnes;  'Cornets。  Cry within;

 Arcite; Arcite。'

To any Lady breathingMore exulting?

Palamon still?


Nay; now the sound is Arcite。


I pre'thee; lay attention to the Cry;  'Cornets。  A great showt and

 cry; 'Arcite; victory!''

Set both thine eares to'th busines。


The cry is

'Arcite'; and 'victory'; harke: 'Arcite; victory!'

The Combats consummation is proclaim'd

By the wind Instruments。


Halfe sights saw

That Arcite was no babe; god's lyd; his richnes

And costlines of spirit look't through him; it could

No more be hid in him then fire in flax;

Then humble banckes can goe to law with waters;

That drift windes force to raging: I did thinke

Good Palamon would miscarry; yet I knew not

Why I did thinke so; Our reasons are not prophets;

When oft our fancies are。  They are comming off:

Alas; poore Palamon!  'Cornets。'

'Enter Theseus; Hipolita; Pirithous; Arcite as victor; and

 attendants; &c。'


Lo; where our Sister is in expectation;

Yet quaking; and unsetled。Fairest Emily;

The gods by their divine arbitrament

Have given you this Knight; he is a good one

As ever strooke at head。  Give me your hands;

Receive you her; you him; be plighted with

A love that growes; as you decay。



To buy you; I have lost what's deerest to me;

Save what is bought; and yet I purchase cheapely;

As I doe rate your value。


O loved Sister;

He speakes now of as brave a Knight as ere

Did spur a noble Steed: Surely; the gods

Would have him die a Batchelour; least his race

Should shew i'th world too godlike: His behaviour

So charmed me; that me thought Alcides was

To him a sow of lead: if I could praise

Each part of him to'th all I have spoke; your Arcite

Did not loose by't; For he that was thus good

Encountred yet his Better。  I have heard

Two emulous Philomels beate the eare o'th night

With their contentious throates; now one the higher;

Anon the other; then againe the first;

And by and by out breasted; that the sence

Could not be judge betweene 'em: So it far'd

Good space betweene these kinesmen; till heavens did

Make hardly one the winner。  Weare the Girlond

With joy that you have won: For the subdude;

Give them our present Iustice; since I know

Their lives but pinch 'em; Let it here be done。

The Sceane's not for our seeing; goe we hence;

Right joyfull; with some sorrow。Arme your prize;

I know you will not loose her。Hipolita;

I see one eye of yours conceives a teare

The which it will deliver。  'Florish。'


Is this wynning?

Oh all you heavenly powers; where is your mercy?

But that your wils have saide it must be so;

And charge me live to comfort this unfriended;

This miserable Prince; that cuts away

A life more worthy from him then all women;

I should; and would; die too。


Infinite pitty;

That fowre such eies should be so fixd on one

That two must needes be blinde fort。


So it is。  'Exeunt。'

Scaena 4。  (The same; a Block prepared。)

'Enter Palamon and his Knightes pyniond: Iaylor; Executioner;

 &c。  Gard。'


Ther's many a man alive that hath out liv'd

The love o'th people; yea; i'th selfesame state

Stands many a Father with his childe; some comfort

We have by so considering: we expire

And not without mens pitty。  To live still;

Have their good wishes; we prevent

The loathsome misery of age; beguile

The Gowt and Rheume; that in lag howres attend

For grey approachers; we come towards the gods

Yong and unwapper'd; not halting under Crymes

Many and stale: that sure shall please the gods;

Sooner than such; to give us Nectar with 'em;

For we are more cleare Spirits。  My deare kinesmen;

Whose lives (for this poore comfort) are laid downe;

You have sould 'em too too cheape。


What ending could be

Of more content? ore us the victors have

Fortune; whose title is as momentary;

As to us death is certaine: A graine of honour

They not ore'…weigh us。


Let us bid farewell;

And with our patience anger tottring Fortune;

Who at her certain'st reeles。


Come; who begins?


Ev'n he that led you to this Banket shall

Taste to you all。Ah ha; my Friend; my Friend;

Your gentle daughter gave me freedome once;

You'l see't done now for ever: pray; how do'es she?

I heard she was not well; her kind of ill

Gave me some sorrow。


Sir; she's well restor'd;

And to be marryed shortly。


By my short life;

I am most glad on't; Tis the latest thing

I shall be glad of; pre'thee tell her so:

Commend me to her; and to peece her portion;

Tender her this。  'Gives purse。'


Nay lets be offerers all。

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