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ole-luk-oie, the dream-god-第3部分

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the portrait。 And it woke Hjalmar。



    〃Good evening;〃 said Ole…Luk…Oie。

    Hjalmar nodded; and then sprang out of bed; and turned his

great…grandfather's portrait to the wall; so that it might not

interrupt them as it had done yesterday。 〃Now;〃 said he; 〃you must

tell me some stories about five green peas that lived in one pod; or

of the chickseed that courted the chickweed; or of the darning needle;

who acted so proudly because she fancied herself an embroidery


    〃You may have too much of a good thing;〃 said Ole…Luk…Oie。 〃You

know that I like best to show you something; so I will show you my

brother。 He is also called Ole…Luk…Oie but he never visits any one but

once; and when he does come; he takes him away on his horse; and tells

him stories as they ride along。 He knows only two stories。 One of

these is so wonderfully beautiful; that no one in the world can

imagine anything at all like it; but the other is just as ugly and

frightful; so that it would be impossible to describe it。〃 Then

Ole…Luk…Oie lifted Hjalmar up to the window。 〃There now; you can see

my brother; the other Ole…Luk…Oie; he is also called Death。 You

perceive he is not so bad as they represent him in picture books;

there he is a skeleton; but now his coat is embroidered with silver;

and he wears the splendid uniform of a hussar; and a mantle of black

velvet flies behind him; over the horse。 Look; how he gallops

along。〃 Hjalmar saw that as this Ole…Luk…Oie rode on; he lifted up old

and young; and carried them away on his horse。 Some he seated in front

of him; and some behind; but always inquired first; 〃How stands the


    〃Good;〃 they all answered。

    〃Yes; but let me see for myself;〃 he replied; and they were

obliged to give him the books。 Then all those who had 〃Very good;〃

or 〃Exceedingly good;〃 came in front of the horse; and heard the

beautiful story; while those who had 〃Middling;〃 or 〃Tolerably

good;〃 in their books; were obliged to sit behind; and listen to the

frightful tale。 They trembled and cried; and wanted to jump down

from the horse; but they could not get free; for they seemed

fastened to the seat。

    〃Why; Death is a most splendid Luk…Oie;〃 said Hjalmar。 〃I am not

in the least afraid of him。〃

    〃You need have no fear of him;〃 said Ole…Luk…Oie; 〃if you take

care and keep a good conduct book。〃

    〃Now I call that very instructive;〃 murmured the

great…grandfather's portrait。 〃It is useful sometimes to express an

opinion;〃 so he was quite satisfied。

    These are some of the doings and sayings of Ole…Luk…Oie。 I hope he

may visit you himself this evening; and relate some more。

                            THE END

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