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unto this last-第14部分

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is said to be as the vine (for cheering); the children are as the

olive branch; for praise: nor for praise only; but for peace

(because large families can only be reared in times of peace):

though since; in their spreading and voyaging in various

directions; they distribute strength; they are; to the home

strength; as arrives in the hand of the giant  striking here;

and there far away。

    Labour being thus various in its result; the prosperity of

any nation is in exact proportion to the quantity of labour which

it spends in obtaining and employing means of life。 Observe;  I

say; obtaining and employing; that is to say; not merely wisely

producing; but wisely distributing and consuming。 Economists

usually speak as if there were no good in consumption

absolute。(27*) So far from this being so; consumption absolute is

the end; crown; and perfection of production; and wise

consumption is a far more difficult art than wise production。

Twenty people can gain money for one who can use it; and the

vital question; for individual and for nation; is; never 〃how

much do they make?〃 but 〃to what purpose do they spend?〃

    The reader may; perhaps; have been surprised at the slight

reference I have hitherto made to 〃capital;〃 and its functions。

It is here the place to define them。

    Capital signifies 〃head; or source; or root material〃  it

is material by which some derivative or secondary good is

produced。 It is only capital proper (caput vivum; not caput

mortuum) when it is thus producing something different from

itself。 It is a root; which does not enter into vital function

till it produces something else than a root: namely; fruit。 That

fruit will in time again produce roots; and so all living capital

issues in reproduction of capital; but capital which produces

nothing but capital is only root producing root; bulb issuing in

bulb; never in tulip; seed issuing in seed; never in bread。 The

Political Economy of Europe has hitherto devoted itself wholly to

the multiplication; or (less even) the aggregation; of bulbs。 It

never saw; nor conceived; such a thing as a tulip。 Nay; boiled

bulbs they might have been  glass bulbs  Prince Rupert's

drops; consummated in powder (well; if it were glass…powder and

not gunpowder); for any end or meaning the economists had in

defining the laws of aggregation。 We will try and get a clearer

notion of them。

    The best and simplest general type of capital is a well…made

ploughshare。 Now; if that ploughshare did nothing but beget other

ploughshares; in a polypous manner;  however the great cluster

of polypous plough might glitter in the sun; it would have lost

its function of capital。 It becomes true capital only by another

kind of splendour;  when it is seen 〃splendescere sulco;〃 to

grow bright in the furrow; rather with diminution of its

substance; than addition; by the noble friction。 And the true

home question; to every capitalist and to every nation; is not;

〃how many ploughs have you?〃 but; 〃where are your furrows?〃 not

 〃how quickly will this capital reproduce itself?〃  but;

〃what will it do during reproduction?〃 What substance will it

furnish; good for life? what work construct; protective of life?

if none; its own reproduction is useless  if worse than none;

(for capital may destroy life as well as support it); its own

reproduction is worse than useless; it is merely an advance from

Tisiphone; on mortgage  not a profit by any means。

    Not a profit; as the ancients truly saw; and showed in the

type of Ixion;  for capital is the head; or fountain head of

wealth  the 〃well…head〃 of wealth; as the clouds are the

well…heads of rain; but when clouds are without water; and only

beget clouds; they issue in wrath at last; instead of rain; and

in lightning instead of harvest; whence Ixion is said first to

have invited his guests to a banquet; and then made them fall

into a pit; (as also Demas' silver mine;) after which; to show

the rage of riches passing from lust of pleasure to lust of

power; yet power not truly understood; Ixion is said to have

desired Juno; and instead; embracing a cloud (or phantasm); to

have begotten the Centaurs; the power of mere wealth being; in

itself; as the embrace of a shadow;  comfortless; (so also

〃Ephraim feedeth on wind and followth after the east wind;〃 or

〃that which is not〃  Prov。 xxiii。 5; and again Dante's Geryon;

the type of avaricious fraud; as he flies; gathers the air up

with retractile claws;  〃l'aer a se raccolse〃(28*)) but in its

offspring; a mingling of the brutal with the human nature; human

in sagacity  using both intellect and arrow; but brutal in its

body and hoof; for consuming; and trampling down。 For which sin

Ixion is at last bound upon a wheel  fiery and toothed; and

rolling perpetually in the air:  the type of human labour when

selfish and fruitless (kept far into the Middle Ages in their

wheels of fortune); the wheel which has in it no breath or

spirit; but is whirled by chance only; whereas of all true work

the Ezekiel vision is true; that the Spirit of the living

creature is in the wheels; and where the angels go; the wheels go

by them; but move no otherwise。

    This being the real nature of capital; it follows that there

are two kinds of true production; always going on in an active

State: one of seed; and one of food; or production for the

Ground; and for the Mouth; both of which are by covetous persons

thought to be production only for the granary; whereas the

function of the granary is but intermediate and conservative;

fulfilled in distribution; else it ends in nothing but mildew;

and nourishment of rats and worms。 And since production for the

Ground is only useful with future hope of harvest; all essential

production is for the Mouth; and is finally measured by the

mouth; hence; as I said above; consumption is the crown of

production; and the wealth of a nation is only to be estimated by

what it consumes。

    The want of any clear sight of this fact is the capital

error; issuing in rich interest and revenue of error among the

political economists。 Their minds are continually set on

money…gain; not on mouth…gain; and they fall into every sort of

net and snare; dazzled by the coin…glitter as birds by the

fowler's glass; or rather (for there is not much else like birds

in them) they are like children trying to jump on the heads of

their own shadows; the money…gain being only the shadow of the

true gain; which is humanity。

    The final object of political economy; therefore; is to get

good method of consumption; and great quantity of consumption: in

other words; to use everything; and to use it nobly。 whether it

be substance; service; or service perfecting substance。 The most

curious error in Mr Mill's entire work; (provided for him

originally by Ricardo;) is his endeavour to distinguish between

direct and indirect service; and consequent assertion that a

demand for commodities is not demand for labour (I。 v。 9; et

seq。)。 He distinguishes between labourers employed to lay out

pleasure grounds; and to manufacture velvet; declaring that it

makes material difference to the labouring classes in which of

these two ways a capitalist spends his money; because the

employment of the gardeners is a demand for labour; but the

purchase of velvet is not。(29*) Error colossal; as well as

strange。 It will; indeed; make a difference to the labourer

whether we bid him swing his scythe in the spring winds; or drive

the loom in pestilential air。 but; so far as his pocket is

concerned; it makes; to him absolutely no difference whether we

order him to make green velvet; with seed and a scythe; or red

velvet; with silk and scissors。 Neither does it anywise concern

him whether; when the velvet is made; we consume it by walking on

it; or wearing it; so long as our consumption of it is wholly

selfish。 But if our consumption is to be in anywise unselfish;

not only our mode of consuming the articles we require interests

him; but also the kind of article we require with a view to

consumption。 As thus (returning for a moment to Mr Mill's great

hardware theory(30*)): it matters; so far as the labourer's

immediate profit is concerned; not an iron filing whether I

employ him in growing a peach; or forging a bombshell; but my

probable mode of consumption of those articles matters seriously。

Admit that it is to be in both cases 〃unselfish;〃 and the

difference; to him; is final; whether when his child is ill; I

walk into his cottage and give it the peach; or drop the shell

down his chimney; and blow his roof off。

    The worst of it; for the peasant; is; that the capitalist's

consumption of the peach is apt to be selfish; and of the shell;

distributive;(31*) but; in all cases; this is the broad and

general fact; that on due catallactic commercial principles;

somebody's roof must go off in fulfilment of the bomb's destiny。

You may grow for your neighbour; at your liking; grapes or

grape…shot; he will also; catallactically; grow grapes or

grape…shot for you; and you will each reap what you have sown。

    It is; therefore; the manner and issue of consumption which

are the real tests of production。 Production does not consist in

things laboriously made; but in things serviceably consumable;

and the question for the nation is not how much labour it

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