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dramatic lyrics-第11部分

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‘‘I know that my service is perfect。 Oh; speak through me now!

‘‘Would I suffer for him that I love? So wouldst thou…so wilt thou!

‘‘So shall crown thee the topmost; ineffablest; uttermost crown…

‘‘And thy love fill infinitude wholly; nor leave up nor down

‘‘One spot for the creature to stand in! It is by no breath;

‘‘Turn of eye; wave of hand; that salvation joins issue with death!

‘‘As thy Love is discovered almighty; almighty be proved

‘‘Thy power; that exists with and for it; of being Beloved!

‘‘He who did most; shall bear most; the strongest shall stand the most weak。 

‘‘'Tis the weakness in strength; that I cry for! my flesh; that I seek

‘‘In the Godhead! I seek and I find it。 O Saul; it shall be

‘‘A Face like my face that receives thee; a Man like to me;

‘‘Thou shalt love and be loved by; for ever: a Hand like this hand

‘‘Shall throw open the gates of new life to thee! See the Christ stand!''


I know not too well how I found my way home in the night。

There were witnesses; cohorts about me; to left and to right;

Angels; powers; the unuttered; unseen; the alive; the aware:

I repressed; I got through them as hardly; as strugglingly there;

As a runner beset by the populace famished for news…

Life or death。 The whole earth was awakened; hell loosed with her crews;

And the stars of night beat with emotion; and tingled and shot

Out in fire the strong pain of pent knowledge: but I fainted not;

For the Hand still impelled me at once and supported; suppressed

All the tumult; and quenched it with quiet; and holy behest;

Till the rapture was shut in itself; and the earth sank to rest。

Anon at the dawn; all that trouble had withered from earth…

Not so much; but I saw it die out in the day's tender birth;

In the gathered intensity brought to the grey of the hills;

In the shuddering forests' held breath; in the sudden wind…thrills;

In the startled wild beasts that bore off; each with eye sidling still

Though averted with wonder and dread; in the birds stiff and chill

That rose heavily; as I approached them; made stupid with awe:

E'en the serpent that slid away silent;…he felt the new law。

The same stared in the white humid faces upturned by the flowers;

The same worked in the heart of the cedar and moved the vine…bowers:

And the little brooks witnessing murmured; persistent and low;

With their obstinate; all but hushed voices…‘‘E'en so; it is so!''

* 1  The jumping hare。

* 2  One of the three cities of Refuge。

* 3  A brook in Jerusalem。


All; that I know

  Of a certain star

Is; it can throw

  (Like the angled spar)

Now a dart of red;

  Now a dart of blue

Till my friends have said

  They would fain see; too;

My star that dartles the red and the blue!

Then it stops like a bird; like a flower; hangs furled:

  They must solace themselves with the Saturn above it。

What matter to me if their star is a world?

  Mine has opened its soul to me; therefore I love it。



How well I know what I mean to do

  When the long dark autumn…evenings come:

And where; my soul; is thy pleasant hue?

  With the music of all thy voices; dumb

In life's November too!


I shall be found by the fire; suppose;

  O'er a great wise book as beseemeth age;

While the shutters flap as the cross…wind blows

  And I turn the page; and I turn the page;

Not verse now; only prose!


Till the young ones whisper; finger on lip;

  ‘‘There he is at it; deep in Greek:

‘‘Now then; or never; out we slip

  ‘‘To cut from the hazels by the creek

‘‘A mainmast for our ship!''


I shall be at it indeed; my friends:

  Greek puts already on either side

Such a branch…work forth as soon extends

  To a vista opening far and wide;

And I pass out where it ends。


The outside…frame; like your hazel…trees:

  But the inside…archway widens fast;

And a rarer sort succeeds to these;

  And we slope to Italy at last

And youth; by green degrees。


I follow wherever I am led;

  Knowing so well the leader's hand:

Oh woman…country; wooed not wed;

  Loved all the more by earth's male…lands;

Laid to their hearts instead!


Look at the ruined chapel again

  Half…way up in the Alpine gorge!

Is that a tower; I point you plain;

  Or is it a mill; or an iron…forge

Breaks solitude in vain?


A turn; and we stand in the heart of things:

  The woods are round us; heaped and dim;

From slab to slab how it slips and springs;

  The thread of water single and slim;

Through the ravage some torrent brings!


Does it feed the little lake below?

  That speck of white just on its marge

Is Pella; see; in the evening…glow;

  How sharp the silver spear…heads charge

When Alp meets heaven in snow!


On our other side is the straight…up rock;

  And a path is kept 'twixt the gorge and it

By boulder…stones where lichens mock

  The marks on a moth; and small ferns fit

Their teeth to the polished block。


Oh the sense of the yellow mountain…flowers;

  And thorny balls; each three in one;

The chestnuts throw on our path in showers!

  For the drop of the woodland fruit's begun;

These early November hours;


That crimson the creeper's leaf across

  Like a splash of blood; intense; abrupt;

O'er a shield else gold from rim to boss;

  And lay it for show on the fairy…cupped

Elf…needled mat of moss;


By the rose…flesh mushrooms; undivulged

  Last evening…nay; in to…day's first dew

Yon sudden coral nipple bulged;

  Where a freaked fawn…coloured flaky crew

Of toadstools peep indulged。


And yonder; at foot of the fronting ridge

  That takes the turn to a range beyond;

Is the chapel reached by the one…arched bridge

  Where the water is stopped in a stagnant pond

Danced over by the midge。


The chapel and bridge are of stone alike;

  Blackish…grey and mostly wet;

Cut hemp…stalks steep in the narrow dyke。

  See here again; how the lichens fret

And the roots of the ivy strike!


Poor little place; where its one priest comes

  On a festa…day; if he comes at all;

To the dozen folk from their scattered homes;

  Gathered within that precinct small

By the dozen ways one roams…


To drop from the charcoal…burners' huts;

  Or climb from the hemp…dressers' low shed;

Leave the grange where the woodman stores his nuts;

  Or the wattled cote where the fowlers spread

Their gear on the rock's bare juts。


It has some pretension too; this front;

  With its bit of fresco half…moon…wise

Set over the porch; Art's early wont:

  'Tis John in the Desert; I surmise;

But has borne the weather's brunt…


Not from the fault of the builder; though;

  For a pent…house properly projects

Where three carved beams make a certain show;

  Dating…good thought of our architect's…

'Five; six; nine; he lets you know。


And all day long a bird sings there;

  And a stray sheep drinks at the pond at times;

The place is silent and aware;

  It has had its scenes; its joys and crimes;

But that is its own affair。


My perfect wife; my Leonor;

  Oh heart; my own; oh eyes; mine too;

Whom else could I dare look backward for;

  With whom beside should I dare pursue

The path grey heads abhor?


For it leads to a crag's sheer edge with them;

  Youth; flowery all the way; there stops…

Not they; age threatens and they contemn;

  Till they reach the gulf wherein youth drops;

One inch from life's safe hem!


With me; youth led 。。。 I will speak now;

  No longer watch you as you sit

Reading by fire…light; that great brow

  And the spirit…small hand propping it;

Mutely; my heart knows how…


When; if I think but deep enough;

  You are wont to answer; prompt as rhyme;

And you; too; find without rebuff

  Response your soul seeks many a time

Piercing its fine flesh…stuff。


My own; confirm me! If I tread

  This path back; is it not in pride

To think how little I dreamed it led

  To an age so blest that; by its side;

Youth seems the waste instead?


My own; see where the years conduct!

  At first; 'twas something our two souls

Should mix as mists do; each is sucked

  In each now: on; the new stream rolls;

Whatever rocks obstruct。


Think; when our one soul understands

  The great Word which makes all things new;

When earth breaks up and heaven expands;

  How will the change strike me and you

ln the house not made with hands?


Oh I must feel your b
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