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dramatic lyrics-第12部分

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ln the house not made with hands?


Oh I must feel your brain prompt mine;

  Your heart anticipate my heart;

You must be just before; in fine;

  See and make me see; for your part;

New depths of the divine!


But who could have expected this

  When we two drew together first

Just for the obvious human bliss;

  To satisfy life's daily thirst

With a thing men seldom miss?


Come back with me to the first of all;

  Let us lean and love it over again;

Let us now forget and now recall;

  Break the rosary in a pearly rain;

And gather what we let fall!


What did I say?…that a small bird sings

  All day long; save when a brown pair

Of hawks from the wood float with wide wings

  Strained to a bell: 'gainst noon…day glare

You count the streaks and rings。


But at afternoon or almost eve

  'Tis better; then the silence grows

To that degree; you half believe

  It must get rid of what it knows;

Its bosom does so heave。


Hither we walked then; side by side;

  Arm in arm and cheek to cheek;

And still I questioned or replied;

  While my heart; convulsed to really speak;

Lay choking in its pride。


Silent the crumbling bridge we cross;

  And pity and praise the chapel sweet;

And care about the fresco's loss;

  And wish for our souls a like retreat;

And wonder at the moss。


Stoop and kneel on the settle under;

  Look through the window's grated square:

Nothing to see! For fear of plunder;

  The cross is down and the altar bare;

As if thieves don't fear thunder。


We stoop and look in through the grate;

  See the little porch and rustic door;

Read duly the dead builder's date;

  Then cross the bridge that we crossed before;

Take the path again…but wait!


Oh moment; one and infinite!

  The water slips o'er stock and stone;

The West is tender; hardly bright:

  How grey at once is the evening grown…

One star; its chrysolite!


We two stood there with never a third;

  But each by each; as each knew well:

The sights we saw and the sounds we heard;

  The lights and the shades made up a spell

Till the trouble grew and stirred。


Oh; the little more; and how much it is!

  And the little less; and what worlds away!

How a sound shall quicken content to bliss;

  Or a breath suspend the blood's best play;

And life be a proof of this!


Had she willed it; still had stood the screen

  So slight; so sure; 'twixt my love and her:

I could fix her face with a guard between;

  And find her soul as when friends confer;

Friends…lovers that might have been。


For my heart had a touch of the woodland…time;

  Wanting to sleep now over its best。

Shake the whole tree in the summer…prime;

  But bring to the Iast leaf no such test!

‘‘Hold the last fast!'' runs the rhyme。


For a chance to make your little much;

  To gain a lover and lose a friend;

Venture the tree and a myriad such;

  When nothing you mar but the year can mend:

But a last leaf…fear to touch!


Yet should it unfasten itself and fall

  Eddying down till it find your face

At some slight wind…best chance of all!

  Be your heart henceforth its dwelling…place

You trembled to forestall!


Worth how well; those dark grey eyes;

  That hair so dark and dear; how worth

That a man should strive and agonize;

  And taste a veriest hell on earth

For the hope of such a prize!


You might have turned and tried a man;

  Set him a space to weary and wear;

And prove which suited more your plan;

  His best of hope or his worst despair;

Yet end as he began。


But you spared me this; like the heart you are;

  And filled my empty heart at a word。

If two lives join; there is oft a scar;

  They are one and one; with a shadowy third;

One near one is too far。


A moment after; and hands unseen

  Were hanging the night around us fast

But we knew that a bar was broken between

  Life and life: we were mixed at last

In spite of the mortal screen。


The forests had done it; there they stood;

  We caught for a moment the powers at play:

They had mingled us so; for once and good;

  Their work was done…we might go or stay;

They relapsed to their ancient mood。


How the world is made for each of us!

  How all we perceive and know in it

Tends to some moment's product thus;

  When a soul declares itself…to wit;

By its fruit; the thing it does


Be hate that fruit or love that fruit;

  It forwards the general deed of man;

And each of the Many helps to recruit

  The life of the race by a general plan;

Each living his own; to boot。


I am named and known by that moment's feat;

  There took my station and degree;

So grew my own small life complete;

  As nature obtained her best of me…

One born to love you; sweet!


And to watch you sink by the fire…side now

  Back again; as you mutely sit

Musing by fire…light; that great brow

  And the spirit…small hand propping it;

Yonder; my heart knows how!


So; earth has gained by one man the more;

  And the gain of earth must be heaven's gain too;

And the whole is well worth thinking o'er

  When autumn comes: which I mean to do

One day; as I said before。



My love; this is the bitterest; that thou…

Who art all truth; and who dost love me now

  As thine eyes say; as thy voice breaks to say…

Shouldst love so truly; and couldst love me still

A whole long life through; had but love its will;

  Would death that leads me from thee brook delay。


I have but to be by thee; and thy hand

Will never let mine go; nor heart withstand

  The beating of my heart to reach its place。

When shall I look for thee and feel thee gone?

When cry for the old comfort and find none?

  Never; I know! Thy soul is in thy face。


Oh; I should fade…'tis willed so! Might I save;

Gladly I would; whatever beauty gave

  Joy to thy sense; for that was precious too。 

It is not to be granted。 But the soul

Whence the love comes; all ravage leaves that whole;

  Vainly the flesh fades; soul makes all things new。


It would not be because my eye grew dim

Thou couldst not find the love there; thanks to Him

  Who never is dishonoured in the spark

He gave us from his fire of fires; and bade

Remember whence it sprang; nor be afraid

  While that burns on; though all the rest grow dark。


So; how thou wouldst be perfect; white and clean

Outside as inside; soul and soul's demesne

  Alike; this body given to show it by!

Oh; three…parts through the worst of life's abyss;

What plaudits from the next world after this;

  Couldst thou repeat a stroke and gain the sky!


And is it not the bitterer to think

That; disengage our hands and thou wilt sink

  Although thy love was love in very deed?

I know that nature! Pass a festive day;

Thou dost not throw its relic…flower away

  Nor bid its music's loitering echo speed。


Thou let'st the stranger's glove lie where it fell;

If old things remain old things all is well;

  For thou art grateful as becomes man best

And hadst thou only heard me play one tune;

Or viewed me from a window; not so soon

  With thee would such things fade as with the rest。


I seem to see! We meet and part; 'tis brief;

The book I opened keeps a folded leaf;

  The very chair I sat on; breaks the rank

That is a portrait of me on the wall…

Three lines; my face comes at so slight a call:

  And for all this; one little hour to thank!


But now; because the hour through years was fixed;

Because our inmost beings met and mixed;

  Because thou once hast loved me…wilt thou dare

Say to thy soul and Who may list beside;

‘‘Therefore she is immortally my bride;

  ‘‘Chance cannot change my love; nor time impair。


‘‘So; what if in the dusk of life that's left;

‘‘I; a tired traveller of my sun bereft;

  Look from my path when; mimicking  the same;

‘‘The fire…fly glimpses past me; come and gone?

‘‘…Where was it till the sunset? where anon

  ‘‘It will be at the sunrise! What's to blame?''


Is it so helpful to thee? Canst thou take

The mimic up; nor; for the true thing's sake;

  Put gently by such efforts at a beam?

Is the remainder of the way so long;

Thou need'st the little sol
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