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dramatic lyrics-第16部分

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  Pressing the brain; which too much thought expands;

Back to its proper size again; and smoothing

Distortion down till every nerve had soothing;

  And all lay quiet; happy and suppressed。


How soon all worldly wrong would be repaired!

  I think how I should view the earth and skies

And sea; when once again my brow was bared

  After thy healing; with such different eyes。 

O world; as God has made it! All is beauty:

And knowing this; is love; and love is duty。

  What further may be sought for or declared?


Guercino drew this angel I saw teach

  (Alfred; dear friend!)…that little child to pray;

Holding the little hands up; each to each

  Pressed gently;…with his own head turned away

Over the earth where so much lay before him

Of work to do; though heaven was opening o'er him;

  And he was left at Fano by the beach。


We were at Fano; and three times we went

  To sit and see him in his chapel there;

And drink his beauty to our soul's content

  …My angel with me too: and since I care

For dear Guercino's fame (to which in power

And glory comes this picture for a dower;

  Fraught with a pathos so magnificent)…


And since he did not work thus earnestly

  At all times; and has else endured some wrong…

I took one thought his picture struck from me;

  And spread it out; translating it to song。

My love is here。 Where are you; dear old friend? 

How rolls the Wairoa at your world's far end? 

  This is Ancona; yonder is the sea。



Ah; did you once see Shelley plain;

  And did he stop and speak to you

And did you speak to him again?

  How strange it seems and new!


But you were living before that;

  And also you are living after;

And the memory I started at…

  My starting moves your laughter。


I crossed a moor; with a name of its own

  And a certain use in the world no doubt;

Yet a hand's…breadth of it shines alone

  'Mid the blank miles round about:


For there I picked up on the heather

  And there I put inside my breast

A moulted feather; an eagle…feather!

 Well; I forget the rest。



Stand still; true poet that you are!

  I know you; let me try and draw you。

Some night you'll fail us: when afar

  You rise; remember one man saw you;

Knew you; and named a star!


My star; God's glow…worm! Why extend

  That loving hand of his which leads you

Yet locks you safe from end to end

  Of this dark world; unless he needs you;

just saves your light to spend?


His clenched hand shall unclose at last;

  I know; and let out all the beauty:

My poet holds the future fast;

  Accepts the coming ages' duty;

Their present for this past。


That day; the earth's feast…master's brow

  Shall clear; to God the chalice raising;

‘‘Others give best at first; but thou

  ‘‘Forever set'st our table praising;

‘‘Keep'st the good wine till now!''


Meantime; I'll draw you as you stand;

  With few or none to watch and wonder:

I'll say…a fisher; on the sand

  By Tyre the old; with ocean…plunder;

A netful; brought to land。


Who has not heard how Tyrian shells

  Enclosed the blue; that dye of dyes

Whereof one drop worked miracles;

  And coloured like Astarte's eyes

Raw silk the merchant sells?


And each bystander of them all

  Could criticize; and quote tradition

How depths of blue sublimed some pall

  …To get which; pricked a king's ambition

Worth sceptre; crown and ball。


Yet there's the dye; in that rough mesh;

  The sea has only just o'erwhispered!

Live whelks; each lip's beard dripping fresh;

  As if they still the water's lisp heard

Through foam the rock…weeds thresh。


Enough to furnish Solomon

  Such hangings for his cedar…house;

That; when gold…robed he took the throne

  In that abyss of blue; the Spouse

Might swear his presence shone


Most like the centre…spike of gold

  Which burns deep in the blue…bell's womb;

What time; with ardours manifold;

  The bee goes singing to her groom;

Drunken and overbold。


Mere conchs! not fit for warp or woof!

  Till cunning come to pound and squeeze

And clarify;…refine to proof

  The liquor filtered by degrees;

While the world stands aloof。


And there's the extract; flasked and fine;

  And priced and saleable at last! 

And Hobbs; Nobbs; Stokes and Nokes combine

  To paint the future from the past; 

Put blue into their line。


Hobbs hints blue;…Straight he turtle eats:

  Nobbs prints blue;…claret crowns his cup: 

Nokes outdares Stokes in azure feats;…

  Both gorge。 Who fished the murex up?

What porridge had John Keats?

* 1  The Syrian Venus。

* 2  Molluscs from which the famous Tyrian

*    purple dye was obtained。


'An imaginary composer。'


Hist; but a word; fair and soft!

  Forth and be judged; Master Hugues!

Answer the question I've put you so oft:

  What do you mean by your mountainous fugues?

See; we're alone in the loft;…


I; the poor organist here;

  Hugues; the composer of note;

Dead though; and done with; this many a year:

  Let's have a colloquy; something to quote;

Make the world prick up its ear!


See; the church empties apace:

  Fast they extinguish the lights。

Hallo there; sacristan! Five minutes' grace!

  Here's a crank pedal wants setting to rights;

Baulks one of holding the base。


See; our huge house of the sounds;

  Hushing its hundreds at once;

Bids the last loiterer back to his bounds!

  O you may challenge them; not a response

Get the church…saints on their rounds!


(Saints go their rounds; who shall doubt?

  …March; with the moon to admire;

Up nave; down chancel; turn transept about;

  Supervise all betwixt pavement and spire;

Put rats and mice to the rout…


 Aloys and Jurien and Just…

   Order things back to their place;

 Have a sharp eye lest the candlesticks rust;

   Rub the church…plate; darn the sacrament…lace;

 Clear the desk…velvet of dust。)


Here's your book; younger folks shelve!

  Played I not off…hand and runningly;

Just now; your masterpiece; hard number twelve?

  Here's what should strike; could one handle it cunningly:

HeIp the axe; give it a helve!


Page after page as I played;

  Every bar's rest; where one wipes

Sweat from one's brow; I looked up and surveyed;

  O'er my three claviers yon forest of pipes

Whence you still peeped in the shade。


Sure you were wishful to speak?

  You; with brow ruled like a score;

Yes; and eyes buried in pits on each cheek;

  Like two great breves; as they wrote them of yore;

Each side that bar; your straight beak!


Sure you said…‘‘Good; the mere notes!

  ‘‘Still; couldst thou take my intent;

‘‘Know what procured me our Company's votes…

  ‘‘A master were lauded and sciolists shent;

‘‘Parted the sheep from the goats!''


Well then; speak up; never flinch!

  Quick; ere my candle's a snuff

…Burnt; do you see? to its uttermost inch…

  _I_ believe in you; but that's not enough:

Give my conviction a clinch!


First you deliver your phrase

  …Nothing propound; that I see;

Fit in itself for much blame or much praise…

  Answered no less; where no answer needs be:

Off start the Two on their ways。


Straight must a Third interpose;

  Volunteer needlessly help;

In strikes a Fourth; a Fifth thrusts in his nose;

  So the cry's open; the kennel's a…yelp;

Argument's hot to the close。


One dissertates; he is candid;

  Two must discept;has distinguished;

Three helps the couple; if ever yet man did;

  Four protests; Five makes a dart at the thing wished:

Back to One; goes the case bandied。


One says his say with a difference

  More of expounding; explaining!

All now is wrangle; abuse; and vociferance;

  Now there's a truce; all's subdued; self…restraining:

Five; though; stands out all the stiffer hence。


One is incisive; corrosive:

  Two retorts; nettled; curt; crepitant;

Three makes rejoinder; expansive; explosive;

  Four overbears them all; strident and strepitant;

Five 。。。 O Danaides; O Sieve!


Now; they ply axes and crowbars;

  Now; they pri
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