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dramatic lyrics-第4部分

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  But not quite so sunk that moments;

Sure tho' seldom; are denied us;

  When the spirit's true endowments

Stand out plainly from its false ones;

  And apprise it if pursuing

Or the right way or the wrong way;

  To its triumph or undoing。


There are flashes struck from midnights;

  There are fire…flames noondays kindle;

Whereby piled…up honours perish;

  Whereby swollen ambitions dwindle;

While just this or that poor impulse;

  Which for once had play unstifled;

Seems the sole work of a life…time

  That away the rest have trifled。


Doubt you if; in some such moment;

  As she fixed me; she felt clearly;

Ages past the soul existed;

  Here an age 'tis resting merely;

And hence fleets again for ages;

  While the true end; sole and single;

It stops here for is; this love…way;

  With some other soul to mingle?


Else it loses what it lived for;

  And eternally must lose it;

Better ends may be in prospect;

  Deeper blisses (if you choose it);

But this life's end and this love…bliss

  Have been lost here。  Doubt you whether

This she felt as; looking at me;

  Mine and her souls rushed together?


Oh; observe!  Of course; next moment;

  The world's honours; in derision;

Trampled out the light for ever:

  Never fear but there's provision

Of the devil's to quench knowledge

  Lest we walk the earth in rapture!

…Making those who catch God's secret

  Just so much more prize their capture!


Such am I: the secret's mine now!

  She has lost me; I have gained her;

Her soul's mine: and thus; grown perfect;

  I shall pass my life's remainder。

Life will just hold out the proving

  Both our powers; alone and blended:

And then; come next life quickly!

  This world's use will have been ended。




All's over; then: does truth sound bitter

  As one at first believes?

Hark; 'tis the sparrows' good…night twitter

  About your cottage eaves!


And the leaf…buds on the vine are woolly;

  I noticed that; to…day;

One day more bursts them open fully

  …You know the red turns grey。


To…morrow we meet the same then; dearest?

  May I take your hand in mine?

Mere friends are we;…well; friends the merest

  Keep much that I resign:


For each glance of the eye so bright and black;

  Though I keep with heart's endeavour;…

Your voice; when you wish the snowdrops back;

  Though it stay in my soul for ever!…


Yet I will but say what mere friends say;

  Or only a thought stronger;

I will hold your hand but as long as all may;

  Or so very little longer!



See; as the prettiest graves will do in time;

Our poet's wants the freshness of its prime;

Spite of the sexton's browsing horse; the sods

Have struggled through its binding osier rods;

Headstone and half…sunk footstone lean awry;

Wanting the brick…work promised by…and…by;

How the minute grey lichens; plate o'er plate;

Have softened down the crisp…cut name and date!


So; the year's done with

  (_Love me for ever!_)

All March begun with;

  April's endeavour;

May…wreaths that bound me

  June needs must sever;

Now snows fall round me;

  Quenching June's fever…

  (_Love me for ever!_)



The grey sea and the long black land;

And the yellow half…moon large and low;

And the startled little waves that leap

In fiery ringlets from their sleep;

As I gain the cove with pushing prow;

And quench its speed i' the slushy sand。


Then a mile of warm sea…scented beach;

Three fields to cross till a farm appears;

A tap at the pane; the quick sharp scratch

And blue spurt of a lighted match;

And a voice less loud; thro' its joys and fears;

Than the two hearts beating each to each!


Round the cape of a sudden came the sea;

And the sun looked over the mountain's rim:

And straight was a path of gold for him;

And the need of a world of men for me。



Nay but you; who do not love her;

  Is she not pure gold; my mistress?

Holds earth aught…speak truth…above her?

  Aught like this tress; see; and this tress;

And this last fairest tress of all;

  So fair; see; ere I let it fall?


Because; you spend your lives in praising;

  To praise; you search the wide world over:

Then why not witness; calmly gazing;

  If earth holds aught…speak truth…above her?

Above this tress; and this; I touch

  But cannot praise; I love so much!



Let's contend no more; Love;

  Strive nor weep:

All be as before; Love;

  …Only sleep!


What so wild as words are?

  I and thou

In debate; as birds are;

  Hawk on bough!


See the creature stalking

  While we speak!

Hush and hide the talking;

  Cheek on cheek!


What so false as truth is;

  False to thee?

Where the serpent's tooth is

  Shun the tree…


Where the apple reddens

  Never pry…

Lest we lose our Edens;

  Eve and I。


Be a god and hold me

  With a charm!

Be a man and fold me

  With thine arm!


Teach me; only teach; Love

  As I ought

I will speak thy speech; Love;

  Think thy thought…


Meet; if thou require it;

  Both demands;

Laying flesh and spirit

  In thy hands。


That shall be to…morrow

  Not to…night:

I must bury sorrow

  Out of sight:


…Must a little weep; Love;

  (Foolish me!)

And so fall asleep; Love;

  Loved by thee。



Beautiful Evelyn Hope is dead!

  Sit and watch by her side an hour。

That is her book…shelf; this her bed;

  She plucked that piece of geranium…flower;

Beginning to die too; in the glass;

  Little has yet been changed; I think:

The shutters are shut; no light may pass

Save two long rays thro' the hinge's chink。


Sixteen years old; when she died!

  Perhaps she had scarcely heard my name;

It was not her time to love; beside;

  Her life had many a hope and aim;

Duties enough and little cares;

  And now was quiet; now astir;

Till God's hand beckoned unawares;…

  And the sweet white brow is all of her。


Is it too late then; Evelyn Hope?

  What; your soul was pure and true;

The good stars met in your horoscope;

  Made you of spirit; fire and dew…

And; just because I was thrice as old

  And our paths in the world diverged so wide;

Each was nought to each; must I be told?

  We were fellow mortals; nought beside?


No; indeed! for God above

  Is great to grant; as mighty to make;

And creates the love to reward the love:

  I claim you still; for my own love's sake!

Delayed it may be for more lives yet;

  Through worlds I shall traverse; not a few:

Much is to learn; much to forget

  Ere the time be come for taking you。


But the time will come;…at last it will;

  When; Evelyn Hope; what meant (I shall say)

In the lower earth; in  the  years  long  still;

  That body and soul so pure and gay?

Why your hair was amber; I shall divine;

  And your mouth of your own geranium's red…

And  what  you  would  do  with  me;  in   fine;

  In the new life come in the old one's stead。


I have lived (I shall say) so much since then;

  Given up myself so many times;

Gained me the gains of various men;

  Ransacked the ages; spoiled the climes;

Yet one thing; one; in my soul's full scope;

  Either I missed or itself missed me:

And I want and find you; Evelyn Hope!

  What is the issue? let us see!


I loved you; Evelyn; all the while。

  My heart seemed full as it could hold?

There was place and to spare for the frank young smile;

  And the red young mouth; and the hair's young gold。

So; hush;…I will give you this leaf to keep:

  See; I shut it inside the sweet cold hand!

There; that is our secret: go to sleep!

  You will wake; and remember; and understand。



Where the quiet…coloured end of evening smiles;

    Miles and miles

On the solitary pastures where our sheep


Tinkle homeward thro' the twilight; stray or stop

    As they crop…

Was the site once of a city great and gay;

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