the purcell papers-2-第16部分
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There are few forms upon which the
mantle of mystery and romance could
seem to hang more ungracefully than
upon that of the uncouth and clownish
Schalkenthe Dutch boorthe rude and
dogged; but most cunning worker in oils;
whose pieces delight the initiated of the
present day almost as much as his manners
disgusted the refined of his own; and yet
this man; so rude; so dogged; so slovenly;
I had almost said so savage; in mien and
manner; during his after successes; had
been selected by the capricious goddess; in
his early life; to figure as the hero of a
romance by no means devoid of interest or
of mystery。
Who can tell how meet he may have
been in his young days to play the part of
the lover or of the herowho can say that
in early life he had been the same harsh;
unlicked; and rugged boor that; in his
maturer age; he provedor how far the
neglected rudeness which afterwards
marked his air; and garb; and manners;
may not have been the growth of that
reckless apathy not unfrequently produced
by bitter misfortunes and disappointments
in early life?
These questions can never now be answered。
We must content ourselves; then;
with a plain statement of facts; or what
have been received and transmitted as
such; leaving matters of speculation to
those who like them。
When Schalken studied under the
immortal Gerard Douw; he was a young
man; and in spite of the phlegmatic
constitution and unexcitable manner which he
shared; we believe; with his countrymen;
he was not incapable of deep and vivid
impressions; for it is an established fact that
the young painter looked with considerable
interest upon the beautiful niece of his
wealthy master。
Rose Velderkaust was very young;
having; at the period of which we speak;
not yet attained her seventeenth year; and;
if tradition speaks truth; possessed all the
soft dimpling charms of the fail; light…
haired Flemish maidens。 Schalken had
not studied long in the school of Gerard
Douw; when he felt this interest deepening
into something of a keener and intenser
feeling than was quite consistent with the
tranquillity of his honest Dutch heart;
and at the same time he perceived; or
thought he perceived; flattering symptoms
of a reciprocity of liking; and this was
quite sufficient to determine whatever
indecision he might have heretofore
experienced; and to lead him to devote
exclusively to her every hope and feeling of his
heart。 In short; he was as much in love
as a Dutchman could be。 He was not
long in making his passion known to the
pretty maiden herself; and his declaration
was followed by a corresponding confession
upon her part。
Schalken; however; was a poor man;
and he possessed no counterbalancing
advantages of birth or position to induce
the old man to consent to a union which
must involve his niece and ward in the
strugglings and difficulties of a young and
nearly friendless artist。 He was; therefore;
to wait until time had furnished him with
opportunity; and accident with success; and
then; if his labours were found sufficiently
lucrative; it was to be hoped that his
proposals might at least be listened to by her
jealous guardian。 Months passed away;
and; cheered by the smiles of the little
Rose; Schalken's labours were redoubled;
and with such effect and improvement as
reasonably to promise the realisation of his
hopes; and no contemptible eminence in
his art; before many years should have
The even course of this cheering
prosperity was; however; destined to
experience a sudden and formidable
interruption; and that; too; in a manner so
strange and mysterious as to baffle all
investigation; and throw upon the events
themselves a shadow of almost supernatural horror。
Schalken had one evening remained in
the master's studio considerably longer
than his more volatile companions; who
had gladly availed themselves of the
excuse which the dusk of evening afforded;
to withdraw from their several tasks; in
order to finish a day of labour in the
jollity and conviviality of the tavern。
But Schalken worked for improvement;
or rather for love。 Besides; he was now
engaged merely in sketching a design; an
operation which; unlike that of colouring;
might be continued as long as there was
light sufficient to distinguish between
canvas and charcoal。 He had not then;
nor; indeed; until long after; discovered the
peculiar powers of his pencil; and he was
engaged in composing a group of extremely
roguish…looking and grotesque imps and
demons; who were inflicting various
ingenious torments upon a perspiring and
pot…bellied St。 Anthony; who reclined in
the midst of them; apparently in the last
stage of drunkenness。
The young artist; however; though
incapable of executing; or even of
appreciating; anything of true sublimity;
had nevertheless discernment enough to
prevent his being by any means satisfied
with his work; and many were the patient
erasures and corrections which the limbs
and features of saint and devil underwent;
yet all without producing in their new
arrangement anything of improvement or
increased effect。
The large; old…fashioned room was
silent; and; with the exception of himself;
quite deserted by its usual inmates。 An
hour had passednearly twowithout
any improved result。 Daylight had
already declined; and twilight was fast giving
way to the darkness of night。 The
patience of the young man was exhausted;
and he stood before his unfinished production;
absorbed in no very pleasing ruminations;
one hand buried in the folds of his
long dark hair; and the other holding the
piece of charcoal which had so ill executed
its office; and which he now rubbed; without
much regard to the sable streaks which
it produced; with irritable pressure upon
his ample Flemish inexpressibles。
'Pshaw!' said the young man aloud;
'would that picture; devils; saint; and all;
were where they should bein hell!'
A short; sudden laugh; uttered start
lingly close to his ear; instantly responded
to the ejaculation。
The artist turned sharply round; and
now for the first time became aware that
his labours had been overlooked by a
Within about a yard and a half; and
rather behind him; there stood what was;
or appeared to be; the figure of an elderly
man: he wore a short cloak; and broad…
brimmed hat with a conical crown; and in
his hand; which was protected with a
heavy; gauntlet…shaped glove; he carried a
long ebony walking…stick; surmounted with
what appeared; as it glittered dimly in the
twilight; to be a massive head of gold;
and upon his breast; through the folds
of the cloak; there shone what appeared
to be the links of a rich chain of the same
The room was so obscure that nothing
further of the appearance of the figure
could be ascertained; and the face was
altogether overshadowed by the heavy flap
of the beaver which overhung it; so that
not a feature could be discerned。 A
quantity of dark hair escaped from
beneath this sombre hat; a circumstance
which; connected with the firm; upright
carriage of the intruder; proved that his
years could not yet exceed threescore or
There was an air of gravity and
importance about the garb of this person; and
something indescribably odd; I might say
awful; in the perfect; stone…like movelessness
of the figure; that effectually checked
the testy comment which had at once
risen to the lips of the irritated artist。
He therefore; as soon as he had suf…
ficiently recovered the surprise; asked the
stranger; civilly; to be seated; and desired
to know if he had any message to leave for
his master。
'Tell Gerard Douw;' said the unknown;
without altering his attitude in the
smallest degree; 'that Mynher Vanderhauseny
of Rotterdam; desires to speak
with him to…morrow evening at this
hour; and; if he please; in this room; upon
matters of weightthat is all。 Good…night。'
The stranger; having finished this
message; turned abruptly; and; with a
quick but silent step; quitted the room;
before Schalken had time to say a word in
The young man felt a curiosity to see in
what direction the burgher of Rotterdam
would turn on quitting the studio;
and for that purpose he went directly
to the window which commanded the
A lobby of considerable extent
intervened between the inner door of the
painter's room and the street entrance; so
that Schalken occupied the post of
observation before the old man could possibly
have reached the street。
He watched in vain; however。 There
was no other mode of exit。
Had the old man vanished; or was he
lurking about the recesses of the lobby
for some bad purpose? This last suggestion
filled the mind of Schalken with a
vague horror; which was so unaccountably
intense as to make him alike afraid to
remain in the room alone and reluctant to
pass through the lobby。
However; with an effort which ap…
peared very disproportioned to the
occasion; he summoned resolution to leave
the room; and; having double…locked the
door and thrust the key in his pocket;
without looking to the right or left; he
traversed the passage which had so
recently; perhaps still; contained the person
of his mysterious visitant; scarcely venturing
to breathe till he had arrived in the
open street。
'Mynher Vanderhausen;' said Gerard
Douw within himself; as the appointed
hour approached; 'Mynher Vanderhausen
of Rotterdam! I never heard of the man
till yesterday。 What can he want of me?
A portrait; perhaps; to be painted; or a
younger son or a poor relation to be
apprenticed; or a collection to be valued; or
pshaw I there's no one in Rotterdam to
leave me a
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