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28-the nettle spinner-第2部分

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knew the day and hour of his departure; and hid herself on the road

to see him once more。

When she came in she put her silent wheel into a corner; and

cried for three days and three nights。


So another year went by。 Then the Count fell ill; and the

Countess supposed that Renelde; weary of waiting; had begun her

spinning anew; but when she came to the cottage to see; she found

the wheel silent。

However; the Count grew worse and worse till he was given up

by the doctors。 The passing bell was rung; and he lay expecting

Death to come for him。 But Death was not so near as the doctors

thought; and still he lingered。

He seemed in a desperate condition; but he got neither better

nor worse。 He could neither live nor die; he suffered horribly;

and called loudly on Death to put an end to his pains。

In this extremity he remembered what he had told the little

spinner long ago。 If Death was so slow in coming; it was because

he was not ready to follow him; having no shroud for his burial。

He sent to fetch Renelde; placed her by his bedside; and ordered

her at once to go on spinning his shroud。

Hardly had the spinner begun to work when the Count began

to feel his pains grow less。

Then at last his heart melted; he was sorry for all the evil he

had done out of pride; and implored Renelde to forgive him。 So

Renelde forgave him; and went on spinning night and day。

When the thread of the nettles was spun she wove it with her

shuttle; and then cut the shroud and began to sew it。

And as before; when she sewed the Count felt his pains grow

less; and the life sinking within him; and when the needle made the

last stitch he gave his last sigh。


At the same hour Guilbert returned to the country; and; as he

had never ceased to love Renelde; he married her eight days later。

He had lost two years of happiness; but comforted himself with

thinking that his wife was a clever spinner; and; what was much

more rare; a brave and good woman。'24'

'24' Ch。 Denlin。

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