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people; as if they were not about to join battle; but crush the Greeks
in their flight。 Which within a very little came to pass。 For
Pausanias; perceiving what was done; made a halt; and commanded
every one to put themselves in order for the battle; but either
through his anger with Amompharetus; or the disturbance he was in by
reason of the sudden approach of the enemy; he forgot to give the
signal to the Greeks in general。 Whence it was that they did not
come in immediately or in a body to their assistance; but by small
companies and straggling; when the fight was already begun。 Pausanias;
offering sacrifice; could not procure favourable omens; and so
commanded the Lacedaemonians; setting down their shields at their
feet; to abide quietly and attend his directions; making no resistance
to any of their enemies。 And he sacrificing again a second time; the
horse charged; and some of the Lacedaemonians were wounded。 At this
time; also; Callicrates; who; we are told; was the most comely man
in the army; being shot with an arrow and upon the point of
expiring; said that he lamented not his death (for he came from home
to lay down his life in the defence of Greece); but that he died
without action。 The case was indeed hard; and the forbearance of the
men wonderful; for they let the enemy charge without repelling them;
and; expecting their proper opportunity from the gods and their
general; suffered themselves to be wounded and slain in their ranks。
And some say; that while Pausanias was at sacrifice and prayers;
some space out of the battle array; certain Lydians; falling
suddenly upon him; plundered and scattered the sacrifice: and that
Pausanias and his company; having no arms; beat them with staves and
whips; and that; in imitation of this attack; the whipping the boys
about the altar; and after it the Lydian procession; are to this day
practised in Sparta。
Pausanias; therefore; being troubled at these things; while the
priests went on offering one sacrifice after another; turns himself
towards the temple with tears in his eyes; and lifting up his hands to
heaven besought Juno of Cithaeron; and the other tutelar gods of the
Plataeans; if it were not in the fates for the Greeks to obtain the
victory; that they might not perish without performing some remarkable
thing; and by their actions demonstrating to their enemies that they
waged war with men of courage and soldiers。 While Pausanias was thus
in the act of supplication; the sacrifices appeared propitious; and
the soothsayers foretold victory。 The word being given; the
Lacedaemonian battalion of foot seemed; on the sudden; like some one
fierce animal; setting up his bristles; and betaking himself to the
combat; and the barbarians perceived that they encountered with men
who would fight it to the death。 Therefore; holding their
wicker…shields before them; they shot their arrows amongst the
Lacedaemonians。 But they; keeping together in the order of a
phalanx; and falling upon the enemies; forced their shields out of
their hands; and; striking with their pikes at the breasts and faces
of the Persians; overthrew many of them; who; however; fell not either
unrevenged or without courage。 For taking hold of the spears with
their bare hands; they broke many of them; and betook themselves not
without effect to the sword; and making use of their falchions and
scimitars; and wresting the Lacedaemonians' shields from them; and
grappling with them; it was a long time that they made resistance。
Meanwhile; for some time; the Athenians stood still; waiting for the
Lacedaemonians to come up。 But when they heard much noise as of men
engaged in fight; and a messenger; they say; came from Pausanias; to
advertise them of what was going on; they soon hasted to their
assistance。 And as they passed through the plain to the place where
the noise was; the Greeks; who took part with the enemy; came upon
them。 Aristides; as soon as he saw them; going a considerable space
before the rest; cried out to them; conjuring them by the guardian
gods of Greece to forbear the fight; and be no impediment or stop to
those who were going to succour the defenders of Greece。 But when he
perceived they gave no attention to him; and had prepared themselves
for the battle; then turning from the present relief of the
Lacedaemonians; he engaged them; being five thousand in number。 But
the greatest part soon gave way and retreated; as the barbarians
also were put to flight。 The sharpest conflict is said to have been
against the Thebans; the chiefest and most powerful persons among them
at that time siding zealously with the Medes; and leading the
multitude not according to their own inclination; but as being
subjects of an oligarchy。
The battle being thus divided; the Lacedaemonians first beat off the
Persians; and a Spartan; named Arimnestus; slew Mardonius by a blow on
the head with a stone; as the oracle in the temple of Amphiaraus had
foretold to him。 For Mardonius sent a Lydian thither; and another
person; a Carian; to the cave of Trophonius。 This latter the priest of
the oracle answered in his own language。 But the Lydian sleeping in
the temple of Amphiaraus; it seemed to him that a minister of the
divinity stood before him and commanded him to be gone; and on his
refusing to do it; flung a great stone at his head; so that he thought
himself slain with the blow。 Such is the story。 …They drove the fliers
within their walls of wood; and; a little time after; the Athenians
put the Thebans to flight; killing three hundred of the chiefest and
of greatest note among them in the actual fight itself。 For when
they began to fly; news came that the army of the barbarians was
besieged within their palisade; and so giving the Greeks opportunity
to save themselves; they marched to assist at the fortifications;
and coming in to the Lacedaemonians; who were altogether unhandy and
unexperienced in storming; they took the camp with great slaughter
of the enemy。 For of three hundred thousand; forty thousand only are
said to have escaped with Artabazus; while on the Greeks' side there
perished in all thirteen hundred and sixty; of which fifty…two were
Athenians; all of the tribe Aeantis; that fought; says Clidemus;
with the greatest courage of any; and for this reason the men of
this tribe used to offer sacrifice for the victory; as enjoined by the
oracle; to the nymphs Sphragitides at the expense of the public;
ninety…one were Lacedaemonians; and sixteen Tegeatans。 It is
strange; therefore; upon what grounds Herodotus can say; that they
only; and none other; encountered the enemy; for the number of the
slain and their monuments testify that the victory was obtained by all
in general; and if the rest had been standing still; while the
inhabitants of three cities only had been engaged in the fight; they
would not have set on the altar the inscription…
〃The Greeks; when; by their courage and their might;
They had repelled the Persian in the fight;
The common altar of freed Greece to be;
Reared this to Jupiter who guards the free。〃
They fought this battle on the fourth day of the month Boedromion;
according to the Athenians; but according to the Boeotians; on the
twenty…seventh of Panemus;… on which day there is still a convention
of the Greeks at Plataea; and the Plataeans still offer sacrifice
for the victory to Jupiter of freedom。 As for the difference of
days; it is not to be wondered at; since even at the present time;
when there is a far more accurate knowledge of astronomy; some begin
the month at one time; and some at another。
After this; the Athenians not yielding the honour of the day to
the Lacedaemonians; nor consenting they should erect a trophy;
things were not far from being ruined by dissension among the armed
Greeks; had not Aristides; by much soothing and counselling the
commanders; especially Leocrates and Myronides; pacified and persuaded
them to leave the thing to the decision of the Greeks。 And on their
proceeding to discuss the matter; Theogiton; the Megarian; declared
the honour of the victory was to be given some other city; if they
would prevent a civil war; after him Cleocritus of Corinth rising
up; made people think he would ask the palm for the Corinthians (for
next to Sparta and Athens; Corinth was in greatest estimation); but he
delivered his opinion; to the general admiration; in favour of the
Plataeans; and counselled to take away all contention by giving them
the reward and glory of the victory; whose being honoured could be
distasteful to neither party。 This being said; first Aristides gave
consent in the name of the Athenians; and Pausanias; then; for the
Lacedaemonians。 So; being reconciled; they set apart eighty talents
for the Plataeans; with which they built the temple and dedicated
the image to Minerva; and adorned the temple with pictures; which even
to this very day retain their lustre。 But the Lacedaemonians and
Athenians each erected a trophy apart by themselves。 On their
consulting the oracle about offering sacrifice; Apollo answered that
they should dedicate an altar to Jupiter of freedom; but should not
sacrifice till they had extinguished the fires throughout the country;
as having been defiled by the barbarians; and had kindled unpolluted
fire at the common altar at Delphi。 The magistrates of Greece;
therefore; went forthwith and compelled such as had fire to put it
out; and Euchidas; a Plataean; promising to fetch fire; with all
possible speed; from the altar of the god; went to Delphi; and
having sprinkled and purified his body crowned himself with laurel;
and taking the fire from the altar ran back to Plataea; and got back
there before sunset; performing in one day a journey of a thousand
furlongs; and saluting his fellow…citizens and delivering them the
fire; he immediately fell down; and in a short time after expired。 But
the Plataeans; taking him up; interred him in the temple of Diana
Euclia; setting this inscription over him: 〃Euchidas ran to Delphi and
back again in one day。〃 Most people believe that Euclia is Diana;
and call her by that name。 But some say she was the daughter of
Hercules; by Myrto;
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