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alcibiades ii(阿尔西比亚德斯)-第5部分

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     SOCRATES:   I   accept   your   gift;   and   shall   be   ready   and   willing   to 

receive whatever else you may proffer。 Euripides makes Creon say in the 

play;   when   he   beholds   Teiresias   with   his   crown   and   hears   that   he   has 

gained it by his skill as the first…fruits of the spoil: 

     'An    auspicious     omen     I  deem     thy   victor's   wreath:    For   well   thou 

knowest that wave and storm oppress us。' 

     And so I count your gift to be a token of good…fortune; for I am in no 

less   stress   than   Creon;   and   would   fain   carry   off   the   victory   over   your 



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