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the experiences of a bandmaster-第2部分

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their tickets until the last minute。

The theatre was on the second floor of the town hall; the ground
floor being given over to the fire department; the especial pride
of the community。  Twenty minutes before the concert a large crowd
had gathered round the box…office to buy tickets when the
fire…alarm sounded; and the entire population promptly deserted the
muse of music and escorted the engine and hose…cart to the scene of
action; leaving the band absolutely without an audience。

A Tuneful Locomotive。

Once when we were playing during warm weather in a theatre situated
near a railroad; the windows were left open for ventilation。  The
band was rendering a Wagner selection; and at the climax was
playing with increasing force。  The last note to be played was a
unison B flat; and as I gave the sign to the musicians to play as
strong as possible the volume of sound that followed fairly 
astonished me。  I had never heard fifty men play with such force
before and could not account for it; but the explanation soon
became manifest。  As the band ceased playing; the same note
continued in the blast of a passing locomotive that had opportunely
chimed in with us in unison。

The Marine Band was once doing escort duty on Pennsylvania Avenue in
Washington to a body of citizen soldiery returning from camp。  It
was at night and the parade was preceded by a wagon…load of
fireworks which were to be discharged at appropriate intervals
along the line of march。

By some accident or design the entire load of pyrotechnics was
simultaneously ignited; and the street immediately filled with a
perfect fusillade of rockets and Roman candles。

A stampede followed and the parade faded away。  I stood my ground
until my eye…glasses were knocked off; and then I groped my way to
the sidewalk。  When the confusion had subsided; all that could be
discovered of my band was the drum…major in front and the
bass…drummer in the rear rank。  Their comrades had fled; but these
men were good soldiers; and having received no orders to disperse
had stood their ground manfully。

A Tale of the White House

One more story of the White House。  At the time of the unveiling of
the statue of Admiral Farragut in Washington; it was suddenly
proposed to have a reception at the Executive Mansion in honor of
the many distinguished visitors。  The informal invitations were
issued while I was participating in the parade that was part of the

At seven o…clock in the evening; when I was at home; tired out after
the long march; word came to me to report at the Marine Barracks。 I
went there and was ordered to take the band to the White House at
eight o'clock p。m。

The bandmen did not live in barracks; and it was practically
impossible to get them together at that time of night; as they were
scattered all over the city。

〃Well; those are my instructions and those are your orders;〃 said
the commanding officer。

So we sent the band…messengers out to the men's lodgings; and they
found just one musician at home; and he was the bass…drummer。

At eight o'clock; arrayed in all the gorgeousness of my scarlet and
gold uniform; I sat in front of the band platform in the White
House lobby; and the bass…drummer stationed himself back in the
semi…obscurity of his corner。  There was a dazzling array of
music…stands and empty chairs; but no musicians!  The President
evidently saw the humorous side of it; and when I explained the 
situation he said it could not be helped。  All the evening we sat
there and listened to humorous remarks from the guests。 We had
〃reported for duty;〃 though; and the drummer and I stayed till the
reception was over。

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