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the portuguese duck-第2部分

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〃what have I done?〃

    〃Done!〃 repeated the Portuguese duck; 〃your mode of expressing

yourself is not very polite。 I must call your attention to that fact。〃

    〃It was sunshine here yesterday;〃 said the little bird; 〃but

to…day it is cloudy and the air is close。〃

    〃You know very little about the weather; I fancy;〃 she retorted;

〃the day is not over yet。 Don't stand there; looking so stupid。〃

    〃But you are looking at me just as the wicked eyes looked when I

fell into the yard yesterday。〃

    〃Impertinent creature!〃 exclaimed the Portuguese duck: 〃would

you compare me with the cat… that beast of prey? There's not a drop of

malicious blood in me。 I've taken your part; and now I'll teach you

better manners。〃 So saying; she made a bite at the little

singing…bird's head; and he fell dead on the ground。 〃Now whatever

is the meaning of this?〃 〃she said; 〃could he not bear even such a

little peck as I gave him? Then certainly he was not made for this

world。 I've been like a mother to him; I know that; for I've a good


    Then the cock from the neighboring yard stuck his head in; and

crowed with steam…engine power。

    〃You'll kill me with your crowing;〃 she cried; 〃it's all your

fault。 He's lost his life; and I'm very near losing mine。〃

    〃There's not much of him lying there;〃 observed the cock。

    〃Speak of him with respect;〃 said the Portuguese duck; 〃for he had

manners and education; and he could sing。 He was affectionate and

gentle; and that is as rare a quality in animals as in those who

call themselves human beings。〃

    Then all the ducks came crowding round the little dead bird。 Ducks

have strong passions; whether they feel envy or pity。 There was

nothing to envy here; so they all showed a great deal of pity; even

the two Chinese。 〃We shall never have another singing…bird again

amongst us; he was almost a Chinese;〃 they whispered; and then they

wept with such a noisy; clucking sound; that all the other fowls

clucked too; but the ducks went about with redder eyes afterwards。 〃We

have hearts of our own;〃 they said; 〃nobody can deny that。〃

    〃Hearts!〃 repeated the Portuguese; 〃indeed you have; almost as

tender as the ducks in Portugal。〃

    〃Let us think of getting something to satisfy our hunger;〃 said

the drake; that's the most important business。 If one of our toys is

broken; why we have plenty more。〃

                            THE END

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