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she was good for nothing-第2部分

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hand; and wept bitter tears; and I wept still more when I went to my

room; and threw myself on the bed。 I passed through a dreadful

night; God knows what I suffered; and how I struggled。 The following

Sunday I went to the house of God to pray for light to direct my path。

It seemed like a providence that as I stepped out of church Eric

came towards me; and then there remained not a doubt in my mind。 We

were suited to each other in rank and circumstances。 He was; even

then; a man of good means。 I went up to him; and took his hand; and

said; 'Do you still feel the same for me?' 'Yes; ever and always;'

said he。 'Will you; then; marry a maiden who honors and esteems you;

although she cannot offer you her love? but that may come。' 'Yes; it

will come;' said he; and we joined our hands together; and I went home

to my mistress。 The gold ring which her son had given me I wore next

to my heart。 I could not place it on my finger during the daytime; but

only in the evening; when I went to bed。 I kissed the ring till my

lips almost bled; and then I gave it to my mistress; and told her that

the banns were to be put up for me and the glovemaker the following

week。 Then my mistress threw her arms round me; and kissed me。 She did

not say that I was 'good for nothing;' very likely I was better then

than I am now; but the misfortunes of this world; were unknown to me

then。 At Michaelmas we were married; and for the first year everything

went well with us。 We had a journeyman and an apprentice; and you were

our servant; Martha。〃

    〃Ah; yes; and you were a dear; good mistress;〃 said Martha; 〃I

shall never forget how kind you and your husband were to me。〃

    〃Yes; those were happy years when you were with us; although we

had no children at first。 The student I never met again。 Yet I saw him

once; although he did not see me。 He came to his mother's funeral。 I

saw him; looking pale as death; and deeply troubled; standing at her

grave; for she was his mother。 Sometime after; when his father died;

he was in foreign lands; and did not come home。 I know that he never

married; I believe he became a lawyer。 He had forgotten me; and even

had we met he would not have known me; for I have lost all my good

looks; and perhaps that is all for the best。〃 And then she spoke of

the dark days of trial; when misfortune had fallen upon them。

    〃We had five hundred dollars;〃 she said; 〃and there was a house in

the street to be sold for two hundred; so we thought it would be worth

our while to pull it down and build a new one in its place; so it

was bought。 The builder and carpenter made an estimate that the new

house would cost ten hundred and twenty dollars to build。 Eric had

credit; so he borrowed the money in the chief town。 But the captain;

who was bringing it to him; was shipwrecked; and the money lost。

Just about this time; my dear sweet boy; who lies sleeping there;

was born; and my husband was attacked with a severe lingering illness。

For three quarters of a year I was obliged to dress and undress him。

We were backward in our payments; we borrowed more money; and all that

we had was lost and sold; and then my husband died。 Since then I

have worked; toiled; and striven for the sake of the child。 I have

scrubbed and washed both coarse and fine linen; but I have not been

able to make myself better off; and it was God's will。 In His own time

He will take me to Himself; but I know He will never forsake my

boy。〃 Then she fell asleep。 In the morning she felt much refreshed;

and strong enough; as she thought; to go on with her work。 But as soon

as she stepped into the cold water; a sudden faintness seized her; she

clutched at the air convulsively with her hand; took one step forward;

and fell。 Her head rested on dry land; but her feet were in the water;

her wooden shoes; which were only tied on by a wisp of straw; were

carried away by the stream; and thus she was found by Martha when

she came to bring her some coffee。

    In the meantime a messenger had been sent to her house by the

mayor; to say that she must come to him immediately; as he had

something to tell her。 It was too late; a surgeon had been sent for to

open a vein in her arm; but the poor woman was dead。

    〃She has drunk herself to death;〃 said the cruel mayor。 In the

letter; containing the news of his brother's death; it was stated that

he had left in his will a legacy of six hundred dollars to the

glovemaker's widow; who had been his mother's maid; to be paid with

discretion; in large or small sums to the widow or her child。

    〃There was something between my brother and her; I remember;〃 said

the mayor; 〃it is a good thing that she is out of the way; for now the

boy will have the whole。 I will place him with honest people to

bring him up; that he may become a respectable working man。〃 And the

blessing of God rested upon these words。 The mayor sent for the boy to

come to him; and promised to take care of him; but most cruelly

added that it was a good thing that his mother was dead; for 〃she

was good for nothing。〃 They carried her to the churchyard; the

churchyard in which the poor were buried。 Martha strewed sand on the

grave and planted a rose…tree upon it; and the boy stood by her side。

    〃Oh; my poor mother!〃 he cried; while the tears rolled down his

cheeks。 〃Is it true what they say; that she was good for nothing?〃

    〃No; indeed; it is not true;〃 replied the old servant; raising her

eyes to heaven; 〃she was worth a great deal; I knew it years ago;

and since the last night of her life I am more certain of it than

ever。 I say she was a good and worthy woman; and God; who is in

heaven; knows I am speaking the truth; though the world may say;

even now she was good for nothing。〃

                            THE END

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