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the stage coach-第2部分

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barking before him; and the others holding John's hands; both

talking at once; and overpowering him with questions about home; and

with school anecdotes。 I looked after them with a feeling in which I

do not know whether pleasure or melancholy predominated; for I was

reminded of those days when; like them; I had neither known care nor

sorrow; and a holiday was the summit of earthly felicity。 We stopped a

few moments afterwards to water the horses; and on resuming our route;

a turn of the road brought us in sight of a neat country seat。 I could

just distinguish the forms of a lady and two young girls in the

portico; and I saw my little comrades; with Bantam; Carlo; and old

John; trooping along the carriage road。 I leaned out of the coach

window; in hopes of witnessing the happy meeting; but a grove of trees

shut it from my sight。

  In the evening we reached a village where I had determined to pass

the night。 As we drove into the great gateway of the inn; I saw on one

side the light of a rousing kitchen fire beaming through a window。 I

entered; and admired; for the hundredth time; that picture of

convenience; neatness; and broad honest enjoyment; the kitchen of an

English inn。 It was of spacious dimensions; hung round with copper and

tin vessels highly polished; and decorated here and there with a

Christmas green。 Hams; tongues; and flitches of bacon; were

suspended from the ceiling; a smoke…jack made its ceaseless clanking

beside the fireplace; and a clock ticked in one corner。 A well…scoured

deal table extended along one side of the kitchen; with a cold round

of beef; and other hearty viands upon it; over which two foaming

tankards of ale seemed mounting guard。 Travellers of inferior order

were preparing to attack this stout repast; while others sat smoking

and gossiping over their ale on two high…backed oaken settles beside

the fire。 Trim housemaids were hurrying backwards and forwards under

the directions of a fresh; bustling landlady; but still seizing an

occasional moment to exchange a flippant word; and have a rallying

laugh; with the group round the fire。 The scene completely realized

Poor Robin's humble idea of the comforts of mid…winter:

           Now trees their leafy hats do bare

           To reverence Winter's silver hair;

           A handsome hostesss; merry host;

           A pot of ale now and a toast;

           Tobacco and a good coal fire;

           Are things this season doth require。*

  * Poor Robin's Almanac; 1684。

  I had not been long at the inn when a post…chaise drove up to the

door。 A young gentleman stept out; and by the light of the lamps I

caught a glimpse of a countenance which I thought I knew。 I moved

forward to get a nearer view; when his eye caught mine。 I was not

mistaken; it was Frank Bracebridge; a sprightly good…humored young

fellow; with whom I had once travelled on the continent。 Our meeting

was extremely cordial; for the countenance of an old

fellow…traveller always brings up the recollection of a thousand

pleasant scenes; odd adventures; and excellent jokes。 To discuss all

these in a transient interview at an inn was impossible; and finding

that I was not pressed for time; and was merely making a tour of

observation; he insisted that I should give him a day or two at his

father's country seat; to which he was going to pass the holidays; and

which lay at a few miles distance。 〃It is better than eating a

solitary Christmas dinner at an inn;〃 said he; 〃and I can assure you

of a hearty welcome in something of the old…fashioned style。〃 His

reasoning was cogent; and I must confess the preparation I had seen

for universal festivity and social enjoyment had made me feel a little

impatient of my loneliness。 I closed; therefore; at once; with his

invitation; the chaise drove up to the door; and in a few moments I

was on my way to the family mansion of the Bracebridges。

                        THE END

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