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gladly give you the golden horse; and will bring it out to you。
Mount it as soon as possible; and offer your hand to all in farewell;
last of all to the beautiful maiden。  And as soon as you have taken
her hand swing her up on to the horse; and gallop away; and no one
will be able to bring you back; for the horse runs faster than the

All was carried out successfully; and the king's son carried off the
beautiful princess on the golden horse。

The fox did not remain behind; and he said to the youth; now I will
help you to get the golden bird。  When you come near to the castle
where the golden bird is to be found; let the maiden get down; and I
will take her into my care。  Then ride with the golden horse into the
castle…yard; there will be great rejoicing at the sight; and they
will bring out the golden bird for you。  As soon as you have the cage
in your hand gallop back to us; and take the maiden away again。

When the plan had succeeded; and the king's son was about to ride
home with his treasures; the fox said; now you shall reward me for my
help。  What do you require for it; asked the youth。  When you get
into the wood yonder; shoot me dead; and chop off my head and feet。

That would be fine gratitude; said the king's son。  I cannot possibly
do that for you。

The fox said; if you will not do it I must leave you; but before I go
away I will give you a piece of good advice。  Be careful about two
things。  Buy no gallows'…flesh; and do not sit at the edge of any
well。  And then he ran into the wood。

The youth thought; that is a wonderful beast; he has strange whims;
who on earth would want to buy gallows'…flesh。  As for the desire to
sit at the edge of a well it has never yet occurred to me。

He rode on with the beautiful maiden; and his road took him again
through the village in which his two brothers had remained。 There was
a great stir and noise; and; when he asked what was going on; he was
told that two men were going to be hanged。  As he came nearer to the
place he saw that they were his brothers; who had been playing all
kinds of wicked pranks; and had squandered all their wealth。  He
inquired whether they could not be set free。  If you will pay for
them; answered the people; but why should you waste your money on
wicked men; and buy them free。 He did not think twice about it; but
paid for them; and when they were set free they all went on their way

They came to the wood where the fox had first met them; and as it was
a hot day; but cool and pleasant within the wood; the two brothers
said; let us rest a little by the well; and eat and drink。  He
agreed; and whilst they were talking he forgot himself; and sat down
upon the edge of the well without thinking of any evil。  But the two
brothers threw him backwards into the well; took the maiden; the
horse; and the bird; and went home to their father。  Here we bring
you not only the golden bird; said they; we have won the golden horse
also; and the maiden from the golden castle。  Then was there great
joy; but the horse would not eat; the bird would not sing; and the
maiden sat and wept。

But the youngest brother was not dead。  By good fortune the well was
dry; and he fell upon soft moss without being hurt; but he could not
get out again。  Even in this strait the faithful fox did not leave
him; it came and leapt down to him; and upbraided him for having
forgotten its advice。  But yet I cannot give up; he said; I will help
you up again into daylight。  He bade him grasp his tail and keep
tight hold of it; and then he pulled him up。 You are not out of all
danger yet; said the fox。  Your brothers were not sure of your death;
and have surrounded the wood with watchers; who are to kill you if
you let yourself be seen。  But a poor man was sitting upon the road;
with whom the youth changed clothes; and in this way he got to the
king's palace。

No one knew him; but the bird began to sing; the horse began to eat;
and the beautiful maiden left off weeping。  The king; astonished;
asked; what does this mean。  Then the maiden said; I do not know; but
I have been so sorrowful and now I am so happy。  I feel as if my true
bridegroom had come。  She told him all that had happened; although
the other brothers had threatened her with death if she were to
betray anything。

The king commanded that all people who were in his castle should be
brought before him; and amongst them came the youth in his ragged
clothes; but the maiden knew him at once and fell upon his neck。  The
wicked brothers were seized and put to death; but he was married to
the beautiful maiden and declared heir to the king。

But what happened to the poor fox。  Long afterwards the king's son
was once again walking in the wood; when the fox met him and said;
you have everything now that you can wish for; but there is never an
end to my misery; and yet it is in your power to free me; and again
he asked him with tears to shoot him dead and chop off his head and
feet。  So he did it; and scarcely was it done when the fox was
changed into a man; and was no other than the brother of the
beautiful princess; who at last was freed from the magic charm which
had been laid upon him。  And now they had all the happiness they
wanted as long as they lived。
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