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the crown of thorns-第3部分

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l about the next world; and to see beforehand everything that is going to be。  I have no solicitude about the mere scenery and modes of the future state。  But this desire to be in the midst of perpetual revelations argues that there is not enough to fill our minds and excite our wonder here; when all things around us are pregnant with suggestion; and invite us; and offer unfathomed depths for our curious seeking。  There is so much here; too; for our love and our discipline; so much for us to do; that we hardly need more revelations just now; …they might overwhelm and disturb us in the pursuit of these appointed ends。  Moreover; the gratification of this desire would foreclose that glorious anticipation; that trembling expectancy; which is so fraught with inspiration and delight; the joy of the unknown; the bliss of the thought that there is a great deal yet to be revealed。

We do need some revelation; just such as has been given; a glimpse of the immortal splendors; an articulate Voice from heaven a view of the glorified Jesus; a revelation in a point of time; just as that on the mount was in point of space。  We need some; but not too much; not all revelation; not revelation as a customary fact。  If so; I repeat; we should neglect this ordained field of thought and action。  We should live in a sphere of supernaturalism; in an atmosphere of wonder; amid a planetary roll of miracles; still unsatisfied; still needing the suggestion of higher points to break the stupendous monotony。

And I insist that work; not vision; is to be the ordinary method of our being here; against the position of those who shut themselves in to a contemplative and extatic piety。 They would escape from the age; and its anxieties; they would recall past conditions; they would get into the shadow of cloisters; and build cathedrals for an exclusive sanctity。 And; indeed; we would do well to consider those tendencies of our time which lead us away from the inner life of faith and prayer。  But this we should cherish; not by withdrawing all sanctity from life; but by pouring sanctity into life。  We should not quit the world; to build tabernacles in the Mount of Transfiguration; but come from out the celestial brightness; to shed light into the world; to make the whole earth a cathedral; to overarch it with Christian ideals; to transfigure its gross and guilty features; and fill it with redeeming truth and love。

Surely; the lesson of the incident connected with the text is clear; so far as the apostles were concerned; who beheld that dazzling; brightness; and that heavenly companionship; apart on the mount。  They were not permitted to remain apart; but were dismissed to their appointed work。  Peter went to denial and repentance; to toil and martyrdom; James to utter his practical truth; John to send the fervor of his spirit among the splendors of the Apocalypse; and; in its calmer flow through his Gospel; to give us the clearest mirror of the Saviour's face。

Nay; even for the Redeemer that was not to be an abiding vision; and he illustrates the purport of life as he descends from his transfiguration to toil; and goes forward to exchange that robe of heavenly; brightness for the crown of thorns。

What if Jesus had remained there; upon that Mount of Vision; and himself stood before us as only a transfigured form of glory?  Where then would be the peculiarity of his work; and its effect upon the world?

On the wall of the Vatican; untarnished by the passage of three hundred years; hangs the masterpiece of Raphael; his picture of the Transfiguration。  In the centre; with the glistening raiment and the altered countenance; stands Jesus; the Redeemer。 On the right hand and on the left are his glorified visitants; while; underneath the bright cloud; lie the forms of Peter; and James; and John; gazing at the transfigured Jesus; shading their faces as they look。 Something of the rapture and the awe that attracted the apostles to that shining spot seems to have seized the soul of the great artist; and filled him with his greatest inspiration。  But he saw what the apostles; at that moment; did not see; and; in another portion of his picture; has represented the scene at the foot of the hill; … the group that awaited the descent of Jesus。 。 The poor possessed boy; writhing; and foaming; and gnashing his teeth;  his eyes; as some say; in their wild rolling agony; already catching a glimpse of the glorified Christ above; the baffled disciples; the caviling scribes; the impotent physicians; the grief…worn father; seeking in vain for help。  Suppose Jesus had stayed upon the mount; what would have become of that group of want; and helplessness; and agony?  Suppose Christ had remained in the brightness of that vision forever;  himself only a vision of glory; and not an example of toil; and sorrow; and suffering; and death; alas! For the great world at large; waiting at the foot of the hill …the groups of humanity in all ages;  the sin…possessed sufferers  the caviling skeptics; the philosophers; with their books and instruments; the bereaved and frantic mourners in their need!

So; my hearers; wrapped in the higher moods of the soul; and wishing to abide among upper glories; we may not see the work that waits for us along our daily path; without doing which all our visions are vain。  We must have the visions。; We need them in our estimate of the world around us; of the aspects and destinies of humanity。  There are times when justice is balked; and truth covered up; and freedom trampled down;  when we may well be tempted to ask; 〃What is the use of trying to work?〃 when we may well inquire whether what…we are doing is work at all。  And in such a case; or in any other; one is lifted up; and inspired; and enabled to do and to endure all things; when in steady vision he beholds the everliving God; when all around the injustice; and conflict; and suffering of the world; he detects the Divine Presence; like a bright cloud overshadowing。 O! then doubt melts away; and wrong dwindles; and the jubilee of victorious falsehood is but a peal of drunken laughter; and the spittings of guilt and contempt no more than flakes of foam flung against a hero's breast…plate。  Then one sees; as it were; with the vision of God; who looked down upon the old cycles; when a sweltering waste covered the face of the globe; and huge; reptile natures held it in dominion;  who beholds the pulpy worm; down in the sea; building the pillars of continents; so one sees the principalities of evil sliding from their thrones; and the deposits of humble faithfulness rising from the deep of ages。  Our sympathy; our benevolent effort in the work of God and humanity; how much do they need not only the vision of intellectual foresight; but of the faith which; on bended knees; sees further than the telescope!

And alas! for him who; in his personal need and effort; has no margin of holier inspiration no rim of divine splendor … …around his daily life!  Without the vision of life's great realities we cannot see what our work is; or know how to do it。

But such visions must be necessarily rare and transient; or we shall miss their genuine efficacy。  We must work in comparative shadow; without the immediate sight of these realities; and only in the place of our rest;  rest for higher efforts and a new career; only there may we have their constant companionship; and build their perpetual tabernacles。


But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel。    LUKE xxiv。 21。

In the accounts of the disciples; contained in the New Testament; there is no attempt to glorify them; or to conceal any weakness。  From the first to the last; they think and act precisely as men would think and act in their circumstances; …they are affected just as others of like culture would be affected by such events as those set forth in the record。  And the genuineness of their conduct argues the genuineness of the incidents which excited it。  The divine; wonderworking; risen Jesus; is the necessary counterpart of the amazed; believing; erring hoping; desponding; rejoicing fishermen and publicans。  This stamp of reality is very evident in the instance before us。  The conduct and the feelings of the disciples are those of men who have been involved in a succession of strange experiences。  For a little while they have been in communion with One who has spoken as never man spoke; and who has touched the deepest springs of their being。  He has lifted them out of the narrow limits of their previous lives。  From the Receipt of Customs; and the Galilean lake; he has summoned them to the interests and awards; the thought and the work; of a spiritual and divine kingdom。  At first following him; perhaps they hardly knew why;。 conscious only that he had the Words of Eternal Life; the terms of this discipleship have grown into bonds of the dearest intimacy。 Their Master has become their Companion and their Friend; and their faith has deepened into tender and confiding love。 But still; theirs has been the belief of the trusting soul; rather than the enlightened intellect。  From the fitness of the teaching; and the wonder of the miracle; they have felt that he was the very Christ; and yet; from this conviction of the heart they have not been able to separate their Jewish conceits。  Sometimes; it may be; the language of the Saviour has carried them up into a broader and more spiritual region; but then; they have subsided into their symbols and shadows; only; notwithstanding the errors that have hindered; and the hints that have awed them; they have steadily felt the inspiration of a great hope; the expectation of something glorious to be revealed in the speedy coming of the Messiah's kingdom。  And now; does not the account immediately connected with the text picture for us exactly the state of men whose conceptions have been broken up by a great shock; and yet in whose hearts the central hope still remains and vibrates with mysterious tenacity? men who have had the form of their expectation utterly refuted and scattered into darkness; but who still cherish its spirit? Christ the crowned King; Christ the armed Deliverer; Christ the Avenger; sweeping away his foes with one burst of miracle;is to them; no mor
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