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song and legend from the middle ages-第13部分

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'1' The tailor makes the man。

Tr。 by Thorpe。


From the third poem in the Elder Edda came the following lines; describing the day and the night:

Delling called is he Who the Day's father is; But Night was of Norve born; The new and waning moons The beneficent powers created To count years for men。

Skinfaxe'1' he is named That the bright day draws Forth over human kind; Of coursers he is best accounted Among faring men; Ever sheds light that horse's mane。

Hrimfaxe'2' he is called That each night draws forth Over the beneficent powers; He from his bit lets fall Drops every morn Whence in the dells comes dew。 Tr。 by Thorpe

'1' Skinfaxe (shining mane); the horse of Day。

'2' Hrimfaxe (Rime mane); the horse of Night。


There are three classical periods in German literature。'1'

'1' See Scherer's 〃History of German Literature。〃 Vol。 I。; page 16。

1。 The Old High German Period; culminating about 600 A。 D。 The chief development of this period is the epic legend and poetry。 As this literature remained largely unwritten; it is all lost except one fragment; The Song of Hildebrand。

2。 The Middle High German Period; culminating about 1200 A。 D。 This was in Germany; as elsewhere in Europe; a time of abundant literary activity。 It is the period of the renaissance of the heroic legends of the first period; and their remaking into developed epic poetry; of the writing of romances of chivalry and of antiquity; of the development of the lyric poetry of the Minnesingers; of the growth of popular fables and tales and of the drama。 In short; all the forms of literary production known to the Middle Ages flourished in Germany in this period。

3。 The Modern Classical Period; culminating about 1800 in the work of Goethe; Schiller; and the many poets and scholars surrounding them。


The fragment of the 〃Song of Hildebrand〃 is the sole surviving portion of the heroic literature of the first period。 The story runs that 〃Hildebrand had fought in his youth in Italy; married there; and left a three…year son; when he was driven by Odoacer to Attila; king of the Huns。 After years; in which the son grew up to manhood; Hildebrand re…entered Italy as a great chief in the army of Theodorle。 His son; Hadubrand was then a chief combatant in Odoacer's army。〃 They challenge each other to combat; and though the fragment ends before the fight is over; it is thought from other references that Hildebrand is victor。


I have heard tell; they called each other forth; Hildebrand; Hadubrand; among the hosts。 Son; father; made them ready for the strife。 Donned their war shirts; and girded on their swords Over ringed mail; rode; heroes; to the fight。

Hildebrand; Herbrand's son; the elder man And wiser; spake; well skilled in questionings Asked in few words; who among all the folk His father was; 〃or of what stock thou be? Tell; and I'll give a mail of triple web: Child in this realm; I knew its families。〃 Hadubrand spoke; Hildebrand's son: 〃The old And wise among our folk tell me my father Was Hildebrand; my name is Hadubrand。 My father went to the east to fly the hate Of Otaker; with Dietrich and his bands。 A slender bride abiding in the lands He left in bower; with an ungrown child; And weapons masterless。 Eastward he went When sorrow came to Deitrich; friendless man; My kinsman Otaker became his foe。 Most famed of warriors; since Dietrich fell; Foremost in every field; he loved the fight; Praised by the bold; I doubt not he is dead。〃

〃Lord God of men;〃 spake Hildebrand; 〃from heaven Stay strife between two men so near in blood!〃 Then twisted from his arm the bracelet ring That once the King of Huns had given him; I give it you in token of my love。〃 Spake Hadubrand; the son of Hildebrand; 〃At the spear's point I take of you such gifts; Point against point。 No comrade thou; old Hun; With Bly; enticing words wouldst win me near: My answer to thee is with cast of spear。 Thou'rt old。 This cunning out of age is bred。〃 Over the Midland Sea came foes who said; 〃Hildebrand; son of Herbrand; he is dead。〃

Hildebrand; son of Herbrand; spake again: 〃Thine arms show that in this land thou couldst not gain A liberal leader or a royal friend。 Now well away。 Great God; fate's evil end! For sixty years; exile in stranger lands; Summer and winter with spear…darting bands; Never once leg bound within city wall; I come back by my own son's hand to fall; Hewn by his sword; or be his murderer; But if thy strength hold; thou canst readily Win of the brave his arms; spoil of the slain; When thine by right。〃 Said Hildebrand; 〃Now; worst Of Ostrogoths be he who holds me back! My heart is for the fray。 Judge comrades who look on; which of us wins The fame; best throws the dart; and earns the spoil。〃 The ashen spears then sped; stuck in the shields With their keen points; and down on the white shields The heavy axes rang with sounding blows; Shattering their rims; the flesh behind stood firm。 。 。 。

Tr。 by Morley。

In the second; or Middle High German Period; the heroic legends of early times were revived and formed the subject matter of many epic and semi epic poems。 These legends have been classified into six several cycles of romances:'1'

'1' Cf。 Morley's 〃English Writers。〃 Vol。III。; pp。152…4。

1。 The Frankish cycle contains the stories of Siegfried; the Sigurd of the Scandinavian tradition。

2。 The Burgundian cycle contains King Gunther。

3。 The Ostrogoth cycle contains Dietrich; Theodoric; and Hildebrand。

4。 The Hungarian cycle; to which belongs Attila or Etzel; and Rudiger。

5。 The Lombard cycle; to which belong King Rother; King Otnit; and Wolfdietrich。

6。 The North Saxon cycle; to which belongs the tale of Gudrun。 The two most important of all the epics based upon these cycles are the Gudrun and the Niebelungenlied。 The latter is the more comprehensive; national; and famous。 It includes and unifies all the tales from the first four cycles of heroic legends。'1' The whole of German art; literature; and tradition is full of reflections of this poem。 The best scholarship has concluded that the poem is not the work of a single author; but; like other folk epics; an edited collection of songs。 The work was finished about 1190…12l0。 It consists of two greater parts; (1) the 〃Death of Siegfried〃 and (2) the 〃Vengeance of Kriemhild〃。

'1' See Kluge; 〃Geschichte der Deutschen National…Literature;〃 p。 33。

From the 〃Niebelungenlied〃。 The first song in the poem gives us Kriemhild's foreboding dream。

KRIEMHILD'S DREAM。 Stanzas 1…19。

In stories of our fathers high marvels we are told Of champions well approved in perils manifold。 Of feasts and merry meetings; of weeping and of wail; And deeds of gallant daring I'll tell yon in my tale。

In Burgundy there flourish'd a maid so fair to see; That in all the world together a fairer could not be。 This maiden's name was Kriemhild; through her in dismal strife Full many a proudest warrior thereafter lost his life。

Many a fearless champion; as such well became; Woo'd the lovely lady; she from none had blame。 Matchless was her person; matchless was her mind。 This one maiden's virtue grac'd all womankind。

Three puissant Kings her guarded with all the care they might; Gunther and eke Gernot; each a redoubted knight; And Giselher the youthful; a chosen champion he; This lady was their sister; well lov'd of all the three。

They were high of lineage; thereto mild of mood; But in field and foray champions fierce and rude。 They rul'd a mighty kingdom; Burgundy by name; They wrought in Etzel's country deeds of deathless fame。

At Worms was their proud dwelling; the fair Rhine flowing by; There had they suit and service from haughtiest chivalry For broad lands and lordships; and glorious was their state; Till wretchedly they perish'd by two noble ladies' hate。

Dame Uta was their mother; a queen both rich and sage; Their father hight Dancrat; who the fair heritage Left to his noble children when he his course had run; He too by deeds of knighthood in youth had worship won。

Each of these three princes; as you have heard me say; Were men of mighty puissance。 They had beneath their sway The noblest knights for liegemen that ever dwelt on ground; For hardihood and prowess were none so high renown'd。

There was Hagan of Troy of a noble line; His brother nimble Dankwart; and the knight of Metz; Ortwine; Eckewart and Gary; the margraves stout in fight; Folker of Alzeia; full of manly might。

Rumolt the steward (a chosen knight was he); Sindolt; and Hunolt; these serv'd the brethren three; At their court discharging their several duties well; Besides; knights had they many whom now I cannot tell。

Dankwart was marshal to the king his lord; Ortwine of Metz; his nephew; was carver at the board; Sindolt he was butler; a champion choice and true; The chamberlain was Hunolt; they well their duties knew。

The gorgeous pomp and splendour; wherein these brethren reign'd; How well they tended knighthood; what worship they attain'd; How they thro' life were merry; and mock'd at woe and bale Who'd seek all this to tell you; would never end his tale。

A dream was dreamt by Kriemhild the virtuous and the gay; How a wild young falcon she train'd for many a day; Till two fierce eagles tore it; to her there could not be In all the world such sorrow at this perforce to see。 To her mother Uta at once the dream she told;

But she the threatening future could only thus unfold; 〃The falcon that thou trainedst is sure a noble mate; God shield him in his mercy; or thou must lose him straight。〃

〃A mate for me? what say'st thou; dearest mother mine? Ne'er to love; assure thee; my heart will I resign。 I'll live and die a maiden; and end as I began; Nor (let what else befall me) will suffer woe for man。〃

〃Nay〃; said her anxious mother; 〃renounce not marriage so; Wouldst thou true heartfelt pleasure taste ever here below; Man's love alone can give it。 Thou'rt fair as eye can see; A fitting mate God send thee; and nought will wanting be。〃

〃No more;〃 the maiden answer'd; 〃no more; dear mother; say; From many a woman's fortune this truth is clear as day; That falsely smiling Plea
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