letters to his son, 1748-第13部分
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; how great a share of them you owe to Mr。 Harte's care and attention; and; consequently; that your regard and affection for him must increase; if there be room for it; in proportion as you reap; which you do daily; the fruits of his labors。
I must not; however; conceal from you that there was one article in which your own witness; Mr。 Eliot; faltered; for; upon my questioning him home as to your manner of speaking; he could not say that your utterance was either distinct or graceful。 I have already said so much to you upon this point that I can add nothing。 I will therefore only repeat this truth; which is; that if you will not speak distinctly and graceful; nobody will desire to hear you。 I am glad to learn that Abbe Mably's 'Droit Public de l'Europe' makes a part of your evening amusements。 It is a very useful book; and gives a clear deduction of the affairs of Europe; from the treaty of Munster to this time。 Pray read it with attention; and with the proper maps; always recurring to them for the several countries or towns yielded; taken; or restored。 Pyre Bougeant's third volume will give you the best idea of the treaty of Munster; and open to you the several views of the belligerent' and contracting parties; and there never were greater than at that time。 The House of Austria; in the war immediately preceding that treaty; intended to make itself absolute in the empire; and to overthrow the rights of the respective states of it。 The view of France was to weaken and dismember the House of Austria to such a degree; as that it should no longer be a counterbalance to that of Bourbon。 Sweden wanted possessions on the continent of Germany; not only to supply the necessities of its own poor and barren country; but likewise to hold the balance in the empire between the House of Austria and the States。 The House of Brandenburg wanted to aggrandize itself by pilfering in the fire; changed sides occasionally; and made a good bargain at last; for I think it got; at the peace; nine or ten bishoprics secularized。 So that we may date; from the treaty of Munster; the decline of the House of Austria; the great power of the House of Bourbon; and the aggrandizement of that of Bradenburg: which; I am much mistaken; if it stops where it is now。
Make my compliments to Lord Pulteney; to whom I would have you be not only attentive; but useful; by setting him (in case he wants it) a good example of application and temperance。 I begin to believe that; as I shall be proud of you; others will be proud too of imitating you: Those expectations of mine seem now so well grounded; that my disappointment; and consequently my anger; will be so much the greater if they fail; but as things stand now; I am most affectionately and tenderly; Yours。
LONDON; August 30; O。 S。 1748
DEAR BOY: Your reflections upon the conduct of France; from the treaty of Munster to this time; are very just; and I am very glad to find; by them; that you not only read; but that you think and reflect upon what you read。 Many great readers load their memories; without exercising their judgments; and make lumber…rooms of their heads instead of furnishing them usefully; facts are heaped upon facts without order or distinction; and may justly be said to compose that
'…Rudis indigestaque moles Quem dixere chaos'。
Go on; then; in the way of reading that you are in; take nothing for granted; upon the bare authority of the author; but weigh and consider; in your own mind; the probability of the facts and the justness of the reflections。 Consult different authors upon the same facts; and form your opinion upon the greater or lesser degree of probability arising from the whole; which; in my mind; is the utmost stretch of historical faith; certainty (I fear) not being to be found。 When a historian pretends to give you the causes and motives of events; compare those causes and motives with the characters and interests of the parties concerned; and judge for yourself whether they correspond or not。 Consider whether you cannot assign others more probable; and in that examination; do not despise some very mean and trifling causes of the actions of great men; for so various and inconsistent is human nature; so strong and changeable are our passions; so fluctuating are our wills; and so much are our minds influenced by the accidents of our bodies that every man is more the man of the day; than a regular consequential character。 The best have something bad; and something little; the worst have something good; and sometimes something great; for I do not believe what Velleius Paterculus (for the sake of saying a pretty thing) says of Scipio; 'Qui nihil non laudandum aut fecit; aut dixit; aut sensit'。 As for the reflections of historians; with which they think it necessary to interlard their histories; or at least to conclude their chapters (and which; in the French histories; are always introduced with a 'tant il est vrai'; and in the English; SO TRUE IT IS; do not adopt them implicitly upon the credit of the author; but analyze them yourself; and judge whether they are true or not。
But to return to the politics of France; from which I have digressed。 You have certainly made one further reflection; of an advantage which France has; over and above its abilities in the cabinet and the skill of its negotiators; which is (if I may use the expression) its SOLENESS; continuity of riches and power within itself; and the nature of its government。 Near twenty millions of people; and the ordinary revenue of above thirteen millions sterling a year; are at the absolute disposal of the Crown。 This is what no other power in Europe can say; so that different powers must now unite to make a balance against France; which union; though formed upon the principle of their common interest; can never be so intimate as to compose a machine so compact and simple as that of one great kingdom; directed by one will; and moved by one interest。 The Allied Powers (as we have constantly seen) have; besides the common and declared object of their alliance; some separate and concealed view to which they often sacrifice the general one; which makes them; either directly or indirectly; pull different ways。 Thus; the design upon Toulon failed in the year 1706; only from the secret view of the House of Austria upon Naples: which made the Court of Vienna; notwithstanding the representations of the other allies to the contrary; send to Naples the 12;000 men that would have done the business at Toulon。 In this last war too; the same causes had the same effects: the Queen of Hungary in secret thought of nothing but recovering of Silesia; and what she had lost in Italy; and; therefore; never sent half that quota which she promised; and we paid for; into Flanders; but left that country to the maritime powers to defend as they could。 The King of Sardinia's real object was Savona and all the Riviera di Ponente; for which reason he concurred so lamely in the invasion of Provence; where the Queen of Hungary; likewise; did not send one…third of the force stipulated; engrossed as she was by her oblique views upon the plunder of Genoa; and the recovery of Naples。 Insomuch that the expedition into Provence; which would have distressed France to the greatest degree; and have caused a great detachment from their army in Flanders; failed shamefully; for want of every one thing necessary for its success。 Suppose; therefore; any four or five powers who; all together; shall be equal; or even a little superior; in riches and strength to that one power against which they are united; the advantage will still be greatly on the side of that single power; because it is but one。 The power and riches of Charles V。 were; in themselves; certainly superior to those of Frances I。; and yet; upon the whole; he was not an overmatch for him。 Charles V。's dominions; great as they were; were scattered and remote from each other; their constitutions different; wherever he did not reside; disturbances arose; whereas the compactness of France made up the difference in the strength。 This obvious reflection convinced me of the absurdity of the treaty of Hanover; in 1725; between France and England; to which the Dutch afterward acceded; for it was made upon the apprehensions; either real or pretended; that the marriage of Don Carlos with the eldest archduchess; now Queen of Hungary; was settled in the treaty of Vienna; of the same year; between Spain and the late Emperor Charles VI。; which marriage; those consummate politicians said would revive in Europe the exorbitant power of Charles V。 I am sure; I heartily wish it had; as; in that case; there had been; what there certainly is not now; one power in Europe to counterbalance that of France; and then the maritime powers would; in reality; have held the balance of Europe in their hands。 Even supposing that the Austrian power would then have been an overmatch for that of France (which; by the way; is not clear); the weight of the maritime powers; then thrown into the scale of France; would infallibly have made the balance at least even。 In which case too; the moderate efforts of the maritime powers on the side of France would have been sufficient; whereas now; they are obliged to exhaust and beggar themselves; and that too ineffectually; in hopes to support the shattered; beggared; and insufficient House of Austria。
This has been a long political dissertation; but I am informed that political subjects are your favorite ones; which I am glad of; considering your destination。 You do well to get your materials all ready; before you begin your work。 As you buy and (I am told) read books of this kind; I will point out two or three for your purchase and perusal; I am not sure that I have not mentioned them before; but that is no matter; if you have not got them。 'Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire du 17ieme Siecle'; is a most useful book for you to recur to for all the facts and chronology of that country : it is in four volumes octavo; and very correct and exact。 If I do not mistake; I have formerly recommended to you; 'Les Memoires du Cardinal de Retz'; however; if you have not yet read them; pray do; and with the attention which they deserve。 You
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