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the old bachelor-第6部分

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BELL。  Ay; but if I'm tongue…tied; I must have all my actions free toquicken your apprehensionand I…gad let me tell you; my most prevailing argument is expressed in dumb show。



ARAM。  Oh; I am glad we shall have a song to divert the discourse。 Pray oblige us with the last new song。



Thus to a ripe; consenting maid; Poor; old; repenting Delia said; Would you long preserve your lover? Would you still his goddess reign? Never let him all discover; Never let him much obtain。


Men will admire; adore and die; While wishing at your feet they lie: But admitting their embraces; Wakes 'em from the golden dream; Nothing's new besides our faces; Every woman is the same。

ARAM。  So; how de'e like the song; gentlemen?

BELL。  Oh; very well performed; but I don't much admire the words。

ARAM。  I expected it; there's too much truth in 'em。  If Mr。 Gavot will walk with us in the garden; we'll have it once again; you may like it better at second hearing。  You'll bring my cousin。

BELL。  Faith; madam; I dare not speak to her; but I'll make signs。 'Addresses Belinda in dumb show。'

BELIN。  Oh; foh; your dumb rhetoric is more ridiculous than your talking impertinence; as an ape is a much more troublesome animal than a parrot。

ARAM。  Ay; cousin; and 'tis a sign the creatures mimic nature well; for there are few men but do more silly things than they say。

BELL。  Well; I find my apishness has paid the ransom for my speech; and set it at libertythough; I confess; I could be well enough pleased to drive on a love…bargain in that silent manner'twould save a man a world of lying and swearing at the year's end。 Besides; I have had a little experience; that brings to mind …

When wit and reason both have failed to move; Kind looks and actions (from success) do prove; Ev'n silence may be eloquent in love。


SCENE:  The Street。


SILV。  Will he not come; then?

LUCY。  Yes; yes; come; I warrant him; if you will go in and be ready to receive him。

SILV。  Why did you not tell me?  Whom mean you?

LUCY。  Whom you should mean; Heartwell。

SILV。  Senseless creature; I meant my Vainlove。

LUCY。  You may as soon hope to recover your own maiden…head as his love。  Therefore; e'en set your heart at rest; and in the name of opportunity mind your own business。  Strike Heartwell home before the bait's worn off the hook。  Age will come。  He nibbled fairly yesterday; and no doubt will be eager enough to…day to swallow the temptation。

SILV。  Well; since there's no remedyyet tell mefor I would know; though to the anguish of my soul; how did he refuse?  Tell me; how did he receive my letterin anger or in scorn?

LUCY。  Neither; but what was ten times worse; with damned senseless indifference。  By this light I could have spit in his face。 Receive it!  Why; he received it as I would one of your lovers that should come empty…handed; as a court lord does his mercer's bill or a begging dedicationhe received it as if 't had been a letter from his wife。

SILV。  What! did he not read it?

LUCY。  Hummed it over; gave you his respects; and said he would take time to peruse itbut then he was in haste。

SILV。  Respects; and peruse it!  He's gone; and Araminta has bewitched him from me。  Oh; how the name of rival fires my blood。 I could curse 'em both; eternal jealousy attend her love; and disappointment meet his。  Oh that I could revenge the torment he has caused; methinks I feel the woman strong within me; and vengeance kindles in the room of love。

LUCY。  I have that in my head may make mischief。

SILV。  How; dear Lucy?

LUCY。  You know Araminta's dissembled coyness has won; and keeps him hers …

SILV。  Could we persuade him that she loves another …

LUCY。  No; you're out; could we persuade him that she dotes on him; himself。  Contrive a kind letter as from her; 'twould disgust his nicety; and take away his stomach。

SILV。  Impossible; 'twill never take。

LUCY。  Trouble not your head。  Let me aloneI will inform myself of what passed between 'em to…day; and about it straight。  Hold; I'm mistaken; or that's Heartwell; who stands talking at the corner'tis hego get you in; madam; receive him pleasantly; dress up your face in innocence and smiles; and dissemble the very want of dissimulation。  You know what will take him。

SILV。  'Tis as hard to counterfeit love as it is to conceal it: but I'll do my weak endeavour; though I fear I have not art。

LUCY。  Hang art; madam; and trust to nature for dissembling。

Man was by nature woman's cully made: We never are but by ourselves betrayed。



BELL。  Hist; hist; is not that Heartwell going to Silvia?

VAIN。  He's talking to himself; I think; prithee let's try if we can hear him。

HEART。  Why; whither in the devil's name am I agoing now?  Humlet me thinkis not this Silvia's house; the cave of that enchantress; and which consequently I ought to shun as I would infection?  To enter here is to put on the envenomed shirt; to run into the embraces of a fever; and in some raving fit; be led to plunge myself into that more consuming fire; a woman's arms。  Ha! well recollected; I will recover my reason; and be gone。

BELL。  Now Venus forbid!

VAIN。  Hush …

HEART。  Well; why do you not move?  Feet; do your officenot one inch; no; fore Gad I'm caught。  There stands my north; and thither my needle points。  Now could I curse myself; yet cannot repent。  O thou delicious; damned; dear; destructive woman!  S'death; how the young fellows will hoot me!  I shall be the jest of the town:  nay; in two days I expect to be chronicled in ditty; and sung in woful ballad; to the tune of the Superannuated Maiden's Comfort; or the Bachelor's Fall; and upon the third; I shall be hanged in effigy; pasted up for the exemplary ornament of necessary houses and cobblers' stalls。  Death; I can't think on'tI'll run into the danger to lose the apprehension。



BELL。  A very certain remedy; probatum est。  Ha; ha; ha; poor George; thou art i' th' right; thou hast sold thyself to laughter; the ill…natured town will find the jest just where thou hast lost it。  Ha; ha; how a' struggled; like an old lawyer between two fees。

VAIN。  Or a young wench between pleasure and reputation。

BELL。  Or as you did to…day; when half afraid you snatched a kiss from Araminta。

VAIN。  She has made a quarrel on't。

BELL。  Pauh; women are only angry at such offences to have the pleasure of forgiving them。

VAIN。  And I love to have the pleasure of making my peace。  I should not esteem a pardon if too easily won。

BELL。  Thou dost not know what thou wouldst be at; whether thou wouldst have her angry or pleased。  Couldst thou be content to marry Araminta?

VAIN。  Could you be content to go to heaven?

BELL。  Hum; not immediately; in my conscience not heartily。  I'd do a little more good in my generation first; in order to deserve it。

VAIN。  Nor I to marry Araminta till I merit her。

BELL。  But how the devil dost thou expect to get her if she never yield?

VAIN。  That's true; but I would …

BELL。  Marry her without her consent; thou 'rt a riddle beyond woman …


'To them' SETTER。

Trusty Setter; what tidings?  How goes the project?

SETTER。  As all lewd projects do; sir; where the devil prevents our endeavours with success。

BELL。  A good hearing; Setter。

VAIN。  Well; I'll leave you with your engineer。

BELL。  And hast thou provided necessaries?

SETTER。  All; all; sir; the large sanctified hat; and the little precise band; with a swinging long spiritual cloak; to cover carnal knaverynot forgetting the black patch; which Tribulation Spintext wears; as I'm informed; upon one eye; as a penal mourning for the ogling offences of his youth; and some say; with that eye he first discovered the frailty of his wife。

BELL。  Well; in this fanatic father's habit will I confess Laetitia。

SETTER。  Rather prepare her for confession; sir; by helping her to sin。

BELL。  Be at your master's lodging in the evening; I shall use the robes。


SETTER alone。

SETTER。  I shall; sir。  I wonder to which of these two gentlemen I do most properly appertain:  the one uses me as his attendant; the other (being the better acquainted with my parts) employs me as a pimp; why; that's much the more honourable employmentby all means。  I follow one as my master; the other follows me as his conductor。


'To him' Lucy。

LUCY。  There's the hang…dog; his manI had a power over him in the reign of my mistress; but he is too true a VALET DE CHAMBRE not to affect his master's faults; and consequently is revolted from his allegiance。

SETTER。  Undoubtedly 'tis impossible to be a pimp and not a man of parts。  That is without being politic; diligent; secret; wary; and so forthand to all this valiant as Herculesthat is; passively valiant and actively obedient。  Ah; Setter; what a treasure is here lost for want of being known。

LUCY。  Here's some villainy afoot; he's so thoughtful。  May be I may discover something in my mask。  Worthy sir; a word with you。 'Puts on her mask。'

SETTER。  Why; if I were known; I might come to be a great man …

LUCY。  Not to interrupt your meditation …

SETTER。  And I should not be the first that has procured his greatness by pimping。

LUCY。  Now poverty and the pox light upon thee for a contemplative pimp。

SETTER。  Ha! what art who thus maliciously hast awakened me from my dream of glory?  Speak; thou vile disturber …

LUCY。  Of thy most vile cogitationsthou poor; conceited wretch; how wert thou valuing thyself upon thy master's employment?  For he's the head pimp to Mr。 Bellmour。

SETTER。  Good words; damsel; or I shallBut how dost thou know my master or me?

LUCY。  Yes; I know both master and man to be …

SETTER。  To be men; perhaps; nay; faith; like enough:  I often march in the rear of my master; and enter the breaches which he has made。

LUCY。  Ay; the breach of faith; which he has begun:  thou traitor to thy lawful princess。

SETTER。  Why; how now! prithee who art?  Lay by that worldly face and produce your natural vizor
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