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23-the glass axe-第2部分

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and with its many doors and passages prevented her for some time

from finding her way out of it。

In the meantime the black girl hurried on with the Prince;

hastening to reach the river; where once on the other side they

would for ever be out of the wicked Fairy's power。  But before

they had accomplished half the way they heard again the rustle of

her garments and her muttered curses pursuing them closely。

The Prince was terrified; he dared not look back; and he felt his

strength giving way。  But before he had time to despair the girl

uttered some more magic words; and immediately she herself was

changed into a pond; and the Prince into a duck swimming on its


When the Fairy saw this her rage knew no bounds; and she used all

her magic wits to make the pond disappear; she caused a hill of

sand to arise at her feet; meaning it to dry up the water at

once。  But the sand hill only drove the pond a little farther

away; and its waters seemed to increase instead of diminishing。 

When the old woman saw that the powers of her magic were of so

little avail; she had recourse to cunning。  She threw a lot of

gold nuts into the pond; hoping in this way to catch the duck;

but all her efforts were fruitless; for the little creature

refused to let itself be caught。

Then a new idea struck the wicked old woman; and hiding herself

behind the rock which had sheltered the fugitives; she waited

behind it; watching carefully for the moment when the Prince and

her daughter should resume their natural forms and continue their


She had not to wait long; for as soon as the girl thought her

mother was safely out of the way; she changed herself and the

Prince once more into their human shape; and set out cheerfully

for the river。

But they had not gone many steps when the wicked Fairy hurried

after them; a drawn dagger in her hand; and was close upon them;

when suddenly; instead of the Prince and her daughter; she found

herself in front of a great stone church; whose entrance was

carefully guarded by a huge monk。

Breathless with rage and passion; she tried to plunge her dagger

into the monk's heart; but it fell shattered in pieces at her

feet。  In her desperation she determined to pull down the church;

and thus to destroy her two victims for ever。  She stamped three

times on the ground; and the earth trembled; and both the church

and the monk began to shake。  As soon as the Fairy saw this she

retreated to some distance from the building; so as not to be

hurt herself by its fall。  But once more her scheme was doomed to

failure; for hardly had she gone a yard from the church than both

it and the monk disappeared; and she found herself in a wood

black as night; and full of wolves and bears and wild animals of

all sorts and descriptions。

Then her wrath gave place to terror; for she feared every moment

to be torn in pieces by the beasts who one and all seemed to defy

her power。  She thought it wisest to make her way as best she

could out of the forest; and then to pursue the fugitives once

more and accomplish their destruction either by force or cunning。

In the meantime the Prince and the black girl had again assumed

their natural forms; and were hurrying on as fast as they could

to reach the river。  But when they got there they found that

there was no way in which they could cross it; and the girl's

magic art seemed no longer to have any power。  Then turning to

the Prince she said; 'The hour for my deliverance has not yet

come; but as you promised to do all you could to free me; you

must do exactly as I bid you now。  Take this bow and arrow and

kill every beast you see with them; and be sure you spare no

living creature。'

With these words she disappeared; and hardly had she done so than

a huge wild boar started out of the thicket near and made

straight for the Prince。  But the youth did not lose his presence

of mind; and drawing his bow he pierced the beast with his arrow

right through the skull。  The creature fell heavily on the

ground; and out of its side sprang a little hare; which ran like

the wind along the river bank。  The Prince drew his bow once

more; and the hare lay dead at his feet; but at the same moment a

dove rose up in the air; and circled round the Prince's head in

the most confiding manner。  But mindful of the black girl's

commands; he dared not spare the little creature's life; and

taking another arrow from his quiver he laid it as dead as the

boar and the hare。  But when he went to look at the body of the

bird he found instead of the dove a round white egg lying on the


While he was gazing on it and wondering what it could mean; he

heard the sweeping of wings above him; and looking up he saw a

huge vulture with open claws swooping down upon him。  In a moment

he seized the egg and flung it at the bird with all his might;

and lo and behold!  instead of the ugly monster the most

beautiful girl he had ever seen stood before the astonished eyes

of the Prince。

But while all this was going on the wicked old Fairy had managed

to make her way out of the wood; and was now using the last

resource in her power to overtake her daughter and the Prince。 

As soon as she was in the open again she mounted her chariot;

which was drawn by a fiery dragon; and flew through the air in

it。  But just as she got to the river she saw the two lovers in

each other's arms swimming through the water as easily as two


Quick as lightning; and forgetful of every danger; she flew down

upon them。  But the waters seized her chariot and sunk it in the

lowest depths; and the waves bore the wicked old woman down the

stream till she was caught in some thorn bushes; where she made a

good meal for all the little fishes that were swimming about。

And so at last the Prince and his lovely Bride were free。  They

hurried as quickly as they could to the old King; who received

them with joy and gladness。  On the following day a most gorgeous

wedding feast was held; and as far as we know the Prince and his

bride lived happily for ever afterwards。

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