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the frozen deep-第4部分

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〃You have engaged yourself in my absence。 Your words own it; your
looks own it! You have engaged yourself to another man!〃

〃If I _have_ engaged myself; what right have you to complain of
it?〃 she answered firmly。 〃What right have you to control my

The next words died away on her lips。 He suddenly dropped her
hand。 A marked change appeared in the expression of his eyesa
change which told her of the terrible passions that she had let
loose in him。 She read; dimly read; something in his face which
made her tremblenot for herself; but for Frank。

Little by little the dark color faded out of his face。 His deep
voice dropped suddenly to a low and quiet tone as he spoke the
parting words。

〃Say no more; Miss Burnhamyou have said enough。 I am answered;
I am dismissed。〃 He paused; and; stepping close up to her; laid
his hand on her arm。

〃The time may come;〃 he said; 〃when I shall forgive you。 But the
man who has robbed me of you shall rue the day when you and he
first met。〃

He turned and left her。

A few minutes later; Mrs。 Crayford; entering the conservatory;
was met by one of the attendants at the ball。 The man stopped as
if he wished to speak to her。

〃What do you want?〃 she asked。

〃I beg your pardon; ma'am。 Do you happen to have a
smelling…bottle about you? There is a young lady in the
conservatory who is taken faint。〃

Between the Scenes

The Landing Stage

Chapter 5。

The morning of the next daythe morning on which the ships were
to sailcame bright and breezy。 Mrs。 Crayford; having arranged
to follow her husband to the water…side; and see the last of him
before he embarked; entered Clara's room on her way out of the
house; anxious to hear how her young friend passed the night。 To
her astonishment she found Clara had risen; and was dressed; like
herself; to go out。

〃What does this mean; my dear? After what you suffered last
nightafter the shock of seeing that manwhy don't you take my
advice and rest in your bed?〃

〃I can't rest。 I have not slept all night。 Have you been out


〃Have you seen or heard anything of Richard Wardour?〃

〃What an extraordinary question!〃

〃Answer my question! Don't trifle with me!〃

〃Compose yourself; Clara。 I have neither seen nor heard anything
of Richard Wardour。 Take my word for it; he is far enough away by
this time。〃

〃No! He is here! He is near us! All night long the presentiment
has pursued meFrank and Richard Wardour will meet。〃

〃My dear child! what are you thinking of? T hey are total
strangers to each other。〃

〃Something will happen to bring them together。 I feel it! I know
it! They will meetthere will be a mortal quarrel between
themand I shall be to blame。 Oh; Lucy! why didn't I take your
advice? Why was I mad enough to let Frank know that I loved him?
Are you going to the landing…stage? I am all readyI must go
with you。〃

〃You must not think of it; Clara。 There will be crowding and
confusion at the water…side。 You are not strong enough to bear
it。 WaitI won't be long awaywait till I come back。〃

〃I must and will go with you! Crowd? _He_ will be among the
crowd! Confusion? In that confusion _he_ will find his way to
Frank! Don't ask me to wait。 I shall go mad if I wait。 I shall
not know a moment's ease until I have seen Frank; with my own
eyes; safe in the boat which takes him to his ship! You have got
your bonnet on; what are we stopping here for? Come! or I shall
go without you。 Look at the clock; we have not a moment to lose!〃

It was useless to contend with her。 Mrs。 Crayford yielded。 The
two women left the house together。

The landing…stage; as Mrs。 Crayford had predicted; was thronged
with spectators。 Not only the relatives and friends of the Arctic
voyagers; but strangers as well; had assembled in large numbers
to see the ships sail。 Clara's eyes wandered affrightedly hither
and thither among the strange faces in the crowd; searching for
the one face that she dreaded to see; and not finding it。 So
completely were her nerves unstrung; that she started with a cry
of alarm on suddenly hearing Frank's voice behind her。

〃The _Sea…mew_'s boats are waiting;〃 he said。 〃I must go;
darling。 How pale you are looking; Clara! Are you ill?〃

She never answered。 She questioned him with wild eyes and
trembling lips。

〃Has anything happened to you; Frank? anything out of the

Frank laughed at the strange question。

〃Anything out of the common?〃 he repeated。 〃Nothing that I know
of; except sailing for the Arctic seas。 That's out of the common;
I supposeisn't it?〃

〃Has anybody spoken to you since last night? Has any stranger
followed you in the street?〃

Frank turned in blank amazement to Mrs。 Crayford。

〃What on earth does she mean?〃

Mrs。 Crayford's lively invention supplied her with an answer on
the spur of the moment。

〃Do you believe in dreams; Frank? Of course you don't! Clara has
been dreaming about you; and Clara is foolish enough to believe
in dreams。 That's allit's not worth talking about。 Hark! they
are calling you。 Say good…by; or you will be too late for the

Frank took Clara's hand。 Long afterwardin the dark Arctic days;
in the dreary Arctic nightshe remembered how coldly and how
passively that hand lay in his。

〃Courage; Clara!〃 he said; gayly。 〃A sailor's sweetheart must
accustom herself to partings。 The time will soon pass。 Good…by;
my darling! Good…by; my wife!〃

He kissed the cold hand; he looked his lastfor many a long
year; perhaps!at the pale and beautiful face。 〃How she loves
me!〃 he thought。 〃How the parting distresses her!〃 He still held
her hand; he would have lingered longer; if Mrs。 Crayford had not
wisely waived all ceremony and pushed him away。

The two ladies followed him at a safe distance through the crowd;
and saw him step into the boat。 The oars struck the water; Frank
waved his cap to Clara。 In a moment more a vessel at anchor hid
the boat from view。 They had seen the last of him on his way to
the Frozen Deep!

〃No Richard Wardour in the boat;〃 said Mrs。 Crayford。 〃No Richard
Wardour on the shore。 Let this be a lesson to you; my dear。 Never
be foolish enough to believe in presentiments again。〃

Clara's eyes still wandered suspiciously to and fro among the

〃Are you not satisfied yet?〃 asked Mrs。 Crayford。

〃No;〃 Clara answered; 〃I am not satisfied yet。〃

〃What! still looking for him? This is really too absurd。 Here is
my husband coming。 I shall tell him to call a cab; and send you

Clara drew back a few steps。

〃I won't be in the way; Lucy; while you are taking leave of your
good husband;〃 she said。 〃I will wait here。〃

〃Wait here! What for?〃

〃For something which I may yet see; or for something which I may
still hear。〃

〃Richard Wardour?〃

〃Richard Wardour。〃

Mrs。 Crayford turned to her husband without another word。 Clara's
infatuation was beyond the reach of remonstrance。

The boats of the _Wanderer_ took the place at the landing…stage
vacated by the boats of the _Sea…mew_。 A burst of cheering among
the outer ranks of the crowd announced the arrival of the
commander of the expedition on the scene。 Captain Helding
appeared; looking right and left for his first lieutenant。
Finding Crayford with his wife; the captain made his apologies
for interfering; with his best grace。

〃Give him up to his professional duties for one minute; Mrs。
Crayford; and you shall have him back again for half an hour。 The
Arctic expedition is to blame; my dear ladynot the captainfor
parting man and wife。 In Crayford's place; I should have left it
to the bachelors to find the Northwest Passage; and have stopped
at home with you!〃

Excusing himself in those bluntly complimentary terms; Captain
Helding drew the lieutenant aside a few steps; accidentally
taking a direction that led the two officers close to the place
at which Clara was standing。 Both the captain and the lieutenant
were too completely absorbed in their professional business to
notice her。 Neither the one nor the other had the faintest
suspicion that she could and did hear every word of the talk that
passed between them。

〃You received my note this morning?〃 the captain began。

〃Certainly; Captain Helding; or I should have been on board the
ship before this。〃

〃I am going on board myself at once;〃 the captain proceeded; 〃but
I must ask you to keep your boat waiting for half an hour more。
You will be all the longer with your wife; you know。 I thought of
that; Crayford。〃

〃I am much obliged to you; Captain Helding。 I suppose there is
some other reason for inverting the customary order of things;
and keeping the lieutenant on shore after the captain is on

〃Quite true! there _is_ another reason。 I want you to wait for a
volunteer who has just joined us。〃

〃A volunteer!〃

〃Yes。 He has his outfit to get in a hurry; and he may be half an
hour late。〃

〃It's rather a sudden appointment; isn't it?〃

〃No doubt。 Very sudden。〃

〃Andpardon meit's rather a long time (as we are situated) to
keep the ships waiting for one man?〃

〃Quite true; again。 But a man who is worth having is worth
waiting for。 This man is worth having; this man is worth his
weight in gold to such an expedition as ours。 Seasoned to all
climates and all fatiguesa strong fellow; a brave fellow; a
clever fellowin short; an excellent officer。 I know him well;
or I should never have taken him。 The country gets plenty of work
out of my new volunteer; Crayford。 He only returned yesterday
from foreign service。〃

〃He only returned yesterday from foreign service! And he
volunteers this morning to join the Arctic expedition? You
astonish me。〃

〃I dare say I do! You can't be more astonished than I was; when
he presented himself at my hotel and told me what he wanted。
'Why; my good fellow; you have just got home;' I said。 'Are you
weary of your freedom; after only a few hours' experience of it?'
His answer rather startled me。 He said; 'I am weary of my life;
sir。 I have come home and found a trouble to welcome me; which
goes near to break my heart。 If I don't take refuge in absence
and hard work; I am a lost man。 Will you give me a refuge?'
That's what he said; Crayford; wo
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