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the frozen deep-第6部分

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new way yet; I am that manI got over it; Mr。 Frank; by dint of
hard eating。 I was a passenger on board a packet…boat; sir; when
first I saw blue water。 A nasty lopp of a sea came on at
dinner…time; and I began to feel queer the moment the soup was
put on the table。 'Sick?' says the captain。 'Rather; sir;' says
I。 'Will you try my cure?' says the captain。 'Certainly; sir;'
says I。 'Is your heart in your mouth yet?' says the captain。 'Not
quite; sir;' says I。 'Mock…turtle soup?' says the captain; and
helps me。 I swallow a couple of spoonfuls; and turn as white as a
sheet。 The captain cocks his eye at me。 'Go on deck; sir;' says
he; 'get rid of the soup; and then come back to the cabin。' I got
rid of the soup; and came back to the cabin。 'Cod's
head…and…shoulders;' says the captain; and helps me。 'I can't
stand it; sir;' says I。 'You must;' says the captain; 'because
it's the cure。' I crammed down a mouthful; and turned paler than
ever。 'Go on deck;' says the captain。 'Get rid of the cod's head;
and come back to the cabin。' Off I go; and back I come。 'Boiled
leg of mutton and trimmings;' says the captain; and helps me。 'No
fat; sir;' says I。 'Fat's the cure;' says the captain; and makes
me eat it。 'Lean's the cure;' says the captain; and makes me eat
it。 'Steady?' says the captain。 'Sick;' says I。 'Go on deck;'
says the captain; 'get rid of the boiled leg of mutton and
trimmings and come back to the cabin。' Off I go; staggeringback
I come; more dead than alive。 'Deviled kidneys;' says the
captain。 I shut my eyes; and got 'em down。 'Cure's beginning;'
says the captain。 'Mutton…chop and pickles。' I shut my eyes; and
got _them_ down。 'Broiled ham and cayenne pepper;' says the
captain。 'Glass of stout and cranberry tart。 Want to go on deck
again?' 'No; sir;' says I。 'Cure's done;' says the captain。
'Never you give in to your stomach; and your stomach will end in
giving in to you。'〃

Having stated the moral purpose of his story in those
unanswerable words; John Want took himself and his saucepan into
the kitchen。 A moment later; Crayford returned to the hut and
astonished Frank Aldersley by an unexpected question。

〃Have you anything in your berth; Frank; that you set a value

〃Nothing that I set the smallest value onwhen I am out of it;〃
he replied。 〃What does your question mean?〃

〃We are almost as short of fuel as we are of provisions;〃
Crayford proceeded。 〃Your berth will make good firing。 I have
directed Bateson to be here in ten minutes with his ax。〃

〃Very attentive and considerate on your part;〃 said Frank。 〃What
is to become of me; if you please; when Bateson has chopped my
bed into fire…wood?〃

〃Can't you guess?〃

〃I suppose the cold has stupefied me。 The riddle is beyond my
reading。 Suppose you give me a hint?〃

〃Certainly。 There will be beds to spare soonthere is to be a
change at last in our wretched lives here。 Do you see it now?〃

Frank's eyes sparkled。 He sprang out of his berth; and waved his
fur cap in triumph。

〃See it?〃 he exclaimed; 〃of course I do! The exploring party is
to start at last。 Do I go with the expedition?〃

〃It is not very long since you were in the doctor's hands;
Frank;〃 said Crayford; kindly。 〃I doubt if you are strong enough
yet to make one of the exploring party。〃

〃Strong enough or not;〃 returned Frank; 〃any risk is better than
pining and perishing here。 Put me down; Crayford; among those who
volunteer to go。〃

〃Volunteers will not be accepted; in this case;〃 said Crayford。
〃Captain Helding and Captain Ebsworth see serious objections; as
we are situated; to that method of proceeding。〃

〃Do they mean to keep the appointments in their own hands?〃 asked
Frank。 〃I for one object to that。〃

〃Wait a little;〃 said Crayford。 〃You were playing backgammon the
other day with one of the officers。 Does the board belong to him
or to you?〃

〃It belongs to me。 I have got it in my locker here。 What do you
want with it?〃

〃I want the dice and the box for casting lots。 The captains have
arrangedmost wisely; as I thinkthat Chance shall decide among
us who goes with the expedition and who stays behind in the huts。
The officers and crew of the _Wanderer_ will be here in a few
minutes to cast the lots。 Neither you nor any one can object to
that way of deciding among us。 Officers and men alike take their
chance together。 Nobody can grumble。〃

〃I am quite satisfied;〃 said Frank。 〃But I know of one man among
the officers who is sure to make objections。〃

〃Who is the man?〃

〃You know him well enough; too。 The 'Bear of the Expeditions'
Richard Wardour。〃

〃Frank! Frank! you have a bad habit of letting your tongue run
away with you。 Don't repeat that stupid nickname when you talk of
my good friend; Richard Wardour。〃

〃Your good friend? Crayford! your liking for that man amazes me。〃

Crayford laid his hand kindly on Frank's shoulder。 Of all the
officers of the _Sea…mew_; Crayford's favorite was Frank。

〃Why should it amaze you?〃 he asked。 〃What opportunities have you
had of judging? You and Wardour have always belonged to different
ships。 I have never seen you in Wardour's society for five
minutes together。 How can _you_ form a fair estimate of his

〃I take the general estimate of his character;〃 Frank answered。
〃He has got his nickname because he is the most unpopular man in
his ship。 Nobody likes himthere must be some reason for that。〃

〃There is only one reason for it;〃 Crayford rejoined。 〃Nobody
understands Richard Wardour。 I am not talking at random。
Remember; I sailed from England with him in the _Wanderer_; and I
was only transferred to the _Sea…mew_ long after we were locked
up in the ice。 I was Richard Wardour's companion on board ship
for months; and I learned there to do him justice。 Under all his
outward defects; I tell you; there beats a great and generous
heart。 Suspend your opinion; my lad; until you know my friend as
well as I do。 No more of this now。 Give me the dice and the box。〃

Frank opened his locker。 At the same moment the silence of the
snowy waste outside was broken by a shouting of voices hailing
the hut〃_Sea…mew_; ahoy!〃

Chapter 8。

The sailor on watch opened the outer door。 There; plodding over
the ghastly white snow; were the officers of the _Wanderer_
approaching the hut。 There; scattered under the merciless black
sky; were the crew; with the dogs and the sledges; waiting the
word which was to start them on their perilous and doubtful

Captain Helding of the _Wanderer_; accompanied by his officers;
entered the hut; in high spirits at the prospect of a change。
Behind them; lounging in slowly by himself; was a dark; sullen;
heavy…browed man。 He neither spoke; nor offered his hand to
anybody: he was the one person present who seemed to be perfectly
indifferent to the fate in store for him。 This was the man whom
his brother officers had nicknamed the Bear of the Expedition。 In
other wordsRichard Wardour。

Crayford advanced to welcome Captain Helding。 Frank; remembering
the friendly reproof which he had just received; passed ov er the
other officers of the _Wanderer_; and made a special effort to be
civil to Crayford's friend。

〃Good…morning; Mr。 Wardour;〃 he said。 〃We may congratulate each
other on the chance of leaving this horrible place。〃

〃_You_ may think it horrible;〃 Wardour retorted; 〃I like it。〃

〃Like it? Good Heavens! why?〃

〃Because there are no women here。〃

Frank turned to his brother officers; without making any further
advances in the direction of Richard Wardour。 The Bear of the
Expedition was more unapproachable than ever。

In the meantime; the hut had become thronged by the able…bodied
officers and men of the two ships。 Captain Helding; standing in
the midst of them; with Crayford by his side; proceeded to
explain the purpose of the contemplated expedition to the
audience which surrounded him。

He began in these words:

〃Brother officers and men of the _Wanderer_ and _Sea…mew_; it is
my duty to tell you; very briefly; the reasons which have decided
Captain Ebsworth and myself on dispatching an exploring party in
search of help。 Without recalling all the hardships we have
suffered for the last two yearsthe destruction; first of one of
our ships; then of the other; the death of some of our bravest
and best companions; the vain battles we have been fighting with
the ice and snow; and boundless desolation of these inhospitable
regionswithout dwelling on these things; it is my duty to
remind you that this; the last place in which we have taken
refuge; is far beyond the track of any previous expedition; and
that consequently our chance of being discovered by any rescuing
parties that may be sent to look after us is; to say the least of
it; a chance of the most uncertain kind。 You all agree with me;
gentlemen; so far?〃

The officers (with the exception of Wardour; who stood apart in
sullen silence) all agreed; so far。

The captain went on。

〃It is therefore urgently necessary that we should make another;
and probably a last; effort to extricate ourselves。 The winter is
not far off; game is getting scarcer and scarcer; our stock of
provisions is running low; and the sickespecially; I am sorry
to say; the sick in the _Wanderer_'s hutare increasing in
number day by day。 We must look to our own lives; and to the
lives of those who are dependent on us; and we have no time to

The officers echoed the words cheerfully。

〃Right! right! No time to lose。〃

Captain Helding resumed:

〃The plan proposed is; that a detachment of the able…bodied
officers and men among us should set forth this very day; and
make another effort to reach the nearest inhabited settlements;
from which help and provisions may be dispatched to those who
remain here。 The new direction to be taken; and the various
precautions to be adopted; are all drawn out ready。 The only
question now before us is; Who is to stop here; and who is to
undertake the journey?〃

The officers answered the question with one accord〃Volunteers!〃

The men echoed their officers。 〃Ay; ay; volunteers。〃

Wardour still preserved his sullen silence。 Crayford noticed him。
standing apart from the rest; and appeal
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