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abraham lincoln-第6部分

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vanity; like a dry northeast wind; to a goose…flesh of opposition and

hostility。  Mr。 Lincoln has never studied Quintilian;(1) but he has; in

the earnest simplicity and unaffected Americanism of his own

character; one art of oratory worth all the rest。  He forgets himself

so entirely in his object as to give his *I* the sympathetic and

persuasive effect of *We* with the great body of his countrymen。 

Homely; dispassionate; showing all the rough…edged process of his

thought as it goes along; yet arriving at his conclusions with an

honest kind of every…day logic; he is so eminently our

representative man; that; when he speaks; it seems as if the people

were listening to their own thinking aloud。  The dignity of his

thought owes nothing to any ceremonial garb of words; but to the

manly movement that comes of settled purpose and an energy of

reason that knows not what rhetoric means。  There has been

nothing of Cleon; still less of Strepsiades(2) striving to underbid

him in demagogism; to be found in the public utterances of Mr。

Lincoln。  He has always addressed the intelligence of men; never

their prejudice; their passion; or their ignorance。

(1) A famous Latin writer on the *Art of Oratory。*

(2) Two Athenian demagogues; satirized by the dramatist



On the day of his death; this simple Western attorney; who

according to one party was a vulgar joker; and whom the

*doctrinaires* among his own supporters accused of wanting every

element of statesmanship; was the most absolute ruler in

Christendom; and this solely by the hold his good…humored sagacity

had laid on the hearts and understandings of his countrymen。  Nor

was this all; for it appeared that he had drawn the great majority;

not only of his fellow…citizens; but of mankind also; to his side。  So

strong and so persuasive is honest manliness without a single

quality of romance or unreal sentiment to help it!  A civilian during

times of the most captivating military achievement; awkward; with

no skill in the lower technicalities of manners; he left behind him a

fame beyond that of any conqueror; the memory of a grace higher

than that of outward person; and of a gentlemanliness deeper than

mere breeding。  Never before that startled April morning did such

multitudes of men shed tears for the death of one they had never

seen; as if with him a friendly presence had been taken away from

their lives; leaving them colder and darker。  Never was funeral

panegyric so eloquent as the silent look of sympathy which

strangers exchanged when they met on that day。  Their common

manhood had lost a kinsman。

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