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 the belief of his self…conquest brought nothing consolatory to her bosom; afforded no palliation of her distress。 It was; on the contrary; exactly calculated to make her understand her own wishes; and never had she so honestly felt that she could have loved him; as now; when all love must be vain。
__ But self; though it would intrude; could not engross her。 Lydia  the humiliation; the misery; she was bringing on them all  soon swallowed up every private care; and covering her face with her handkerchief; Elizabeth was soon lost to every thing else; and; after a pause of several minutes; was only recalled to a sense of her situation by the voice of her companion; who; in a manner; which though it spoke compassion; spoke likewise restraint; said; ‘‘I am afraid you have been long desiring my absence; nor have I any thing to plead in excuse of my stay; but real; though unavailing; concern。 Would to heaven that any thing could be either said or done on my part; that might offer consolation to such distress!  But I will not torment you with vain wishes; which may seem purposely to ask for your thanks。 This unfortunate affair will; I fear; prevent my sister's having the pleasure of seeing you at Pemberley to…day。''
‘‘Oh; yes。 Be so kind as to apologize for us to Miss Darcy。 Say that urgent business calls us home immediately。 Conceal the unhappy truth as long as it is possible。  I know it cannot be long。''
He readily assured her of his secrecy  again expressed his sorrow for her distress; wished it a happier conclusion than there was at present reason to hope; and; leaving his compliments for her relations; with only one serious; parting; look; went away。
As he quitted the room; Elizabeth felt how improbable it was that they should ever see each other again on such terms of cordiality as had marked their several meetings in Derbyshire; and as she threw a retrospective glance over the whole of their acquaintance; so full of contradictions and varieties; sighed at the perverseness of those feelings which would now have promoted its continuance; and would formerly have rejoiced in its termination。
If gratitude and esteem are good foundations of affection; Elizabeth's change of sentiment will be neither improbable nor faulty。 But if otherwise; if the regard springing from such sources is unreasonable or unnatural; in comparison of what is so often described as arising on a first interview with its object; and even before two words have been exchanged; nothing can be said in her defence; except that she had given somewhat of a trial to the latter method in her partiality for Wickham; and that its ill…success might perhaps authorise her to seek the other less interesting mode of attachment。 Be that as it may; she saw him go with regret; and in this early example of what Lydia's infamy must produce; found additional anguish as she reflected on that wretched business。 Never; since reading Jane's second letter; had she entertained a hope of Wickham's meaning to marry her。 No one but Jane; she thought; could flatter herself with such an expectation。 Surprise was the least of her feelings on this developement。 While the contents of the first letter remained on her mind; she was all surprise  all astonishment that Wickham should marry a girl whom it was impossible he could marry for money; and how Lydia could ever have attached him had appeared incomprehensible。 But now it was all too natural。 For such an attachment as this; she might have sufficient charms; and though she did not suppose Lydia to be deliberately engaging in an elopement; without the intention of marriage; she had no difficulty in believing that neither her virtue nor her understanding would preserve her from falling an easy prey。
She had never perceived; while the regiment was in Hertfordshire; that Lydia had any partiality for him; but she was convinced that Lydia had wanted only encouragement to attach herself to any body。 Sometimes one officer; sometimes another had been her favourite; as their attentions raised them in her opinion。 Her affections had been continually fluctuating; but never without an object。 The mischief of neglect and mistaken indulgence towards such a girl。  Oh! how acutely did she now feel it。
She was wild to be at home  to hear; to see; to be upon the spot; to share with Jane in the cares that must now fall wholly upon her; in a family so deranged; a father absent; a mother incapable of exertion and requiring constant attendance; and though almost persuaded that nothing could be done for Lydia; her uncle's interference seemed of the utmost importance; and till he entered the room; the misery of her impatience was severe。 Mr。 and Mrs。 Gardiner had hurried back in alarm; supposing; by the servant's account; that their niece was taken suddenly ill;  but satisfying them instantly on that head; she eagerly communicated the cause of their summons; reading the two letters aloud; and dwelling on the postscript of the last with trembling energy。  Though Lydia had never been a favourite with them; Mr。 and Mrs。 Gardiner could not but be deeply affected。 Not Lydia only; but all were concerned in it; and after the first exclamations of surprise and horror; Mr。 Gardiner readily promised every assistance in his power。  Elizabeth; though expecting no less; thanked him with tears of gratitude; and all three being actuated by one spirit; every thing relating to their journey was speedily settled。 They were to be off as soon as possible。 ‘‘But what is to be done about Pemberley?'' cried Mrs。 Gardiner。 ‘‘John told us Mr。 Darcy was here when you sent for us;  was it so?''
‘‘Yes; and I told him we should not be able to keep our engagement。 That is all settled。''
‘‘That is all settled!'' repeated the other; as she ran into her room to prepare。 ‘‘And are they upon such terms as for her to disclose the real truth! Oh; that I knew how it was!''
But wishes were vain; or at best could serve only to amuse her in the hurry and confusion of the following hour。 Had Elizabeth been at leisure to be idle; she would have remained certain that all employment was impossible to one so wretched as herself; but she had her share of business as well as her aunt; and amongst the rest there were notes to be written to all their friends in Lambton; with false excuses for their sudden departure。 An hour; however; saw the whole completed; and Mr。 Gardiner meanwhile having settled his account at the inn; nothing remained to be done but to go; and Elizabeth; after all the misery of the morning; found herself; in a shorter space of time than she could have supposed; seated in the carriage; and on the road to Longbourn。伊丽莎白到蓝白屯的时候,因为没有立即接到吉英的来信,感到非常失望;第二天早上 又感到同样的失望。可是到了第三天,她就再也不用焦虑了,再也不埋怨她的姐姐了,因为 她这一天收到了姐姐两封信,其中一封注明曾经送错了地方。伊丽莎白并不觉得诧异,因为 吉英确实把地址写得很潦草。
那两封信送来的时候,他们刚刚要出去溜达;舅父母管自己走了,让她一个人去静静地 读信。误投过的那封信当然要先读,那还是五天前写的。信上先讲了一些小规模的宴会和约 会之类的事,又报道了一些乡下的新闻;后一半却报道了重要消息,而且注明是下一天写 的,显见得写信人提笔时心绪很乱。后半封内容如下:
亲爱的丽萃,写了上半封信之后,发生了一件极其出人意料、极其严重的事;可是我又 怕吓坏了你。请放心吧,家里人都好,我这里要说的是关于可怜的丽迪雅的事。昨天晚上十 二点钟,我们正要睡觉和时候,突然接到弗斯脱上校一封快信,告诉我们说,丽迪雅跟他部 下的一个军官到苏格兰去了;老实说,就是跟韦翰私奔了!你想象我们当时多么惊奇。不过 吉蒂却以为这件事并非完全出人意料。我真难受。这两个男女就这样冒冒失失地配成了一 对!可是我还是愿意从最好的方面去着想,希望别人都是误解了他的人品。我固然认为他为 人轻率冒昧,不过他这次的举动未必就是存心不良(让我们但愿如此吧)。至少他选中这个 对象不是为了有利可图,因为他一定知道父亲没有一个钱给她。可怜的母亲伤心得要命。父 亲总算还支持得住。谢天谢地,好在我们从来没有让他们老人家知道外界对他的议论。我们 自己也不必把它放在心上。据大家猜想,他们大概是星期六晚上十二点钟走的,但是一直到 昨天早上八点钟,才发现这两个失了踪。于是弗斯脱上校连忙写信告诉我们。亲爱的丽萃, 他们所经过的地方离开我们一定不满十英里。弗斯脱上校说,他一定立刻就到我们这里来。 丽迪雅留了一封短信给弗斯脱太太,把他们两人的意图告诉了她。我不得不停笔了,因为我 不能离开母亲太久。我怕你一定觉得莫明其妙吧,我自己也简直不知道在写些什么。
伊丽莎白读完了这封信以后,几乎说不出自己是怎样的感觉,想也没有想一下,便连忙 抓起另一封信,迫不及待一拆开就看。这封信比第一封信迟写一天。
亲爱的妹妹,你现在大概收到了我那封匆促草成的信了吧。我希望这封信会把问题说得 明白些;不过,时间虽然并不是急促,我的头脑却糊里糊涂,因此并不是担保这封信一定会 写得有条有理。我的亲丽萃,我简直不知道该写些什么,但是我总得把坏消息报道给你,而 且事不宜迟。尽管韦翰先生和我们可怜的丽迪雅的婚姻是多么荒唐,可是我们却巴不得听到 他们已经结婚的消息,因为我们非常担心他们并没有到苏格兰去。弗斯脱上校前天寄出那封 快信以后,稍隔数小时即由白利屯出发到我们这儿来,已于昨日抵达此间。虽然丽迪雅给弗 太太的那封短信里说,他们俩要到格利那草场去,可是根据丹呢透露出来的口风,他相信韦 决不打算到那儿去,也根本不打算跟丽迪雅结婚。弗上校一听此话,大为骇异,便连忙从白 出发,希望能追到他们。他一路追踪觅迹,追到克拉普汗,这倒还不费什么事,可是再往前 追便不容易,因为他们两人到达此地后,便把从艾普桑雇来的马车打发走了,重新雇了出租 马车。以后的先踪去迹便颇难打听,只听见有人说,看见他们继续往伦敦那方面去。我不知 道应该怎样想法。弗上校在伦敦竭力仔细打听了一番以后,便来到哈福德郡,在沿路的关卡 上以及巴纳特和帽场两地所有的旅馆里,统统探寻了一遍,可是不得要领而返。大家都说没 有看见这样的人走过。他无限关切地来到了浪搏恩,把他的种种疑虑全都诚心诚意地告诉了 我们。我实在替他和弗太太难过;谁也不能怪他们夫妇俩。亲爱的丽萃,我们真是痛苦到极 点。父亲和母亲都以为,这事情的下场势必糟透坏极,可是我却不忍心把他看作那么坏。也 许为了种种关系,他们觉得在城里私下结婚,比较合适,故未按照原来计划进行;纵使他欺 侮丽迪雅年幼无知,没有显亲贵戚,因而对她存心不良,难道丽迪雅自己也会不顾一切吗? 这件事绝对不可能!不过,听到弗上校不大相信他们俩会结婚,我又不免伤心。我把我的心 愿说给他听,他只是频频摇头,又说韦恐怕是个靠不住的人。可怜的妈真要病倒了,整天不 出房门。要是她能勉强克制一下,事情也许要好些,可惜她无法办到。讲到父亲,我一辈子 也没见过他这样难受。可怜的吉蒂也很气愤,她怪她自己没有把他们俩的亲密关系预先告诉 家里;但是他们俩既然信任她能够保守秘密,我也不便怪她没有早讲。最亲爱
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