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cyrano de bergerac-第10部分

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e fatal cartilage!

ANOTHER (clapping him on the shoulder):   A word?  A gesture!  For the indiscreet   His handkerchief may prove his winding…sheet!

(Silence。  All; with crossed arms; look at Christian。  He rises and goes over to Carbon de Castel…Jaloux; who is talking to an officer; and feigns to see nothing。)

CHRISTIAN:   Captain!

CARBON (turning and looking at him from head to foot):   Sir!

CHRISTIAN:   Pray; what skills it best to do   To Southerners who swagger?。 。 。

CARBON:   Give them proof   That one may be a Northerner; yet brave!

(He turns his back on him。)

CHRISTIAN:   I thank you。

FIRST CADET (to Cyrano):   Now the tale!

ALL:   The tale!

CYRANO (coming toward them):   The tale?。 。 。 (All bring their stools up; and group round him; listening eagerly。  Christian is astride a chair):   Well!  I went all alone to meet the band。   The moon was shining; clock…like; full i' th' sky;   When; suddenly; some careful clockwright passed   A cloud of cotton…wool across the case   That held this silver watch。  And; presto! heigh!   The night was inky black; and all the quays   Were hidden in the murky dark。  Gadsooks!   One could see nothing further。 。 。

CHRISTIAN:   Than one's nose!

(Silence。  All slowly rise; looking in terror at Cyrano; who has stopped dumfounded。  Pause。)

CYRANO:   Who on God's earth is that?

A CADET (whispering):   It is a man   Who joined to…day。

CYRANO (making a step toward Christian):   To…day?

CARBON (in a low voice):   Yes。 。 。his name is   The Baron de Neuvil。 。 。

CYRANO (checking himself):   Good!  It is well。 。 。 (He turns pale; flushes; makes as if to fall on Christian):   I。 。 。 (He controls himself):   What said I?。 。 。 (With a burst of rage):   MORDIOUS!。 。 。 (Then continues calmly):   That it was dark。 (Astonishment。  The cadets reseat themselves; staring at him):   On I went; thinking; 'For a knavish cause   I may provoke some great man; some great prince;   Who certainly could break'。 。 。

CHRISTIAN:   My nose!。 。 。

(Every one starts up。  Christian balances on his chair。)

CYRANO (in a choked voice):   。 。 。'My teeth!   Who would break my teeth; and I; imprudent…like;   Was poking。 。 。'

CHRISTIAN:   My nose!。 。 。

CYRANO:   'My finger;。 。 。in the crack   Between the tree and bark!  He may prove strong   And rap me。 。 。'

CHRISTIAN:   Over the nose。 。 。

CYRANO (wiping his forehead):   。 。 。'O' th' knuckles!  Ay;'   But I cried; 'Forward; Gascon!  Duty calls!   On; Cyrano!'  And thus I ventured on。 。 。   When; from the shadow; came。 。 。

CHRISTIAN:   A crack o' th' nose。

CYRANO:   I parry itfind myself。 。 。

CHRISTIAN:   Nose to nose。 。 。

CYRANO (bounding on to him):   Heaven and earth! (All the Gascons leap up to see; but when he is close to Christian he controls himself and continues):   。 。 。With a hundred brawling sots;   Who stank。 。 。

CHRISTIAN:   A noseful。 。 。

CYRANO (white; but smiling):   Onions; brandy…cups!   I leapt out; head well down。 。 。

CHRISTIAN:   Nosing the wind!

CYRANO:   I charge!gore two; impale onerun him through;   One aims at mePaf! and I parry。 。 。


CYRANO (bursting out):   Great God!  Out! all of you!

(The cadets rush to the doors。)

FIRST CADET:   The tiger wakes!

CYRANO:   Every man; out!  Leave me alone with him!

SECOND CADET:   We shall find him minced fine; minced into hash   In a big pasty!

RAGUENEAU:   I am turning pale;   And curl up; like a napkin; limp and white!

CARBON:   Let us be gone。

ANOTHER:   He will not leave a crumb!

ANOTHER:   I die of fright to think what will pass here!

ANOTHER (shutting door right):   Something too horrible!

(All have gone out by different doors; some by the staircase。  Cyrano and Christian are face to face; looking at each other for a moment。)

Scene 2。X。

Cyrano; Christian。

CYRANO:   Embrace me now!

CHRISTIAN:   Sir。 。 。

CYRANO:   You are brave。

CHRISTIAN:   Oh! but。 。 。

CYRANO:   Nay; I insist。

CHRISTIAN:   Pray tell me。 。 。

CYRANO:   Come; embrace!  I am her brother。

CHRISTIAN:   Whose brother?

CYRANO:   Hers i' faith!  Roxane's!

CHRISTIAN (rushing up to him):   O heavens!   Her brother。 。 。?

CYRANO:   Cousinbrother!。 。 。the same thing!

CHRISTIAN:   And she has told you。 。 。?

CYRANO:   All!

CHRISTIAN:   She loves me? say!

CYRANO:   Maybe!

CHRISTIAN (taking his hands):   How glad I am to meet you; Sir!

CYRANO:   That may be called a sudden sentiment!

CHRISTIAN:   I ask your pardon。 。 。

CYRANO (looking at him; with his hand on his shoulder):   True; he's fair; the villain!

CHRISTIAN:   Ah; Sir!  If you but knew my admiration!。 。 。

CYRANO:   But all those noses?。 。 。

CHRISTIAN:   Oh!  I take them back!

CYRANO:   Roxane expects a letter。

CHRISTIAN:   Woe the day!

CYRANO:   How?

CHRISTIAN:   I am lost if I but ope my lips!

CYRANO:   Why so?

CHRISTIAN:   I am a foolcould die for shame!

CYRANO:   None is a fool who knows himself a fool。   And you did not attack me like a fool。

CHRISTIAN:   Bah!  One finds battle…cry to lead th' assault!   I have a certain military wit;   But; before women; can but hold my tongue。   Their eyes!  True; when I pass; their eyes are kind。 。 。

CYRANO:   And; when you stay; their hearts; methinks; are kinder?

CHRISTIAN:   No! for I am one of those mentongue…tied;   I know itwho can never tell their love。

CYRANO:   And I; meseems; had Nature been more kind;   More careful; when she fashioned me;had been   One of those men who well could speak their love!

CHRISTIAN:   Oh; to express one's thoughts with facile grace!。 。 。

CYRANO:   。 。 。To be a musketeer; with handsome face!

CHRISTIAN:   Roxane is precieuse。  I'm sure to prove   A disappointment to her!

CYRANO (looking at him):   Had I but   Such an interpreter to speak my soul!

CHRISTIAN (with despair):   Eloquence!  Where to find it?

CYRANO (abruptly):   That I lend;   If you lend me your handsome victor…charms;   Blended; we make a hero of romance!

CHRISTIAN:   How so?

CYRANO:   Think you you can repeat what things   I daily teach your tongue?

CHRISTIAN:   What do you mean?

CYRANO:   Roxane shall never have a disillusion!   Say; wilt thou that we woo her; double…handed?   Wilt thou that we two woo her; both together?   Feel'st thou; passing from my leather doublet;   Through thy laced doublet; all my soul inspiring?

CHRISTIAN:   But; Cyrano!。 。 。

CYRANO:   Will you; I say?

CHRISTIAN:   I fear!

CYRANO:   Since; by yourself; you fear to chill her heart;   Will youto kindle all her heart to flame   Wed into one my phrases and your lips?

CHRISTIAN:   Your eyes flash!

CYRANO:   Will you?

CHRISTIAN:   Will it please you so?   Give you such pleasure?

CYRANO (madly):   It!。 。 。 (Then calmly; business…like):   It would amuse me!   It is an enterprise to tempt a poet。   Will you complete me; and let me complete you?   You march victorious;I go in your shadow;   Let me be wit for you; be you my beauty!

CHRISTIAN:   The letter; that she waits for even now!   I never can。 。 。

CYRANO (taking out the letter he had written):   See!  Here it isyour letter!


CYRANO:   Take it!  Look; it wants but the address。

CHRISTIAN:   But I。 。 。

CYRANO:   Fear nothing。  Send it。  It will suit。

CHRISTIAN:   But have you。 。 。?

CYRANO:   Oh!  We have our pockets full;   We poets; of love…letters; writ to Chloes;   Daphnescreations of our noddle…heads。   Our lady…loves;phantasms of our brains;   Dream…fancies blown into soap…bubbles!  Come!   Take it; and change feigned love…words into true;   I breathed my sighs and moans haphazard…wise;   Call all these wandering love…birds home to nest。   You'll see that I was in these lettered lines;   Eloquent all the more; the less sincere!   Take it; and make an end!

CHRISTIAN:   Were it not well   To change some words?  Written haphazard…wise;   Will it fit Roxane?

CYRANO:   'Twill fit like a glove!

CHRISTIAN:   But。 。 。

CYRANO:   Ah; credulity of love!  Roxane   Will think each word inspired by herself!

CHRISTIAN:   My friend!

(He throws himself into Cyrano's arms。  They remain thus。)

Scene 2。XI。

Cyrano; Christian; the Gascons; the musketeer; Lise。

A CADET (half opening the door):   Naught here!。 。 。The silence of the grave!   I dare not look。 。 。 (He puts his head in):   Why?。 。 。

ALL THE CADETS (entering; and seeing Cyrano and Christian embracing):   Oh!。 。 。

A CADET:   This passes all!


THE MUSKETEER (mockingly):   Ho; ho!。 。 。

CARBON:   Our demon has become a saint?   Struck on one nostrillo! he turns the other!

MUSKETEER:   Then we may speak about his nose; henceforth!。 。 。 (Calling to Lise; boastfully):   Ah; Lise; see here! (Sniffing ostentatiously):   O heavens!。 。 。what a stink!。 。 。 (Going up to Cyrano):   You; sir; without a doubt have sniffed it up!   What is the smell I notice here?

CYRANO (cuffing his head):   Clove…heads。

(General delight。  The cadets have found the old Cyrano again!  They turn somersaults。)


Act III。

Roxane's Kiss。

A small square in the old Marais。  Old houses。  A perspective of little streets。  On the right Roxane's house and the wall of her garden overhung with thick foliage。  Window and balcony over the door。  A bench in front。

From the bench and the stones jutting out of the wall it is easy to climb to the balcony。  In front of an old house in the same style of brick and stone。  The knocker of this door is bandaged with linen like a sore thumb。

At the rising of the curtain the duenna is seated on the bench。

The window on Roxane's balcony is wide open。

Ragueneau is standing near the door in a sort of livery。  He has just finished relating something to the duenna; and is wiping his eyes。

Scene 3。I。

Ragueneau; the duenna。  Then Roxane; Cyrano; and two pages。

RAGUENEAU:   And then; off she went; with a musketeer!  Deserted and ruined too; I would make an end of all; and so hanged myself。  My last breath was drawn: then in comes Monsieur de Bergerac!  He cuts me down; and begs his cousin to take me for her steward。

THE DUENNA:   Well; but how came it about that you wer
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