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cyrano de bergerac-第13部分

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;cull a wild flower!

ROXANE:   A wild flower's sweet。

CYRANO:   Ay; but to…nightthe star!

ROXANE:   Oh! never have you spoken thus before!

CYRANO:   If; leaving Cupid's arrows; quivers; torches;   We turned to seek for sweeterfresher things!   Instead of sipping in a pygmy glass   Dull fashionable waters;did we try   How the soul slakes its thirst in fearless draught   By drinking from the river's flooding brim!

ROXANE:   But wit?。 。 。

CYRANO:   If I have used it to arrest you   At the first starting;now; 'twould be an outrage;   An insultto the perfumed Nightto Nature   To speak fine words that garnish vain love…letters!   Look up but at her stars!  The quiet Heaven   Will ease our hearts of all things artificial;   I fear lest; 'midst the alchemy we're skilled in   The truth of sentiment dissolve and vanish;   The soul exhausted by these empty pastimes;   The gain of fine things be the loss of all things!

ROXANE:   But wit?  I say。 。 。

CYRANO:   In love 'tis crime;'tis hateful!   Turning frank loving into subtle fencing!   At last the moment comes; inevitable;   Oh; woe for those who never know that moment!   When feeling love exists in us; ennobling;   Each well…weighed word is futile and soul…saddening!

ROXANE:   Well; if that moment's come for ussuppose it!   What words would serve you?

CYRANO:   All; all; all; whatever   That came to me; e'en as they came; I'd fling them   In a wild cluster; not a careful bouquet。   I love thee!  I am mad!  I love; I stifle!   Thy name is in my heart as in a sheep…bell;   And as I ever tremble; thinking of thee;   Ever the bell shakes; ever thy name ringeth!   All things of thine I mind; for I love all things;   I know that last year on the twelfth of May…month;   To walk abroad; one day you changed your hair…plaits!   I am so used to take your hair for daylight   That;like as when the eye stares on the sun's disk;   One sees long after a red blot on all things   So; when I quit thy beams; my dazzled vision   Sees upon all things a blonde stain imprinted。

ROXANE (agitated):   Why; this is love indeed!。 。 。

CYRANO:   Ay; true; the feeling   Which fills me; terrible and jealous; truly   Love;which is ever sad amid its transports!   Love;and yet; strangely; not a selfish passion!   I for your joy would gladly lay mine own down;   E'en though you never were to know it;never!   If but at times I mightfar off and lonely;   Hear some gay echo of the joy I bought you!   Each glance of thine awakes in me a virtue;   A novel; unknown valor。  Dost begin; sweet;   To understand?  So late; dost understand me?   Feel'st thou my soul; here; through the darkness mounting?   Too fair the night!  Too fair; too fair the moment!   That I should speak thus; and that you should hearken!   Too fair!  In moments when my hopes rose proudest;   I never hoped such guerdon。  Naught is left me   But to die now!  Have words of mine the power   To make you tremble;throned there in the branches?   Ay; like a leaf among the leaves; you tremble!   You tremble!  For I feel;an if you will it;   Or will it not;your hand's beloved trembling   Thrill through the branches; down your sprays of jasmine!

(He kisses passionately one of the hanging tendrils。)

ROXANE:   Ay!  I am trembling; weeping!I am thine!   Thou hast conquered all of me!

CYRANO:   Then let death come!   'Tis I; 'tis I myself; who conquered thee!   One thing; but one; I dare to ask

CHRISTIAN (under the balcony):   A kiss!

ROXANE (drawing back):   What?


ROXANE:   You ask。 。 。?

CYRANO:   I。 。 。 (To Christian; whispering):   Fool! you go too quick!

CHRISTIAN:   Since she is moved thusI will profit by it!

CYRANO (to Roxane):   My words sprang thoughtlessly; but now I see   Shame on me!I was too presumptuous。

ROXANE (a little chilled):   How quickly you withdraw。

CYRANO:   Yes; I withdraw   Without withdrawing!  Hurt I modesty?   If sothe kiss I askedoh; grant it not。

CHRISTIAN (to Cyrano; pulling him by his cloak):   Why?

CYRANO:   Silence; Christian!  Hush!

ROXANE (leaning over):   What whisper you?

CYRANO:   I chid myself for my too bold advances;   Said; 'Silence; Christian!' (The lutes begin to play):   Hark!  Wait awhile;。 。 。   Steps come! (Roxane shuts the window。  Cyrano listens to the lutes; one of which plays a merry; the other a melancholy; tune):   Why; they play sadthen gaythen sad!  What?  Neither man nor woman?oh! a monk!

(Enter a capuchin friar; with a lantern。  He goes from house to house; looking at every door。)

Scene 3。VII。

Cyrano; Christian; a capuchin friar。

CYRANO (to the friar):   What do you; playing at Diogenes?

THE FRIAR:   I seek the house of Madame。 。 。

CHRISTIAN:   Oh! plague take him!

THE FRIAR:   Madeleine Robin。 。 。

CHRISTIAN:   What would he?。 。 。

CYRANO (pointing to a street at the back):   This way!   Straight on。 。 。

THE FRIAR   I thank you; and; in your intention   Will tell my rosary to its last bead。

(He goes out。)

CYRANO:   Good luck!  My blessings rest upon your cowl!

(He goes back to Christian。)

Scene 3。VIII。

Cyrano; Christian。

CHRISTIAN:   Oh! win for me that kiss。 。 。


CHRISTIAN:   Soon or late!。 。 。

CYRANO:   'Tis true!  The moment of intoxication   Of madness;when your mouths are sure to meet   Thanks to your fair mustacheand her rose lips! (To himself):   I'd fainer it should come thanks to。 。 。

(A sound of shutters reopening。  Christian goes in again under the balcony。)

Scene 3。IX。

Cyrano; Christian; Roxane。

ROXANE (coming out on the balcony):   Still there?   We spoke of a。 。 。

CYRANO:   A kiss!  The word is sweet。   I see not why your lip should shrink from it;   If the word burns it;what would the kiss do?   Oh! let it not your bashfulness affright;   Have you not; all this time; insensibly;   Left badinage aside; and unalarmed   Glided from smile to sigh;from sigh to weeping?   Glide gently; imperceptibly; still onward   From tear to kiss;a moment's thrill!a heartbeat!

ROXANE:   Hush! hush!

CYRANO:   A kiss; when all is said;what is it?   An oath that's ratified;a sealed promise;   A heart's avowal claiming confirmation;   A rose…dot on the 'i' of 'adoration;'   A secret that to mouth; not ear; is whispered;   Brush of a bee's wing; that makes time eternal;   Communion perfumed like the spring's wild flowers;   The heart's relieving in the heart's outbreathing;   When to the lips the soul's flood rises; brimming!

ROXANE:   Hush! hush!

CYRANO:   A kiss; Madame; is honorable:   The Queen of France; to a most favored lord   Did grant a kissthe Queen herself!

ROXANE:   What then?

CYRANO (speaking more warmly):   Buckingham suffered dumbly;so have I;   Adored his Queen; as loyally as I;   Was sad; but faithful;so am I。 。 。

ROXANE:   And you   Are fair as Buckingham!

CYRANO (asidesuddenly cooled):   True;I forgot!

ROXANE:   Must I then bid thee mount to cull this flower?

CYRANO (pushing Christian toward the balcony):   Mount!

ROXANE:   This heart…breathing!。 。 。

CYRANO:   Mount!

ROXANE:   This brush of bee's wing!。 。 。

CYRANO:   Mount!

CHRISTIAN (hesitating):   But I feel now; as though 'twere ill done!

ROXANE:   This moment infinite!。 。 。

CYRANO (still pushing him):   Come; blockhead; mount!

(Christian springs forward; and by means of the bench; the branches; and the pillars; climbs to the balcony and strides over it。)

CHRISTIAN:   Ah; Roxane!

(He takes her in his arms; and bends over her lips。)

CYRANO:   Aie!  Strange pain that wrings my heart!   The kiss; love's feast; so near!  I; Lazarus;   Lie at the gate in darkness。  Yet to me   Falls still a crumb or two from the rich man's board   Ay; 'tis my heart receives thee; Roxanemine!   For on the lips you press you kiss as well   The words I spoke just now!my wordsmy words! (The lutes play):   A sad air;a gay air: the monk! (He begins to run as if he came from a long way off; and cries out):   Hola!

ROXANE:   Who is it?

CYRANO:   II was but passing by。 。 。   Is Christian there?

CHRISTIAN (astonished):   Cyrano!

ROXANE:   Good…day; cousin!

CYRANO:   Cousin; good…day!

ROXANE:   I'm coming!

(She disappears into the house。  At the back re…enter the friar。)

CHRISTIAN (seeing him):   Back again!

(He follows Roxane。)

Scene 3。X。

Cyrano; Christian; Roxane; the friar; Ragueneau。

THE FRIAR:   'Tis here;I'm sure of itMadame Madeleine Robin。

CYRANO:   Why; you said Ro…LIN。

THE FRIAR:   No; not I。   B;I;N;BIN!

ROXANE (appearing on the threshold; followed by Ragueneau; who carries a lantern; and Christian):   What is't?

THE FRIAR:   A letter。


THE FRIAR (to Roxane):   Oh; it can boot but a holy business!   'Tis from a worthy lord。 。 。

ROXANE (to Christian):   De Guiche!

CHRISTIAN:   He dares。 。 。

ROXANE:   Oh; he will not importune me forever! (Unsealing the letter):   I love you;therefore (She reads in a low voice by the aid of Ragueneau's lantern):   'Lady;   The drums beat;   My regiment buckles its harness on   And starts; but I;they deem me gone before   But I stay。  I have dared to disobey   Your mandate。  I am here in convent walls。   I come to you to…night。  By this poor monk   A simple fool who knows not what he bears   I send this missive to apprise your ear。   Your lips erewhile have smiled on me; too sweet:   I go not ere I've seen them once again!   I would be private; send each soul away;   Receive alone him;whose great boldness you   Have deigned; I hope; to pardon; ere he asks;   He who is ever youret cetera。' (To the monk):   Father; this is the matter of the letter: (All come near her; and she reads aloud):   'Lady;   The Cardinal's wish is law; albeit   It be to you unwelcome。  For this cause   I send these linesto your fair ear addressed   By a holy man; discreet; intelligent:   It is our will that you receive from him;   In your own house; the marriage (She turns the page):       benediction   Straightway; this night。  Unknown to all the world   Christian becomes your husband。  Him we send。   He is abhorrent to your choice。  Let be。   Resign yourself; and this obedience   Will be by Heaven well recompensed。  Receive;   Fair lady; all assurance
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