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cyrano de bergerac-第22部分

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ewhat fain for musichark! 'tis come。

ROXANE:   Live; for I love you!

CYRANO:   No; In fairy tales   When to the ill…starred Prince the lady says   'I love you!' all his ugliness fades fast   But I remain the same; up to the last!

ROXANE:   I have marred your lifeI; I!

CYRANO:   You blessed my life!   Never on me had rested woman's love。   My mother even could not find me fair:   I had no sister; and; when grown a man;   I feared the mistress who would mock at me。   But I have had your friendshipgrace to you   A woman's charm has passed across my path。

LE BRET (pointing to the moon; which is seen between the trees):   Your other lady…love is come。

CYRANO (smiling):   I see。

ROXANE:   I loved but once; yet twice I lose my love!

CYRANO:   Hark you; Le Bret!  I soon shall reach the moon。   To…night; alone; with no projectile's aid!。 。 。

LE BRET:   What are you saying?

CYRANO:   I tell you; it is there;   There; that they send me for my Paradise;   There I shall find at last the souls I love;   In exile;GalileoSocrates!

LE BRET (rebelliously):   No; no!  It is too clumsy; too unjust!   So great a heart!  So great a poet!  Die   Like this? what; die。 。 。?

CYRANO:   Hark to Le Bret; who scolds!

LE BRET (weeping):   Dear friend。 。 。

CYRANO (starting up; his eyes wild):   What ho!  Cadets of Gascony!   The elemental massah yes!  The hic。 。 。

LE BRET:   His science stillhe raves!

CYRANO:   Copernicus   Said。 。 。


CYRANO:   Mais que diable allait…il faire;   Mais que diable allait…il faire dans cette galere?。 。 。   Philosopher; metaphysician;   Rhymer; brawler; and musician;   Famed for his lunar expedition;   And the unnumbered duels he fought;   And lover also;by interposition!   Here lies Hercule Savinien   De Cyrano de Bergerac;   Who was everything; yet was naught。   I cry you pardon; but I may not stay;   See; the moon…ray that comes to call me hence! (He has fallen back in his chair; the sobs of Roxane recall him to reality; he looks long at her; and; touching her veil):   I would not bid you mourn less faithfully   That good; brave Christian:  I would only ask   That when my body shall be cold in clay   You wear those sable mourning weeds for two;   And mourn awhile for me; in mourning him。

ROXANE:   I swear it you!。 。 。

CYRANO (shivering violently; then suddenly rising):   Not there! what; seated?no! (They spring toward him):   Let no one hold me up (He props himself against the tree):   Only the tree! (Silence):   It comes。  E'en now my feet have turned to stone;   My hands are gloved with lead! (He stands erect):   But since Death comes;   I meet him still afoot; (He draws his sword):   And sword in hand!

LE BRET:   Cyrano!

ROXANE (half fainting):   Cyrano!

(All shrink back in terror。)

CYRANO:   Why; I well believe   He dares to mock my nose?  Ho! insolent! (He raises his sword):   What say you?  It is useless?  Ay; I know   But who fights ever hoping for success?   I fought for lost cause; and for fruitless quest!   You there; who are you!You are thousands!   Ah!   I know you now; old enemies of mine!   Falsehood! (He strikes in air with his sword):   Have at you!  Ha! and Compromise!   Prejudice; Treachery!。 。 。 (He strikes):   Surrender; I?   Parley?  No; never!  You too; Folly;you?   I know that you will lay me low at last;   Let be!  Yet I fall fighting; fighting still! (He makes passes in the air; and stops; breathless):   You strip from me the laurel and the rose!   Take all!  Despite you there is yet one thing   I hold against you all; and when; to…night;   I enter Christ's fair courts; and; lowly bowed;   Sweep with doffed casque the heavens' threshold blue;   One thing is left; that; void of stain or smutch;   I bear away despite you。

(He springs forward; his sword raised; it falls from his hand; he staggers; falls back into the arms of Le Bret and Ragueneau。)

ROXANE (bending and kissing his forehead):   'Tis?。 。 。

CYRANO (opening his eyes; recognizing her; and smiling):   MY PANACHE。


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