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the life and adventures of santa clause-第17部分

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And often; when parents were kind and good…natured; Santa Claus would simply fling down his package of gifts and leave the fathers and mothers to fill the stockings after he had darted away in his sledge。

〃I will make all loving parents my deputies!〃 cried the jolly old fellow; 〃and they shall help me do my work。  For in this way I shall save many precious minutes and few children need be neglected for lack of time to visit them。〃

Besides carrying around the big packs in his swift…flying sledge old Santa began to send great heaps of toys to the toy…shops; so that if parents wanted larger supplies for their children they could easily get them; and if any children were; by chance; missed by Santa Claus on his yearly rounds; they could go to the toy…shops and get enough to make them happy and contented。  For the loving friend of the little ones decided that no child; if he could help it; should long for toys in vain。  And the toy…shops also proved convenient whenever a child fell ill; and needed a new toy to amuse it; and sometimes; on birthdays; the fathers and mothers go to the toy…shops and get pretty gifts for their children in honor of the happy event。

Perhaps you will now understand how; in spite of the bigness of the world; Santa Claus is able to supply all the children with beautiful gifts。  To be sure; the old gentleman is rarely seen in these days; but it is not because he tries to keep out of sight; I assure you。 Santa Claus is the same loving friend of children that in the old days used to play and romp with them by the hour; and I know he would love to do the same now; if he had the time。  But; you see; he is so busy all the year making toys; and so hurried on that one night when he visits our homes with his packs; that he comes and goes among us like a flash; and it is almost impossible to catch a glimpse of him。

And; although there are millions and millions more children in the world than there used to be; Santa Claus has never been known to complain of their increasing numbers。

〃The more the merrier!〃 he cries; with his jolly laugh; and the only difference to him is the fact that his little workmen have to make their busy fingers fly faster every year to satisfy the demands of so many little ones。

〃In all this world there is nothing so beautiful as a happy child;〃 says good old Santa Claus; and if he had his way the children would all be beautiful; for all would be happy。

The End  
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